
7th Anniversary Contest!

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Dear friends!


Just 1 months left till our server's anniversary - 7 years!

Let's start preparing for the celebration!

And step one is a Big Forum Contest with Huge prizes!


Contest will have 4 categories


1. L2Classic.club 7 years Anniversary Gift card

To participate in this category, you need to create a Gift card to congratulate our sever with it's 7th Anniversary


  • It should be made based on your screenshots, your own hand or digital drawing. Screenshots or drawings have to be made by you, and not taken from the Internet
  • Gift card should have full server name i.e L2Classic.club
  • Gift card can be edited in any graphic redactor
  • If Gift card is based on ingame screenshot, use Alt+H to remove bars and other unwanted content

How to participate:

  • Create a Gift card
  • Send it to Kse via Private Message here on forum with the Title: 7th Anniversary Contest - Gift card
    You need to use forum uploader to attach the image
    If you have forum bug when you can't enter the message, send your work via email to kseclassic@gmail.com with same title, and with your forum nickname! Without forum nickname work won't count as a participation as we can't know who sent it.

2. L2Classic.club 7th Anniversary Video

You like making videos and working with video editors? Great!


  • Beginning and the end of the video should have L2classic.club logo/intro
  • Video should clearly contain 7th Anniversary celebration theme
  • Video shouldn't contain other servers videos
  • Video's text/audio can't contain offensive language, any racism, or other forbidden on our server content
  • When making a video in game, use Alt+H to remove bars and other unwanted content

How to participate:

  • Create a Video
  • Upload it on a YouTube (make sure it's not private)
  • Send it's link to Kse via Private Message here on forum with the Title: 7th Anniversary Contest - Video
    If you have forum bug when you can't enter the message, send your work via email to kseclassic@gmail.com with same title, and with your forum nickname! Without forum nickname work won't count as a participation as we can't know who sent it.

3. L2Classic.club 7th Anniversary Comics

What our server would be without good humour sense of both, our players and us?

So let's bring some fun to the celebration!


  • Comics should be made based on your screenshots, your own hand or digital drawing. Screenshots or drawings have to be made by you, and not taken from the Internet
  • Comics can be edited in any graphic redactor
  • Comics text/images can't contain offensive language, any racism, or other forbidden on our server content
  • Comics should clearly contain 7th Anniversary celebration theme
  • Comics should have L2classic.club logo

How to participate:

  • Create a Comics
  • Send it to Kse via Private Message here on forum with the Title: 7th Anniversary Contest - Comics
    You need to use forum uploader to attach the image
    If you have forum bug when you can't enter the message, send your work via email to kseclassic@gmail.com with same title, and with your forum nickname! Without forum nickname work won't count as a participation as we can't know who sent it.

4. L2Classic.club 7th Anniversary Art

This is a "Free category", which means, you can participate here with every Art, made by You!

It can be drawing, cooking, sculpting... But in any case it has to be related to our 7th Anniversary


  • The work has to be made by the participant
  • The work should have our server name (L2Classic.club) on it
  • Pictures of the work can not be edited on any graphic redactor

How to participate:

  • Create a piece of Art
  • Make a picture of it. 
  • Send it to Kse via Private Message here on forum with the Title: 7th Anniversary Contest - Art
    You need to use forum uploader to attach the image
    If you have forum bug when you can't enter the message, send your work via email to kseclassic@gmail.com with same title, and with your forum nickname! Without forum nickname work won't count as a participation as we can't know who sent it.


Participation in the Contest finishes on October 23 at 23:59 CEST time. All works, added after this time, will not be accepted. No exceptions!

Winners of the Contest will be announced on October, 24.

Every Player can participate in 1, 2, 3 or all 4 categories.

Maximum 3 works are being accepted in each category (if more than 3 works will be sent from the same player, only first 3 will be counted)

Every category will have 3 winners. (The number of winners can be increased by Administrator's decision if number of participants will be high)

Every participant, who will not win, will get guaranteed participation prize


Prizes for winners:

Permanent PA
Color Title
Any Hat or Agathion from Nostalgia NPC or our previous events by your choice
Cloak from ones we had in previous events or Item vault by your choice
Mount of your choice (Elk, Wing Hound, White Wing Mount)
100 CoL


Prizes for participants:

2 weeks PA
5 EXP scrolls
7 days Pegasus Agathion

If a player won in a category, he is not getting participant prize for the same category, no matter how many works were submitted.
If a player didn't win, he will get 1 participant prize for each category he participated no matter how many works were submitted in each category.
Prizes are not tradeable, and can not be transferred to another account/character after they were delivered


All works will be open to public along with winners announcements!


