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Found 12 results

  1. I am curious about the number of new players logging on daily on the server. I came back to L2 classic club lately, after a nearly 4 year break and I can't simply find any low level group to do any bosses or similar activities as AoE parties etc in a lvl range of 20-50 (There was a group once, at enchanted valley) What are your insights people? I'm looking forward to hearing from everybody
  2. Good news Everyone ! This is a guide about the experience and levels in lineage II. This guide is made for new players but also the experienced players will find many useful information. The guide shows the experience needed to achieve the different levels and a description of many items, skills and mechanics of how the experience works. I hope you enjoy it. All the information shown in this guide is gathered from the test server. What is experience? Experience points are the points necessary to level up your character. When you get a certain amount of experience points, your character will achieve the next level. The more level your character is more strong and greater skils it has. The experience points are mostly obtained by hunting mobs. And SP? SP means Skill Points. The skill points are the points necessary to learn skills. They are always earned when you earn experience. Experience from Level 1 to 60 At this section is shown the total experience needed to achieve the levels 1 to 60 and the experience needed to level up at each level. Experience table Experience chart Experience from Level 61 to 82 At this section is shown the total experience needed to achieve the levels 61 to 82 and the experience needed to level up at each level. Also there is an estimation of the SP earned and the time needed to level up for each level. Experience table Experience chart Bonus Experience and Skill points (SP) In this section there is a brief description of all the different Bonus and boosts you can get in game for Exp and SP. Over-hit Bonus. When you kill a monster with an skill that has the Over-Hit property you can earn more exp from the kill. The exp increase is proportional to the overkill damage. The maximum exp increase is around 30%. I wont explain in detail how this works. Party Bonus: Party size. Clan Bonus: Clan skills and Clan rewards. Clan Bonus: Castle related. Item Bonus: Consumables and Event items. Penalty Experience and Skill points (SP) Party Penalty: members level difference. Hunting Penalty: mobs level difference. Death penalty and Resurrection experience recovery Death Penalty Resurrection experience recovery Some Skill points experiments
  3. Albani


    Привет всем, у меня такая просьба, мне нужна помощ отмыть карму, я сегодня отмывал, но за 3 часа только 110к отмыл, а мне нужно 5.4кк кармы слить, 52 лвл , сами понимаете, в шмоте норм опасно отмывать, в д шмоте это убогий фарм... сливать лвл до 20 тоже нет смысла... может кто не против если на хвост упадуна недельку, напариках ? ну или можно еще как то договориться)
  4. 4 days later from character creation
  5. Where i can get fast exp for gladiator 40+ ? with buffs pp 48-52+
  6. Hello, I know the death penalty is 10% but i've heard that it decreases after a certain level. Is that correct ?
  7. Floy

  8. koijhy

    Party exp-duda

    tengo una duda, ¿cual es el % de experiencia recibida por pj en una party de 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/ en este servidor Clasico?
  9. 4-5 days past and everyone has felt adena/exp rates on themsevles. Type please your opinion about poll answers. P.S Not for OBT, i mean Live
  10. Here is a suggestion from korean classic wiki, one of the changes they made quite early on, samy applies for drops %, as there vere reports about adena drop etc...u can get inspired by this table, since koreans already found out its not wise what they did in first classic release.
  11. PoPeScU


    I wonder if the option to gain exp crafting for Warsmith is activated, thanks
  12. seppe

    Party exp

    Hello everybody I was wondering if we could change the party exp from the old way to a new way it has always bugged me in lineage 2 that well the purpose of a mmorpg is that people play with eachother in an online game. But most of the time in almost any mmorpg people will play solo just because you can level up faster. Sure they do get together for a dungoen and a raidboss but that is about it and some pvp left and right in most cases 70% of the time will be played solo. so why not change that ? I know there is some kind of formula that each time a player joins a group that the exp will increase in total. But most of that effect is in a full party of 9 players and that is if nobody needs to leave every 20 or 40 minuts. Lets simplify that shall we. Lets say I kill a mob wich gives me 100 exp. Now somebody joins my party and we get a party bonus of 10% each player joined. Now we kill an other mob now i get 110 exp from that mob. And if we finally get to that 9 player party. kill the same mob again and now I recieve 190 exp. I am hoping that this effect will help players make more parties with everybody they come across. If this is possible offcourse the party bonus eachtime a player joins does not have to be 10% but can be lower. The point is that there is an increase in every player joinned Further more i am only talking about exp not adena or drop increase and etc.. only exp here. So what do you guy's think ? Please leave some comments below.