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New Player, and a lot of questions

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Hello everyone,

i'm Damian, 26 yo, i live in france.
Today i found this server and by nostalgy, i will join it for remember old years of farming with friends.

I started play L2 since c4, so i have some questions about the gameplay:
- best farm mage char?
- best buffer/support char as dualbox ( i will buy PA)

For farm, peoples use mostly fighters or mages ( for alone farm or little party ?)

It's easy to find a clan or CP?

If anyone have place for beginner i'll be glad to join them :)
I can play from 18-20h and 21h - ........   GMT +1.

Cya soon in game :)

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i dont see many ppl playing support, just hope you can find some to make a CP

about your 2 questions:

- necro, sps, but think you should go for necro, CDL will be great help in 50+

- Shilen elder, ofc

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Best I think is to go SPH or NEcro + SE. U can farm with cdl pretty good. Pick a bd also into party and easy CDL drakes. Good exp. If u go active support, most of clans will pick u. Damage is not a problem at 50+ :)

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Last noob question...

Farming alone with mage is not simple due to lac of Manna... i know i got bad experience on HR servers.

What about fighters? is there a good combo ( fighter+buffer) for playing alone?
if yes, my human mage is 20 lvl, so i can make prophet and exp one fighter for my own party?

thanks for answers


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The prophet is okay for an archer and that`s it. If you want a fighter you`ll need a warcryer for the vampiric rage or find a SE that will buff you. You can still go with a prophet and a melee character but he`s pretty much the best option for an archer - as a box.

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fighter solo is kinda impossible for 40+, mage is a different story, since every top farming map all has one kind of elite mob, you can search their info in this site: , the name you should searching for is Snipe, Darklord, Dragon Bearer

with 12 wit dye on Mage, they can solo these elite mobs kinda easy, espeacily sps since they have fastest nuke skills out of all mages

but, you know, fighter have a huge advantage since their stun landing rate is almost  100% at the same level, 2 mages vs 2 fightes ? mages get raped into pieces

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Hey man. Welcome! I'd like to tell you not to worry about anything. It won't even be necessary to create a box, probably. There's plenty of active people online and trust me you will be finding parties/random people/supports to group up with and farm 90% of the time. You're the one who talked about nostalgia, so do it the right way. Plus, you could create a box in the future if you think you need it. Welcome, have a nice stay :)


p.s: THIS and only THIS is the server that will bring you back awesome memories and make you re-live some things from the past. Trust me, I couldnt believe it either ^^

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