By participating in the contest, Players allows L2Classic.club Administration use contest works for server advertisement and in other ways.


We wish you all a Great time on our server! 


L2classic.club logo - logonew.png

L2classic.club Intro - download HERE

* Mount can be used only by characters 76+ with completed 3rd Class quest 


Best regards,

Classic Team

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Dear friends!

10 days left till contest participation is over!

Let's check on participations for today!


Gift Card

eXtremeBDSM - 3 works
freefarmer - 1 work
Asiasta - 1 work
hangle - 1 work
iKing - 1 work
MrLisboa - 1 work
1 work from unknown forum account


lFury - 1 work
Creative1365 - 1 work
iKing - 1 work


iKing - 1 work

Kimballs - 1 work (pending)
hangle - 1 work
archa - 1 work


If you do not see your name in the list, please, contact me and we will find your work


And for the players, who didn't participate yet!
There is still time, but hurry! Try to not leave your participation for the last day! So you will not miss the time in case your work will get lost!


Classic Team

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Dear friends!

Just few days left till contest participation is over!

Let's check on participations for today!


Gift Card

eXtremeBDSM - 3 works
freefarmer - 1 work
Asiasta - 1 work
hangle - 1 work
iKing - 1 work
MrLisboa - 1 work
Kim - 3 works
Leonardo Marchioretto - 2 works pending, not accepted yet! Check my feedback
ZxP - 1 work pending, not accepted yet! Check my feedback
Kimballs - 1 work 
PJR - 1 work 
bjack - 1 work
Jakdu - 3 works
Dionas - 1 work
Syts - 1 work
LeandroX - 1 work
Dilson - 1 work

1 work from unknown forum account


lFury - 1 work
Creative1365 - 1 work
iKing - 1 work
VVV - 1 work
DarckMira - 1 work


iKing - 1 work


hangle - 1 work
archa - 1 work
Leonardo Marchioretto - 1 work
KpeaTuB - 1 work
hansol - 1 work
AutoK - 1 work
Tiy - 1 work


If you do not see your name in the list, please, check your forum PM/my email replies and contact me so we can find your work!


And for the players, who didn't participate yet!
There is still time, but hurry! Try to not leave your participation for the last day! So you will not miss the time in case your work will get lost!

And few important notes for players, who is still going to participate!

  • Do not send us pictures using links from external websites! Use forum uploader. If the forum is not allowing you to do so, send me an email with uploaded picture.
  • Do not send us works in both PM on Forum and email. 1 message is enough. 
  • If you are applying by email, do not forget to send us your forum nickname. We can not accept your work without a nickname

Classic Team

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Dear friends!

1 day and a bit left till contest participation is over!

Let's check on participations for today!




Gift Card

eXtremeBDSM - 3 works
freefarmer - 1 work
Asiasta - 1 work
hangle - 1 work
iKing - 1 work
MrLisboa - 1 work
Kim - 3 works
Leonardo Marchioretto - 2 works
ZxP - 1 work 
Kimballs - 1 work 
PJR - 2 works
bjack - 1 work
Jakdu - 3 works
Dionas - 1 work
LeandroX - 1 work
Dilson - 1 work
CWT - 1 work
netinho - 1 work
TheFox - 1 work
Zarich - 1 work



lFury - 1 work
Creative1365 - 1 work
iKing - 1 work
VVV - 1 work
DarckMira - 1 work
RodriGORE - 1 work



iKing - 1 work
Armed Cruck - 1 work
coreee - 1 work
HuaHua  - 1 work
ksoul - 1 work
ZxP - 1 work
hansol - 1 work



hangle - 1 work
archa - 1 work
Leonardo Marchioretto - 1 work
KpeaTuB - 1 work
hansol - 1 work
AutoK - 1 work
Tiy - 1 work
Zarich - 1 work
yasmir - 1 work
PJR - 1 work
masterhello - 1 work
Kimballs2 - 1 work



If you do not see your name in the list, please, check your forum PM/my email replies and contact me so we can find your work!


And for the players, who didn't participate yet!
There is still time, but hurry! Try to not leave your participation for the last day! So you will not miss the time in case your work will get lost!

And few important notes for players, who is still going to participate!

  • Do not send us pictures using links from external websites! Use forum uploader. If the forum is not allowing you to do so, send me an email with uploaded picture.
  • Do not send us works in both PM on Forum and email. 1 message is enough. 
  • If you are applying by email, do not forget to send us your forum nickname. We can not accept your work without a nickname

Classic Team

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Dear friends!

Less than a day left for the end of participation!

