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Found 3 results

  1. I belive if rates are decressed, the server longevity is automaticly incressed with it, and while you can say that its "too hardcore" the strix / achivment stuff will help alot with easing this pain tbh. Lets say we instead do x2 rates (perferably I would even say x1), with the current bonus with runes and stuff, it will still be pretty good for "casual" and more relaxed type of people, while making it slower and simply incressing the lifespan of the server Also the argument against it I see often is that when people die, they log out cause they lose alot of XP and with lower rates, ppl will die 1 time and log out to wait BRES in next day. Woudnt it be a smart idea to perhaps change how this system works? For example lower the amount of XP you lose if you die to a wartag (lets say you will lose 2% at level 76+ and if you click "to CH", you recover 50% of this XP so technacly you lose only 1%) . With this, you will give more incentives to having wars up, more incentives to die fighting (lets say if you get PK you lose 4%, if you die to normal flag you lose only 3%) and just automatly incress the life span of the server About boxing, I would love if server was true 1 box, but I can get behind 1+1 for people that just want to play classic by themselves and relax. What I cannot support is people having access to more PCs and beeing able to log as many chars as they want, that will just completly murder 80% of active supports and just push people towards full solo play so they can hoard all resources and rewards to themselves, killing the sense of comunity that parting with others brings. I think if we wont reduce it to true 1 box, at less we shouldnt allow more then 1+1 per IP, with a special case beeing applied to people that share house with family / friends / pets that also wish to play the server
  2. so, on offi they've set exp loss on death to 4%( since the previous 10% chased off most casuals and PvP died after hitting mid-high levels ), and increased the adena drop of x3( since 1/6 of C1 was way too much of a handicap ). will we get the same improved rates here at Live launch, or will we stay with the 1.0 default crippled rates? i'm asking because changing them in order to match retail would simply make the game less grindy, and PvP way more enjoyable for everyone. any answer from the admins will be appreciated.
  3. 4-5 days past and everyone has felt adena/exp rates on themsevles. Type please your opinion about poll answers. P.S Not for OBT, i mean Live