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About Rinek

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/20/1993

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  1. We are active on the Euro Classic feel free to put in applications and join us there!
  2. Can't wait for server to launch! Draqla putting in hard work to give us the true classic experience! Thanks for doing what Innova or NC West wouldn't :)

    1. FryderykChopin


      Same here can't wait ?

  3. Fenrir I dont see an application im pretty sure i accepted yours awhile back
  4. Fenrir if your gonna play with us come post your class on forums, we are getting a list together
  5. Yes we would prefer to play on retail but EU classic confirmed today it will not be out for months and months. So we will be moving here. We are still recruiting looking for some good solid members. More info on our site
  6. NeverSummer Harbingers should just join us! Lets Unite and own the server
  7. Added you thanks!
  8. Alot of our players are from USA. Most on East Coast and rest are all over.
  9. Well some people in the clan may be what you would call "no-lifers" so probably not