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Auction item rejected ?

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 i set  normal price on low B items 1 euro starting price  buy out 2 euro and bid step 1 euro and  that kid  all time reject it ....  normal ppl cant make eurky there or what ?

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2 hours ago, maara said:

 i set  normal price on low B items 1 euro starting price  buy out 2 euro and bid step 1 euro and  that kid  all time reject it ....  normal ppl cant make eurky there or what ?

what level is your character?

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2 hours ago, maara said:

 i set  normal price on low B items 1 euro starting price  buy out 2 euro and bid step 1 euro and  that kid  all time reject it ....  normal ppl cant make eurky there or what ?

Summon @MoDoy he loves this topic :D.

Auction has some strange rules and u cant set up reasonable price to sell item (considering 1 euro = 2.7kk in game) you must instead set up price +/- same as other guys price for same item in auction. I remember @MoDoy tried to sell bw hvy gaiters for 5 euro (= 13,5kk while in giran harbor its hard to sell for 10kk, but auction was rejected and he had to set up price 10 euro = 27 kk and no1 gonna buy his item now :( ). So probably you set too low price

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2 hours ago, Rizos said:

Summon @MoDoy he loves this topic :D.

Auction has some strange rules and u cant set up reasonable price to sell item (considering 1 euro = 2.7kk in game) you must instead set up price +/- same as other guys price for same item in auction. I remember @MoDoy tried to sell bw hvy gaiters for 5 euro (= 13,5kk while in giran harbor its hard to sell for 10kk, but auction was rejected and he had to set up price 10 euro = 27 kk and no1 gonna buy his item now :( ). So probably you set too low price

i even changed my price after they rejected it 5 times to what they said, AND they still had a problem a i bet it will be rejected :D sometimes its absolutely hilarious

i mean, i dont expect staff to check in game prices everyday, so rejecting once, twice, ok, but after u explain them in ticket that prices of BW gaiters dropped by half while CoL price increased almost twice, so i cannot put item for same price it was 2-3 months ago (and those items wont be ever sold, coz they are overpriced now as **** and they make prices upon them)

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