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Auction House offer rejected

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what is this? I wait 2 week to accept items, and then this.

​sealed items i guess? i had same problem, ive put there items once, after 2 weeks rejected, so i wrote ticket why, reply was u cannot put sealed items there

i didnt find myself, but are there anywhere written some rules for auction? (at least what items will be rejected for sure, so ppl might read it and be warry of that)

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Theres various reasons why items can be rejected.

If your char is not higher then certain lvl.

If u add more then x items.

If your item has too low prices.

If theres too many of those items already.

And some more...

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Theres various reasons why items can be rejected.

If your char is not higher then certain lvl.

If u add more then x items.

If your item has too low prices.

If theres too many of those items already.

And some more...

​So i will be adding items on AH, and u will be rejecting them and so on, and so on and we will be playing cat and mice? Sounds fun :)

U should add this info somewhere.

I guess i think i know where is problem, but its nonsense anyway.

This time i've added from low lvl char, but still its on main acc with main char, so whats the deal.

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Theres various reasons why items can be rejected.

If your char is not higher then certain lvl.

If u add more then x items.

If your item has too low prices.

If theres too many of those items already.

And some more...

​i put a BW breastplate in BUY NOW price in 2 euros... and was accepted and selled.. my mistake hehehe, but i wish to were rejected, but no. just some lucky guy buy for 2 euros:

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