
New perkunas Camera in Loa

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Try harder by talking, maybe you can win on this. This guy Lokiardy came to gank at EV today like 3 times and he died like all times with Lulaelf. Yesterday jacktheelpyripper did the same and were dying too, also roxthepr went -4 and he pmed all of proud that he had aden castle, like they took aden to die on 50 lvl mobs xD 

​so i got rekt?:) u are the one who agrroed and blocked me in game :)

i just want to say its not true. i died 1 time when i was vs koukou, greenlightds and soil. then i came with 5 62-65 lvl guys and made u click on bsoe.

u are a clown if u cant take a lose, the thing how u guys started to trash the chat from the twinks is ugly. u are a clown, not a leader.

p.s. when we level twinks we kill all the time -4 wars who come to kill our high lvl suppor, we just didnt know its such a big deal)

​Do you think because you came with 5 65 lvl I can kill them all alone? Fcking trashes.

You can do everything you are too pro :(

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Try harder by talking, maybe you can win on this. This guy Lokiardy came to gank at EV today like 3 times and he died like all times with Lulaelf. Yesterday jacktheelpyripper did the same and were dying too, also roxthepr went -4 and he pmed all of proud that he had aden castle, like they took aden to die on 50 lvl mobs xD 

​so i got rekt?:) u are the one who agrroed and blocked me in game :)

i just want to say its not true. i died 1 time when i was vs koukou, greenlightds and soil. then i came with 5 62-65 lvl guys and made u click on bsoe.

u are a clown if u cant take a lose, the thing how u guys started to trash the chat from the twinks is ugly. u are a clown, not a leader.

p.s. when we level twinks we kill all the time -4 wars who come to kill our high lvl suppor, we just didnt know its such a big deal)

​Do you think because you came with 5 65 lvl I can kill them all alone? Fcking trashes.

​u started laughing that i come ev and fail, i dont care. u are the one who saies something and then fails uppon his words.

we dont say we never pr/bsoe, we dont say we easy kill 9vs9 and so on. u say it and fail.

koukou 75, green 75, soil 75, some wl i guess 55-60 and i remember low lvl bishop healling you. so i guess u were not alone:)

and again, i dont care how u play and who u kill. i dont want to say that u are rambo and must kill everybody, its u guys who tells us u kill us easy and dont bsoe.

see u on field, i think the discussion on this topic should get to an end.

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Lokiardy is funny, usually cames gang to EV and ... down  :D
70 vs 55 

​down? im looking for wars in ev with loki, u poor guys 55? i remember multiple times killing 5-8 people. i dont think its easy under castle buff against archers with bards. btw, ask your ally how to pvp 75 vs 62.

usually wars farm on CDLs in ev and use high level lure and support, dont see the problem to come and kill them, or gifts like archer cp

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Kids playing ball.

Waiting to see pvp videos from vigi side....oh wait...damn you haven't won a clan vs clan battle in 1 week +...I guess rendering for you not a problem, while I got 16 gb of mass pvp vids.

Guys were so awful didn't even had a taste to upload them on my channel ~

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