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San0 I have question, do y know M atack or INT influance on debuffs land rate? ( Like silence sleep fear hold ) If y have 2000 m atack or 200 will be any diffrence in land rate of debuffs?

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No, it doesnt influence at all. you can cast debufs w/o weapon with same land rate. Same goes for con, wit, men, they dont give any bonus for debuf resist


p.s Sano could u stun test with this script showing land chance, with different con values cos ppl often argue  with me that con gives resist. Plz :)

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men doesnt give resist mental attacks? Y sure? 

​100% sure on offi, 90% sure here cos mby there could be some bug, lf sano test confirm

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i run some test on this when ill have the time, but the stats have very few influence on debuffs in general.

its mostly skill lvl and char lvls. buffs. and ofc epics.

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