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Everything posted by ZorikVartanov

  1. Well for attempting to sell anything it could be a different punishment same goes for real life planning a murderer and murdering someone has different punishments. At least for the first time it could be ban(not perm) + all adena removal or something (and extra monitoring ofc.). I don't like RMT'ers too but hey, ppl make mistakes everyday, you learn from them.
  2. i'm chaos? screens was sent to stiba and kiam no actions were made and i'm the chaos, ok...
  3. not we started it, don't try to turn it against us. it wasn't our fault.
  4. wow so rude i didn't said anything about rules, but i find it hard to believe that someone could want to kill someone from the same ally, i would never do that ^^ just you chn ppl think that you are above all others, that's the problem.
  5. there is nothing to talk about. your ally sucks if you even consider to kill someone with your ally crest.
  6. we was using ally crest, and what? some dumb WK came to kill us, that crest doesn't change anything. you just have too much mentally disabled ppl in your side. and as i can see from few last days you're one of them too.
  7. yeah becauase w/o chn side WS are piece of sh1eeeeeeeeet. feelsbadman
  9. *handless monster which dies from 57lvl mages and brings half chn ally to deal with them here ya go
  10. ZorikVartanov


    stop playing solo, join us!
  11. it's for sure enough ppl palying here, you can find ppl farming at forgotten temple, EV, ABG, LOA, BS. At peak times all spots are taken. Also it's international server so no matter when you log in u will find someone farming at different hours. Ofc most of server is playing at europe hours. Enjoy
  12. WTS BW ROBE SET x2 pm me here or send mail ig to "Draktharra