Here are all participants for the current time!


Gift Card

eXtremeBDSM - 3 works
freefarmer - 1 work
Asiasta - 1 work
hangle - 1 work
iKing - 1 work
MrLisboa - 1 work
Kim - 3 works
Leonardo Marchioretto - 2 works
ZxP - 1 work 
Kimballs - 1 work 
PJR - 2 works
bjack - 1 work
Jakdu - 3 works
Dionas - 1 work
LeandroX - 1 work
Dilson - 1 work
CWT - 1 work
netinho - 1 work
TheFox - 1 work
Zarich - 1 work
wwmark - 1 work
Solidus - 1 work
Setzer - 1 work
Lykra - 1 work



lFury - 1 work
Creative1365 - 1 work
iKing - 1 work
VVV - 1 work
DarckMira - 1 work
RodriGORE - 1 work
Solidus - 1 work
Zarich - 1 work


iKing - 1 work
Armed Cruck - 1 work
coreee - 1 work
HuaHua  - 1 work
ksoul - 1 work
ZxP - 1 work
hansol - 1 work
Zarich - 1 work



hangle - 1 work
archa - 1 work
Leonardo Marchioretto - 1 work
KpeaTuB - 1 work
hansol - 1 work
AutoK - 1 work
Tiy - 1 work
Zarich - 1 work
yasmir - 1 work
PJR - 1 work
masterhello - 1 work
Kimballs2 - 1 work



If you do not see your name in the list, please, check your forum PM/my email replies and contact me so we can find your work!


And for the players, who didn't participate yet!
There is still time, but hurry! Try to not leave your participation for the last day! So you will not miss the time in case your work will get lost!

And few important notes for players, who is still going to participate!

  • Do not send us pictures using links from external websites! Use forum uploader. If the forum is not allowing you to do so, send me an email with uploaded picture.
  • Do not send us works in both PM on Forum and email. 1 message is enough. 
  • If you are applying by email, do not forget to send us your forum nickname. We can not accept your work without a nickname

Classic Team

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Latest update on recently accepted works:

Setzer - 1 work

iKing - 1 work
Pajuodele - 1 work
sangkyu - 1 work
dilson - 1 work

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And participation time is now over!

Let's see last 4 participants:


Zeperios - 1 work
KpeaTuB - 1 work


ziegfeld - 1 work


lPoledance - 1 work

If you don't see your name in participants list, please, contact us so we can find your work!

Tomorrow we will be picking and announcing the winners!
Good luck to everyone!

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Dear friends!

Here are all participants in the contest!

And we want to thank each and every one of you for joining the contest with your great works!


Gift Card

eXtremeBDSM - 3 works
freefarmer - 1 work
Asiasta - 1 work
hangle - 1 work
iKing - 1 work
MrLisboa - 1 work
Kim - 3 works
Leonardo Marchioretto - 2 works
ZxP - 1 work 
Kimballs - 1 work 
PJR - 2 works
bjack - 1 work
Jakdu - 3 works
Dionas - 1 work
LeandroX - 1 work
Dilson - 1 work
CWT - 1 work
netinho - 1 work
TheFox - 1 work
Zarich - 1 work
wwmark - 1 work
Solidus - 1 work
Setzer - 1 work
Lykra - 1 work
Syts - 1 work



lFury - 1 work
Creative1365 - 1 work
iKing - 1 work
VVV - 1 work
DarckMira - 1 work
RodriGORE - 1 work
Solidus - 1 work
Zarich - 1 work
Ziegfeld - 1 work


iKing - 1 work
Armed Cruck - 1 work
coreee - 1 work
HuaHua  - 1 work
ksoul - 1 work
ZxP - 1 work
hansol - 1 work
Zarich - 1 work
Setzer - 1 work
Zeperios - 1 work

KpeaTuB - 1 work



hangle - 1 work
archa - 1 work
Leonardo Marchioretto - 1 work
KpeaTuB - 1 work
hansol - 1 work
AutoK - 1 work
Tiy - 1 work
Zarich - 1 work
yasmir - 1 work
PJR - 1 work
masterhello - 1 work
Kimballs2 - 1 work
iKing - 1 work
Pajuodele - 1 work
sangkyu - 1 work
dilson - 1 work
darksinger - 1 work


And we are now choosing our winners!
As soon as we are set, we will come with the announcement!

Good luck to everyone!


Classic Team

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Dear friends!


All rewards, requested to that moment, were delivered!

Rewards, claimed from different forum accounts were NOT delivered as they have to be requested from participation forum accounts

If your reward was not delivered, and you have requested it, please, resend me request letter

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