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Everything posted by Neemis

  1. ​There was a table with all the nukers and summoners, no supports, that I couldn't post because I'm at work. "All mystic classes" is pretty clear, I know, but the supports were not included in that table, even though they are mystics as well. It would be nice to have that skill. You can halve it, and it would still be better than nothing. Another thing I was thinking of was if you could make the skill Recharge to magic crit, like heal does. It would be nice to get something like 1.5x or 1.25x crit on it. And you can personalize it so that SE crits more amount and EE crits more often. Just saying.
  2. I was reading about the 2.0 patch on Innova and saw some interesting changes regarding nukers and summoners, they all get a skill named Master of Magic which gives Cast.Speed + 9%, Magic Critical Chance +10. But it doesn't say anything about supporting wizard classes. "The WIT parameter changef so that:-Because of class balance, the bonus from WIT is reduced, but each mystic class gets a skill named "Master of Magic" as a compensation." Upon changing how WIT works, only those classes are compensated for loosing ~7 WIT. Will you give this skill to SE, EE, PP, Bish, OL, WC too? Also, Might of Heaven is described as not for undead only, which means it becomes a nuke for every monster. Will you make it like this on our server?
  3. I thought that only powi sucks, but seeing that pof and powa dont buff every stat, it calms me down.
  4. ​I think all prophecies got watered down a bit... Also they're like on level 78 or so, no? It might very well get changed in 2.5 or so until we mortals get on that level ​I had hoped that all prophecies to give the same stats, but with maintaining their specialty. Powi is useless...
  5. OK.... now that's something I didn't expect. Guess I'll play something else from now on. Such a pity, really liked it here. Thank you for answering.
  6. So... will POWI (prophecy of wind) have these effect in 2.0: -> Max HP +20%-> Damage magic critical attack rate +20%-> Critical attack rate +20%-> Ability to absorb 5% damage to HP of any short-range physical damage-> P.Atk +10%-> P.Def +20%-> Atk.Spd +20%-> M.Atk +20%-> M.Def +20%-> Casting Spd +20%-> Resistance to de-buffs +10-> Decreases movement speed 20% or will POWI have these old-style effects: - Accuracy +4 - Evasion +4, - Atk Speed +20% - Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP - Critical +20% from behind - Critical Damage from behind +20% - Debuff Resistance +10%
  7. Your answer is incomplete for my need of information. Can someone fully answer to my prophecy question?
  8. I was reading this topic at work and had some ideas, but I forgot them. I remembered some just now: 1. Could you give SE and PP Resurrection as same lvl as EE or maybe one level lower than EE? It's not much but it might help when people die at farm. 2. Instead of no level limit, you could just add exp loss at sieges. It gives you a reason to farm more and as a plus you will make some extra SP. 3. You could give SE a buff like Holy Weapon, but instead it's called Unholy Weapon. And it can give 10 or 20 dark attribute (for both fighters and mages) BUT for PVE. In this case necro and SH wouldn't be OP in PVP. 4. As I said in some other post, make teleportation free up until lvl 41. And I have a question for the Admins regarding the future Shillien Saint in 2.0: will SE prophecy be old school, like it only gives VR and some dagger backstabb chances or will it be updated to give matk, casting, atk spd, etc. like in Gracia or whatever update it was? Same question for EE prophecy.
  9. I started playing here this weekend, when I was searching for some other classic server, because the one I was playing (1 month old) was kind of boring and didn't feel rewarding. How many levels can you farm and get 30-50 adena? I hardly made 30k and couldn't buy anything. The first thing I do when I find a new server is go to the forums and read about the server features, possible updates and if it's dying or dead. The thing that convinced me to quit my lvl 20 toon on the previous server was the topic about 2.0 Update and the "personalization" of the game play. Reading that Shillien Elder and Prophet will get Might of Heaven really convinced me to give this server a try. And the other stuff written in those patch notes seemed very interesting. I wouldn't mind, if I were an old player, if the new players get some timed D equipment and some shots. I don't know what will I do when my NG weapon will disappear but I hope to farm some adena and get maybe a low D. I wouldn't even bother to buy a 10kk D armor. With that money I think I could get karmian or devotion (didn't check luxury shop, teleports are too expensive). I would make teleports free until lvl 41. If someone wants to play on a server, he/she will play. I don't care if it's 1 month old, or 8 months old. If it's still alive, not bugged, no java crap or NPC buffer with full buffs or gameplay manipulating donations, I would give it a go. You should advertise the forum more, place some server info on the website (like rates, adena, exp/sp). As I said, I always check the forums to see if there are posts from previous days. If there are posts from May or June and no others, I will think it's dead. This server seems nice, I will stay here. Don't care if people are way ahead of me in levels or gear. I will make those too. If I reached endgame too fast, I would just stop playing and go find another game.
  10. Neemis

    Server lag

    I don't have skype. I changed to German proxy and it seems fine. Was on Europe proxy when it lagged. Thanks for answering.
  11. Neemis

    Server lag

    Hello, I'm new to this server. From what I've read on the forums, it seems like a nice one to start playing on. But I have a little problem: From time to time the server lags. I click to move but I stay in place. If I'm moving and want to change direction it doesn't. If I click a mob or a NPC, the selection appears with a delay. This is lag, it doesn't last much, but you can die in some situations. I don't think it's my internet connection. I haven't found other topics about this.