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Everything posted by MoDoy

  1. yeah, "farm" in loa heart, with all the pvps and sh1t we were doing like 1% per prime there if lucky but not going to try anymore to explain it to u, as i said, u didnt play duribg those times, so u probably just heard about situation, so second hand info
  2. i see, reaver made your ass hurt and niw u have butthurt opinion on WS, while u think during whole time on server WS was as strong as with reaver ps: i have never said my times were hardest in whole server history, i just said i joined weaker side, and u cannot comprehend it
  3. go play wow, u failed in l2 already
  4. actually no, for me winning side is the one who controls farming spots (and probably could count there epics) what exactly u get from castle if u cannot farm? absolutely nothing when u get kicked out of every possible spot, same goes for epics, except the fact that if u can farm at least epics, eventually u are getting stronger sure our top guys were farming uninterrupted? because there were few days a week we had to go with our 60 lvl cp farm inside loa heart (which was absolute pain, because our killing speed was terrible back then) just so we could help somehow survive those "high lvl parties" xping there, and even then we were loosing most of the fights if by "high lvl guys farming uninterrupted" u mean nnyxi cp botting in the middle of the night, then yes, gotta agree with u that was a thing
  5. i see you believe your own world, actually i bet u didnt even play in the times u speak about, and even if u didnt play in WS or UQ to know whats up i gave u many examples why we were weaker side, if u dont want to accept them, dont keep talking, maybe u will say something smart
  6. as u can see, even i wrote weaker and not loosing side, i cannot even call this "side" what enemies have now i am not playing martyr, we were weaker side and as i said, if i had my own cp, i would probably make my own cp clan and if someone was about to make side (not this joking around and running like bunch of sheeps), then i would consider joining weaker side more than the stronger side
  7. yeah, maybe we werent loosing 100% of the time, but we WERE the weaker side, and i joined it (when in fact we could join UQ or vigilance and enjoy epics and protection yeah, 1 guy reached 77, with bugged orfen and BS farm 24/7, so? there are ppl from opposition farming their PRs 24/7 in BS as well with orfen, does it mean they are doing fine?
  8. guess why that happened? because WS controlled LoA? because we controlled all the good spots? i dont think so
  9. u exactly described how it looked like before i joined perkunas and several months after that, but u totally missed the area when we were losing and that was the time i joined and played actively in cp
  10. i actually know who reaver is, i played here when he still played, but back then i was in ETC clan, which played from start as clan system, and then we somehow put together 1 CP (with weird setup, but who cared) and then i joined perkunas when reaver was not there anymore top at our playtimes, hilarious, coz from what i remember, we were getting ganged by 2 top lvl UQ CPs jumping from the karik bridge when we still farmed on sh1tty cave howlers, tell me how top is that?
  11. exactly, u can farm the item to get into that instance, however to get into it u dont have to go to top floor of ToI or something, the npc who ports u there is at toi 1, so its not really impossible to get in it i did what i said when i joined the server, why exactly would i lie? do u think if i joined server now, it would be different decistion than 9 months ago?
  12. its not, i joined perkunas not when they were winning and dominating, and since then i didnt leave them, i can tell u if i had my own cp, i would probably play as CP only having war with almost everyone or maybe i should change sides everytime someones starts winning? that simply calls for bad reputation and soon ppl would call me rat changing cloaks everytime wind blows (eventho it would be other way and me joining weaker side, ppl would find excuses)
  13. just wanted to make sure for myself, so i run cameras at night my time 2 AM situation? your cp farming heart, kiam cp farming abg, and some solo ES/anarchy/comadreas in BS (i didnt check karik bridge, so maybe there was someone, but thats still 1 party max), so tell me, where exactly are those 6 parties u are talking about? maybe its just me, but if i just joined the server, i wouldnt like to join WS ally, because there would be nobody to fight, actually i would like to join weaker side, but thats just my mindset maybe
  14. exactly, i was part of uchi cp in the past, when we pretty much suffered (other parties could aoe ABG, we could suck aden gatekeeper, yet u saw us trying to do something with LoA, u think we didnt try to persuade parties to go farm LoA to try to take it from u? but ppl preffered to xp w/o pvp, yet u didnt see uchiha cp going on forum and saying how the server is doomed and other bullsh1ts like fishfood party is doing right now (eventho they are pretty much freefarming LoA as well from what i heard)
  15. how its related to the sieges? its not, it was to point out ppl COULD have those nice fair mass pvps if ppl wanted, but nope breaking ally coz all of it can be whole online once every 2 weeks, cool (ps: i havent been in loa for quite some weeks, except like 1 gang few days ago)
  16. u know today making ~ 5 pts vs ~4-5 pts (i heard WS had 4 pts in loa, everywhere else it was enemy farming, so dunno if they had more) in LoA was doable? but enemies decided freefarming ABG/BS was better option than tryharding to pvp
  17. ah, so now its nobody who plays at your prime, is exactly your lvl and then he has to visit u to the loa heart to have 9vs9, good to know the conditions for 9vs9 yeye, all knows clickerino
  18. i would love to see all the epic chars of the lower lvl parties u have in your side, i bet they have fully stacked characters PS: our ally had AQ chars ready since september, yet u couldnt see us taking it for like 3-4 months since then, so its not about being lazy to make chars, liar my ass
  19. we have 4 parties in LoA right now (and enemies are farming in abg/bs), sup?
  20. good, so we lost this "hopes" 6 months ago, when it was fine
  21. i just counted 5 enemy parties right now farming (or trying to), the thing nobody can organize them to fight back is sad
  22. i can only laugh at this dodge so first u brag nobody would like to pvp u 9vs9 anymore, and 5 mins later u cry your bishop is 67 lvl? what the actual hell dude? maybe if your bishop wouldnt get double banned for botting, it would be higher, well too bad i can tell u that when perkunas were fighting vs vigilance or UQ, they were MUCH less lower lvls than those guys, for example uchiha cp joined this ally when it was at the early 50s, yet now they are core and one of the strongest parties in ally, so yes, go to EV, find some nice guys and help them grow, more u help them, faster they will help u sorry to disappoint u, but this situation wont change from day to day, it takes time to build a side, however nobody is even trying from your side to organize anything
  23. yes, last siege when ur alliance was in total desctruction, and yet we had 120 ppl more, not 180 (which is 50% more in case math doesnt tell u anything, so yeah, that IS propaganda) thats pathetic how u cry about not having numbers, yet i heard OOC is fighting certain jungle parties? not like u should try to invite anything whats left which is not in WS, but its up to u to decide who u fight, so stop crying and go, take leadership and organize your side, so u wont be like sheeps ps: nobody will fight u 9vs9 anymore? i dont think uchiha cp would decline to fight u anytime
  24. this screenshot is from the time when sieges were running, thats why u can see so many ppl, but i would love to see that any other day idk how many more ppl u had several months ago, but for sure it wasnt just by 10, maybe u forgot about all the sieges and u can remember just this one where your side we had more ppl, yet your side had 10 more ppl and u are blabling about it all the time same blabling is how we have 180 ppl more, did u get this number out of your ass? but gj with propaganda, instead of crying take the lead at put ppl together, because this isnt going to fix itself even if WS would break with some of the clans ps: yday AD was freefarming loa heart, anytime pt was freefarming abg top spot, where were these numbers?