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Force Relog on video

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nothing weird, show something similar with classes without UD

u know once u forcelog yourself during combat, your character stays in game for like 10s doing nothing, and then it logs off? yes, thats why tanks can do it with 30s UD, they most probably wont die even when they are not doing anything

i got similar event once, i got perma feared with mobs on me (but mobs are slower than player) and the moment i saw i will eventually go to corner where mobs will kill me, i force logged myself, when i logged back to character screen, i could see myself with half HP, and i logged in that corner, which means in those 10 seconds i had fear, i eventually came to wall and mobs started hitting me, however it was not enough to kill me in that 10s (because the mobs were light blue)

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This trick works since l2 created. First it was without a delay - that was really annoying - everybody had 2nd window loaded and if smth bad happend - instantly disconnect themself.

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