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Everything posted by CommanderCuddles

  1. @pako I think there is a difference between donating maybe.. 20 or 30 euros or spending hundreds. I only speak for myself, but I'm not some huge 'donator'.. I think your argument is a little unfair. I'm not flaming anyone, everyone is entitled to their own opinion! That's why I made this thread .. However please allow some of us to voice ours, too.. without suggesting some 'solution' that is honestly a bit insulting.
  2. Yes it is.. it doesn't give any stats. It's not like a castle cloak, hero cloak or any other. It's a visual item.
  3. I asked you if all items would be transferred, including non tradable ones, and you confirmed.. however none of this matters as the cloak is not account wide, it's character bound due to the fact that we have no dimensional trader to send account bound items from char to char, so it's all null and void.
  4. As there isnt a working dimensional merchant, it wouldn't be possible. That is all. :>
  5. Is an epic jewellery piece comparable to a visual accessory now? L2 sure has changed.
  6. Well, it's an unfortunate situation.. since as this poll is being made late into the season, a lot of people are going to vote no if they already have one, and also vote no if they can't afford one themselves.. which is a little unfair but that's the way of it! Once again, this will only give cosmetic items to people.. at a cost which will only benefit the server. I saw San0 comment on a post a while ago about how the majority of the servers income comes from people doing class changes etc, why not cosmetic items? They don't affect gameplay and some people are more than willing to purchase them. Lets see how people vote!
  7. Hi Guys, I thought I'd make a poll here.. since I'm sure people will feel both ways! Before posting and flaming.. please keep in mind that it's Christmas, so lets try keep with the Christmas spirit and be friendly! <3 With the new Santa event (Which is great by the way) I'm seeing a lot of people (myself included) really want to get a cape.. with good reason, they're gorgeous! .. However as it is the holiday season and a lot of us are spending time with our families, children and loved ones.. we don't have the time to commit to obtain one of these lovely capes .. and even if we did, unfortunately we aren't all blessed by RNG! I'm suggesting that the capes be added to the CoL store at a high price, this way making them obtainable for those that are willing to help the server out a little for them and also help the server in the new year! I see a couple possibilities. 1) Add them to the store for a high amount of COL. - This is to lower the overall amount of CoL already present on the server, and in the long run will encourage more CoL purchases which should in turn, bring in more donations and help the staff of Classic Club! 2) Add them in with a new Christmas custom currency.. which can only be purchased at Christmas and cannot be traded. This will mean some manual work for the staff here (similar to the way paypal purchases are processed via skype) however this will mean that EVERY cape purchased will provide instant income for the server, meaning no one will be able to use a stack of CoL's stored up.. and the server gets instant income for their new year! If you feel like there are any other possibilities, please feel free to post! However I please ask that you be realistic, and don't ask capes to be added for adena or something similar.. they're gorgeous items, and while I would like everyone to have a chance of getting them.. we must also be prepared to pay the price and help the server where we can for the new year! Have a merry Christmas and a great new year! - Cuddles @San0 @Kse @Koll
  8. I asked him.. I'd pay 30 euros for a cloak np. it's a big opportunity for admin team to make some $$ at christmas.. Only have the items in for a week untill event ends, put them in for 300-400 COL.. easy money and lots of happy customers. Win win win. What do you think? @San0 @Black Sails
  9. @San0 Asked you yesterday on skype @ 11:56 AM.. Didn't want to post skype chat here
  10. Nope. It's via the character transfer option. You can place the cloak on a level 1 character and then using a support ticket pay for your character to be transferred to another account. I've asked San0 on skype, and he's said this is allowed.
  11. WTB; Blue Wolf Gloves (Robe/Light/Heavy/Sealed) Death Whisper SB - Bought Haste SB - Bought Binding Cubic SB - Bought WTS; Improved EAB (IEAB) x2 - Sold
  12. @Rip Thanks for the quick answer Also .. not to beat on about the same subject, but does this also apply to songs, dances & CoV/PoF/PoW etc? I.E All buffs. Just to make sure I get no nasty surprises after investing a few hundred hours
  13. oh.. I see. However, if I'm lets say.. fully PP buffed and my pet dies and then I resummon, my pet will still have full PP buffs, correct? @Mr.Velik
  14. Hi guys, Just a quick question! Do summoned pets retain buffs after dying and being resummoned? I.E if I am buffed with 'MIght' and my pet dies, when I re summon the pet, will it also be buffed with might? Also, in addition to the above question, have summons stats been reduced/modified in any way? I understand this server isnt 100% true to official classic files.. For example, has the Patk of Cats/Ponies etc etc been reduced/changed at all? Thanks. @San0
  15. Well guys, had a load of fun here. Was a pleasure to play with you all. Something to have a little laugh at as I say goodbye By the way, if you're new and reading this, please know this server is awesome and you should 100% come and play it! .. I had to try.
  16. I dont think you understand. It will RUIN the D grade market.
  17. ​Agree 100% pls dont impliment this highrate bullshit. ​its a nice place i think every place is nice as long it is not instanced ​It'll destroy D grade market and everyone will get boss jewellery too fast.
  18. ​Agree 100% pls dont impliment this highrate bullshit.
  19. ​your clan is suck )))) you - stupid brazil Congratulations you retard P.S. it`s random pt , they are all noobs this is just for exp ​I'm from London, England. But alright, Brazil it is then. uaeuaheu. My clan? You mean the clan that's 2 weeks old yet pushes your groups out of their AoE spots all the time? ):
  20. If to implement both systems is hard/impossible, then I would have to go for automatic one (sadly) so i can exp while at work or sleeping to catch up top lvls. Everything about this comment is disgusting. No offence buddy, but L2 is a game where you get out what you put in. If you expect AFK XP & Fishing, I suggest try Black Desert. ​
  21. Your tank is bad. Your damage is bad. Congratulations on starting AoE! You'll get there. :>