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Everything posted by ROKRizzo

  1. ROKRizzo

    Team ROK VS Fun

    ​wow man, i think i hit the lottery. i dont really care about the boost and donation. attention? man look all vids from vigi and perkunas from euro prime are interesting, and then you watch how rok gankes SOS and ABG. yes you can use bres, but my point was that you would die without 5 bres against lower levels and mixed party, easy to understand i guess. you make a good point, you must make videos of pvp if u are good at it. but u are not. i play a lot of classes and maybe it would be interesting to watch but i never record and dont think i would do good at it. you cannot talk against my point about the timezone, it is stupid to say that it is childish. even your ally think you dont have competition. ​You are clearly a child. You said you don't care about boost and donation But you keep saying the same thing from a few weeks ago. even it doesn't matter. This is last time about i give you attention. You are making yourself other players call you "Hater" don't waste Your time. more exp your character or show your great control to a lot of players ^^
  2. ROKRizzo

    Team ROK VS Fun

    res is right bres is wrong? lol This is just one of many ways of pvp. Why do you think this is important? Why cannot admit defeated? Important is to our 1pt, you have lost 1.5pt more ppls with good equipments better than us. There are many players like you in Korea. To make a lot of players recognize you, upload your pvp videos. and show all players your great play. if you can't, you are just a person who needs "attention" The reason why we do donate is we have to make premium account our buffers. We cannot make with only exp drop items. Your blaming koreans on your sides. All know that all players hwarang have used more than 1000euro each others. KH said he used more than 3000euro, and his equips is bellion+12 and +9 armor,jewelry is all +6 some ppls who moved to us from hwarang are called "KH is hard donater" many mages have the same weapons with us. But armors and jewelry is better than us. if You have a complaint about different prime time zone with us, You are really a child. take win over us with your great control. P.S: Stop spam. many ppls no have enough time to care for you. I respect some opinions that ciriticize when we does wrong. The reason why we upload videos is cuz we want more koreans to come to here from server facebook. Not for your fun
  3. Yes. 4game was bought from NCsoft and modified for eu/russian. I think when them updated 1.5 there were some wrong files. and they seem to be trying fix it now
  4. In korea official server, those skills no have critical. some skills marked have critical It's mistake by NCsoft. Fatal Counter also no have critical and The classic client is not a new creation. It was created by changing the old version. So sometimes They was wrong information is written
  5. ROKRizzo

    vs Fun collection

    ​ ​they are newbs, hope they will not learn.​ ​Even if u pull agro on bd, u cant be one shoted, and after some agro OL or Bish with mass heal/cp regenerates bd. . And most of people skip bd, and dont attack him, our bd never uses + con dyes, and he has 600+ pvp, because he jumps on healers or other stuff, and with root+sting he makes kills izi pizi, like on EE or Bish. WIth hex and simple hits its a lot of damage, and for protection WC+SWS is enough. So it depends on what ur bd suppose to do. ​pvp on our server is low skills bro, watch some solid gvg. bards tank and enemy tries to kill them fast so they dont give s/d not saing we are skilled ​If i do gvg, of course i delete zerk. But I can still win enough to pvp with them. without erasing zerk. So i didn't erase zerk. I'm first time playing BD class on this server.
  6. ROKRizzo

    vs Fun collection

    Sorry. next time I will upload without curtain. Thanks for advice Happy new year.
  7. ROKRizzo

    vs Fun collection

    ​they are newbs, hope they will not learn. Show me your play You didn't better than us:) ​we do every day better then u, when u watch us record its 68-70 lvl vs 70-75. you record 74 vs 60-68. was interesting to watch, but 74 lvl gank on abg. p.s. nobody saies u are not strong party, u have the level and i guess u have good online. p.s.s. nobody will find out if u are strong or just dont have competition on your prime We are playing only 4hours a day. and Sometimes We do gank at AB But if you have a complaint about this You clearly have some problem. Many ppls have more playtime. and if You want to gvg with us send me mail. It will be very interesting. I hope you show me what is a good play. in gvg Happy new year.
  8. ROKRizzo

