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About SoSalty

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  1. SoSalty

    LF CP

    up , im a part of them now lets own thiss !!!!!!!!!
  2. u are a botter , u dont need gear bruh
  3. another like me who quit here waiting for 2.0 and going to official .. ggwp keep doing the great job
  4. SoSalty


    this guy calling ppl spammer while she dont use 5 mins to watch other posts about 2.0 WTF ok bb u'll come back when 2.0 its ready bruh !
  5. start wondering whats gonna happends next if 2.0 isnt released soon , since now everyone is SELLING and not buying items , mats price is getting lower and lower and items are going same .. for what we play now? rearch lv 76 and make C-B items ++? you noobs only care about 2 sides pvping and flaming each other about zerg , u all are dumbfucks and dont have nothing do to forgot to say : fishfood aka retarded botter in all servers he play
  6. ​this moderator removing my posts , idk why but btw .. fishfood i know u and all things u said are good , just this guy its a qqer .. dont deal with him , its an idiot
  7. SoSalty

    bd lfc

    bd 52 lfc , pm in forum
  8. SoSalty

    assasin quest

    ​allright thanks mate , i was killing him by 1 hit .. thats the problem
  9. SoSalty

    assasin quest

    i wasnt in any party and yes it said me to go and kill calpico ..
  10. im having a bit of troubles doing this quest , i already killed "calpico" and his followers 4-5 times and still not receiving the quest item .. someone can help me?
  11. SoSalty

    WM system

    i just need a feedback from someone who understand what it is and can explain me what i have to give the administrators , cuz i dont have any clue