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Well, we all know he's scamming.

But in this particular case he could just say that he already sold the Briga parts, and he only has that left.

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Well, we all know he's scamming.

But in this particular case he could just say that he already sold the Briga parts, and he only has that left.

​yea and he selling low NG helmet parts for 50k each. 10 points to Morim

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Well, we all know he's scamming.

But in this particular case he could just say that he already sold the Briga parts, and he only has that left.

​I agree, no way that anyone can prove he is scammer. Even though now is the case...

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Well, we all know he's scamming.

But in this particular case he could just say that he already sold the Briga parts, and he only has that left.

​I agree, no way that anyone can prove he is scammer. Even though now is the case...

​50K for NG helmet part is not enough for you? lol .. :D Ban that asshole.

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