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Vampiric Rage WC vs SE

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VR of wc is not working like SE. May you check it please?

​according to their skill description on l2 central they working in different ways.


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VR of wc is not working like SE. May you check it please?

​according to their skill description on l2 central they working in different ways.


​I read the description of of both skills. They are identical.

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VR of wc is not working like SE. May you check it please?

​according to their skill description on l2 central they working in different ways.


​I read the description of of both skills. They are identical.

​russian is not my native language so i used translator and for wc it says physical on the other hand it doesnt give any specification for vampiric rage


"Наделяет членов группы эффектом, благодаря которому с определенным шансом 6% нанесенного врагу физического урона восстанавливается в HP. Время действия: 20 мин."

"It gives all party members the effect by which has a chance of 6% caused by physical damage to the enemy is recovered as HP. Duration: 20 min."


"В течение 20 минут с определенным шансом возвращает 7% HP от нанесенного врагу урона. "

"For 20 minutes, returns with a certain chance of 7% HP from the damage inflicted on the enemy."


so any russian feel free to give a better translation of this than google

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VR of wc is not working like SE. May you check it please?

​according to their skill description on l2 central they working in different ways.


​I read the description of of both skills. They are identical.

​russian is not my native language so i used translator and for wc it says physical on the other hand it doesnt give any specification for vampiric rage


"Наделяет членов группы эффектом, благодаря которому с определенным шансом 6% нанесенного врагу физического урона восстанавливается в HP. Время действия: 20 мин."

"It gives all party members the effect by which has a chance of 6% caused by physical damage to the enemy is recovered as HP. Duration: 20 min."


"В течение 20 минут с определенным шансом возвращает 7% HP от нанесенного врагу урона. "

"For 20 minutes, returns with a certain chance of 7% HP from the damage inflicted on the enemy."


so any russian feel free to give a better translation of this than google

​google translate is right. 

in next update VR nerfed.

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