
Few questions for start !

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I want to start playing today but got few questions:


Is there any gift for new players ? Some buffs/ gear for start ?


Which classes are overpowered on pve/pvp in this chronicle ? Solo mainly


Thanks in advance

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For AOE better play Warlords.
VR was changed as he worked on the old chronicles - with a permanent effect.
Daggers in Classic are not very.

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In next update sleep is somewhere around 1 sec casting like it was it old C2 ?

​Classic do not need to compare with the old chronicles. He has his own way of development.

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Welcome. First, check this:


-In classic 1.5, a stat can be increased by +12 by using dyes: There is not a limit like before (+5 max). But there is no SA for weapons.

-Land rate of debuffs is high, depending primarly on difference between user's skill level and target's level.

For PvP, Gladiator has been improved a lot compared to old chronicles, or compared to other warriors: 

1)Added stun effect in Sonic Blaster

2)Added Hex effect in Triple Slash

3)Sonic Move: Is like a Dash lv.1 for 30 seconds, but it can be active 100% of time (recast time = 30 seconds)

4)Dual Weapon Defense: Physical skill evasion Rate +40% like Ultimate Evasion lvl 2(30 sec). But For 1 minute

5) All damage-skills can be used without Sonic Focus


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I want to start playing today but got few questions:


Is there any gift for new players ? Some buffs/ gear for start ?


Which classes are overpowered on pve/pvp in this chronicle ? Solo mainly


Thanks in advance

​Daggers are weak for solo pvp or pve, archers are good for pt pvp and raid pt, mages and warriors (tyrant/glad/warlord) are good for aoe pve. Strongest solo class for 1v1s etc is glad/necro/tyrant, tyrant has insane burst dmg and speed, glad has ranged stun and necro has anchor + fear + transfer pain ;). Dorf is pretty strong on solo pvp too cos of keeping enemies on perma stun . Destro is good for solo killing mobs 1 by 1, but frenzy and rage are extremely nerfed compared to old. Frenzy gives 13% ptk or smth like that, Rage gives around 25% p atk on 2 lvl, destro is tankier and has lower dmg than before. VR works only on meele auto attacks (doesnt work on aoe skills or archers or mages)

About AOE farm: Necro is best for BIG trains because he doesnt have max target limit on aoe skill so he can hit even 50 mobs with 1 aoe. Tyrant has the best dps with aoe but has limit of max 15 targets. It has 2 aoe skills with 3 s reuse each.  Warlord is also great for aoe because hist stuns land with 90% chance on same lvl mobs as warlord, he has also pretty decent aoe dmg and ranged aoe stun, ull find party easy with warlord. Other warriors like destro,glad,warsmith can aoe too but not as effective as these 3 classes i mentioned above.

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I want to start playing today but got few questions:


Is there any gift for new players ? Some buffs/ gear for start ?


Which classes are overpowered on pve/pvp in this chronicle ? Solo mainly


For example is it worth to play destroyer for aoe ? how VR works ? Does gladiator have focus stages ? How are dagger blows ?

​1] u get a shadow top no grade weapon and some buffs scrolls. as they're not permanent, you'll have to buy new gear after hitting 20, especially because you won't be able to do much alone anyway, unless you have a friend buffer, a box or playing as a summonner.

2] for PvE, it depends pretty much on your playstyle. you can solo with any class if you have decent/top gear, althou the fastest way to exp is still the traditonal one by doing trains, either with mages or spear users.

PvP wise, mages and archers have the advantage due to range, followed by gladiators and warlords due to ranged stuns.

3]if you have a SE as buffer, yes, it is worth to do pole trains with destro.

VR has been changed here, and it works 100% of the times only on normal close range hits. ranged attacks, skills and spells are not included.

Gladiators still have to rely on Focus energy to perform skills.

Dagger blows are pretty much like playing with a roulette, you either get lucky and land them all, or u land none. chance is about 50% below lv20, after that it may get a bit better depending on class, dyes, etc, but in the end it always depends on positioning.

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mostly people that want extra money.

or buffers that want to leech some exp if they can't find "better" party setups, wich is actually good for people that want to keep spoilers at low level too.

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