    vs Fun collection

    ​they are newbs, hope they will not learn. Show me your play You didn't better than us:)
  9. ROKRizzo

    vs Fun collection

    I know that. We did a lot of pvp with them But still didn't need enough tanking to delete zerk. When i think it. dangerous I delete zerk before pvp. Thanks for advice and Happy new year.
  10. ROKRizzo

    help me pls

    You were a Santa Claus. You dropped the Christmas gift box.
  11. ROKRizzo

    vs Fun collection

    ​​How to place the video in the publication? ​Press the Start topic and Click the link button and insert Your youtube link.
  12. ROKRizzo

    vs Fun collection

    ​He was played with hwarang. and Some ppls changed class a few day ago Joker(Necro) > Spellhowler, Demon(Necro) > Sorc
  13. ROKRizzo

    vs Fun collection

    awWe are same the prime time with them. I hope to enjoy pvp with good players. So we are trying to make a chance for pvp with european at the their prime time. Have fun.
  14. If I really wanted to buy CH in real money, I could buy it for cheap price from ochoba But I want to buy it legally and I have to buy it through an auction. Do you know how much adena you have to spend to get it? I didn't buy Adena in real money, so I don't know how much it trades. But I think I'll have to bid more than buy from ochoba Because I don't know other users have bid on adena, I have to bid a lot of adena to win an auction. I just wanted to get it in a legitimate way.
  15. I did not play When you played on this server. What FriendShip you are talking about. Sell your character for real money to enemies who kills your friends? I never thought of you as a friend. If our alliance leader Soil doesn't want us to leave first, We will be with him and We will never change, You don't know how much effort Soil is making for the ally, I can't believe that you were a Clan leader You are just a selfish person and We are people most who value the community. ROK peoples including myself fluent in English, Sometimes mistakes and misunderstandings occur. I am trying to reduce this field and become a true brother.We will do everything We can for the ally
  16. If you really don't want RMT why didn't you answer my reply?? Why did you reply only bait?? And I know You're interested to ROKDevil's girlfriend Did you foget to send her friend application on facebook? I have screenshot. Look in the mirror Do you imagine how suprised she was? It does not matter to find my information But You did like a monkey. Don't do that. you was like sell your soul to the game. Do something useful in your life and do something worthwhile. Why do you want to live your life in the wrong way?
  17. I contacted him through a forum message. 14.Oct(same time) I asked proudly. Paypal or adena to choose. And I made an offer to him with adena 700kk and he had no reply. Because we asked him Adena and cash (bait) at the same time, he replied to bait only. We felt that he wanted real money and since then we spent a lot of time working on the plan. And I was waiting for that time because I thought he was going to sell as his character. And when he sold his character to SURVEILLANT (One of the member in clan hwarang), I told GM when I thought the evidence was enough. But the experienced GM said he could not do the BAN and I proceeded with my plan to get more evidence.
  18. I'm already explained to GM Yesterday Why I did this with that screenshots ^^ You are alone in fantazy. Do not waste your precius time The game is a game. It would be better to know your job at a time find infomation about me.
  19. Don't be like a kid black monkey. You are 29 years old. Do not play game all day, Go outside and start work That's for Your life. Everything will be judged and decided by GM. You did RMT and I did not. If I did RMT, bring the evidence. really foolish and stupid.
  20. ​I sent to GM first about that screenshot and I didn't press the Submit button if i had sent to him my money, He would post evidence But He can't because I didn't send to him my money I pretended to use an order for poof. Stop crying hwarang
  21. When I talked with you. told Admin that you were doing RMT And i just kept acting collect the evidence.
  22. Keep it up, Whatever you say, You have sold the character to hwarang for real money and many peoples know that They are not your friends.
  23. Check it. I just worte, I didn't send it It was a trick to show you^^
  24. You need to check more I didn't buy it in Real money You want sell only for Real money So I was acted for BAN If i had bought it in Real money, It must have been already. Check forum mesagge I sent mesagge to buy it as adena Do you still believe that i will give you real money? It was a trick to BAN you^^