
Illegal software?

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As I was sitting in game waiting for my HP to refill, I opened SciTE to continue writing code. (I made a script that can change episodes on an a specific anime site with only one click. I can provide some of the source code if you don't believe me.)
When I thought it was time to go back, there it was. A big warning message saying about illegal software being used and that my character will be banned. After a few seconds I was kicked from the server. :o

At first I thought "What the hell? Something is wrong with this protection system". Only SciTE, Firefox and L2 was opened.
I relogged immediately, but the same thing happened right on character select. ¬¬

After I closed everything, I tried relloging again and but this time it was totally fine, no warnings, nothing.
The moment I opened SciTE, everything went *ape $h!t* and I was kicked.
Even without opening a script and just having SciTE there sitting with an Untitled empty document open, still gets you kicked.

Character used: Lilynette

Why is this specific program blocked? Why isn't there any information about this? Shouldn't we know about it before hand?

I don't want to lose my characters over something like this.

Also this is my first post on the forum. Great! *sarcasm*

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As I was sitting in game waiting for my HP to refill, I opened SciTE to continue writing code. (I made a script that can change episodes on an a specific anime site with only one click. I can provide some of the source code if you don't believe me.)
When I thought it was time to go back, there it was. A big warning message saying about illegal software being used and that my character will be banned. After a few seconds I was kicked from the server. :o

At first I thought "What the hell? Something is wrong with this protection system". Only SciTE, Firefox and L2 was opened.
I relogged immediately, but the same thing happened right on character select. ¬¬

After I closed everything, I tried relloging again and but this time it was totally fine, no warnings, nothing.
The moment I opened SciTE, everything went *ape $h!t* and I was kicked.
Even without opening a script and just having SciTE there sitting with an Untitled empty document open, still gets you kicked.

Character used: Lilynette

Why is this specific program blocked? Why isn't there any information about this? Shouldn't we know about it before hand?

I don't want to lose my characters over something like this.

Also this is my first post on the forum. Great! *sarcasm*

​Hello. For some reason this program trying to inject in l2 ( like l2tower do ), that's why you was kicked. Will check this program and if nothing illegal in it - will add it in exception.

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Thank you.
The program I use is this.
It helps a lot with writing, running and debugging source code. I am using it to write code in AHK format at the moment.
It's basically a way better notepad. :D

​try notepad++ 

As I recall in the past you could not execute your code from notepad++ directly. You have to compile it and then run it. At least thats how it had to be for AHK.
Has that changed?
I will check it out. Thanks.

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Ye this system not perfect=) 1 time i had message like yours, when plug my LG cell phone to PC via USB Cable:D

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