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Mail expiration date

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i was wondering if someone knows how exactly this mechanic of mails work. the question is:

you send mail to someone -> he doesnt accept it -> you get "send back" mail with 14 days expiration deadline

what happens if you dont accept the "send back" mail in those 14 days? the items will be put into WH? (and what if WH is full?) will they jump into your inventory? (what if inventory is full?) or will they simply go into narnia and you will never be able to claim those items again?

thanks in advance

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Similar question about birthday gift - what are the requirements to receive it? 
Some chars that are 2-3 years old has 1 gift, some 2 gift, some don't have any. Gifts that are received are placed in WH(after not claiming it from email). Is there certain requirements for logging in etc. to receive the birthday gift?

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8 hours ago, MoDoy said:

i was wondering if someone knows how exactly this mechanic of mails work. the question is:

you send mail to someone -> he doesnt accept it -> you get "send back" mail with 14 days expiration deadline

what happens if you dont accept the "send back" mail in those 14 days? the items will be put into WH? (and what if WH is full?) will they jump into your inventory? (what if inventory is full?) or will they simply go into narnia and you will never be able to claim those items again?

thanks in advance

from personal experience i ll tell you if these mail expire they go to ur wh.if ur wh were full they are still there but u cant see them. so you need to clear some wh slot. then u open again wh and the mail expired items show up there

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