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Hello! few questions here

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Hello, bored with official Chronos pay to win bullshit so i figured i would go back to classic. Got a few questions concerning classic club, if anyone wouldn't mind taking some time to answer that'd be awesome :)

How's the server population? Active pve? pvp? sieges?

Is it worth it to start on the server? I know new players gets some benefits to help speed up the lvling, but is it really worth it to start when most of the players are all 76+ ?

Since we cant dual box for free (lol) is there a npc with basic buffs on this patch?

Considering most clans are recruiting 70+ from what i've seen on the recruitment forums, what are good classes to lvl up fast now and what classes are needed the most later?

Any english speaking clans recruiting or it's mostly all russians now?


Edited by ekiM

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57 minutes ago, ekiM said:

Hello, bored with official Chronos pay to win bullshit so i figured i would go back to classic. Got a few questions concerning classic club, if anyone wouldn't mind taking some time to answer that'd be awesome :)

How's the server population? Active pve? pvp? sieges?

Is it worth it to start on the server? I know new players gets some benefits to help speed up the lvling, but is it really worth it to start when most of the players are all 76+ ?

Since we cant dual box for free (lol) is there a npc with basic buffs on this patch?

Considering most clans are recruiting 70+ from what i've seen on the recruitment forums, what are good classes to lvl up fast now and what classes are needed the most later?

Any english speaking clans recruiting or it's mostly all russians now?


- Server population is 1500-2000? We dont know... but in towns and exp locations is a lot of players =) I think server is both like pve / pvp (u can choose what u prefer more), sieges? We have 3 big sides here and every side has 100~ ppl in CC for sure someone more.....

- I think yes it is worth to start.. Here is a lot of new players which making parties for exp and starting here everyday and its not true most players are 76+

- No NPC buffer lul this server is not some high rate shit, you need ur own box buffer or just join some party in party matching how I said a lot of low lvl parties exp here....

- Only top clans recruiting 70+, you can find clan which recruiting 40+, 55+, etc... ofc most classes which are needed are supports like BD, SWS, etc....

- Here is mostly english speaking clans.... this is not russian server... yes russians playing here but rly not much

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1 hour ago, ekiM said:

Hello, bored with official Chronos pay to win bullshit so i figured i would go back to classic. Got a few questions concerning classic club, if anyone wouldn't mind taking some time to answer that'd be awesome :)

How's the server population? Active pve? pvp? sieges?

Is it worth it to start on the server? I know new players gets some benefits to help speed up the lvling, but is it really worth it to start when most of the players are all 76+ ?

Since we cant dual box for free (lol) is there a npc with basic buffs on this patch?

Considering most clans are recruiting 70+ from what i've seen on the recruitment forums, what are good classes to lvl up fast now and what classes are needed the most later?

Any english speaking clans recruiting or it's mostly all russians now?


Sieges. Only two sides in video. 46 min not bad. 

Edited by ProGressive

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1 hour ago, ekiM said:

Hello, bored with official Chronos pay to win bullshit so i figured i would go back to classic. Got a few questions concerning classic club, if anyone wouldn't mind taking some time to answer that'd be awesome :)

How's the server population? Active pve? pvp? sieges?

Is it worth it to start on the server? I know new players gets some benefits to help speed up the lvling, but is it really worth it to start when most of the players are all 76+ ?

Since we cant dual box for free (lol) is there a npc with basic buffs on this patch?

Considering most clans are recruiting 70+ from what i've seen on the recruitment forums, what are good classes to lvl up fast now and what classes are needed the most later?

Any english speaking clans recruiting or it's mostly all russians now?


Population on Classic club is split to 3 prime times. America > Asia > Europe

U can find here 3 bigger ally.

WK - China/America

Blue ally - Asia/America/ little Europe

WS - Europe

Every ally had/has and will has good/bad times. Right now, blue ally has big crisis. Europe prime time is only pve time right now. U can see very nice fight during America/Asia between WK x Blue ally.

U can find many no sides randoms clans. But be careful, many of them are dual chars from high lvl no lifers. 

No npc on buff, but people are selling buff in GH with their buffers. U can use party matching and u can build friendship with other players and from friends build own CP.

Before you is very long way, so u can learn more about history server and all sides. U will see than u hit 76lvl+, situation on server probably will be changed. 

From start, dont believe noone. Most of players are not loayal, they play for own profit, be careful by killling RB, by build CP and by choice side. U can be very long time neutral guy and prepare for big neverending war.


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And about new players. Right now i feel that there is more new players than old high lvls players (i might be wrong just my feeling)
All raidbosses 40+ are being farmed all the time

And also whenever i check, i see all spots 60 + taken (Ancient Battleground for aoe parties and TOI for melee/archers)

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The "competitive" community is questionable but the server is great and most definitely worth giving a shot, there is a place for everyone... i think ^_^ 

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Thinking about joining too, download client and see how it is 

LF for a english community to play with and i hope this server will provide that

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