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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Many times when I read these forums I wonder how many of you actually played L2 back in the day.... Most of you cry like little kids now... With that said I wonder if you were even born when L2 came out.... This is is how I take this server... These guys are working on a project to give all of us a chance to play a game we enjoy.... They did not demand any donations for there efforts they are simply donating there time to give us something we would all enjoy....( if you think your donations are going to make them rich in any way your an ass) since we all or most of us claim we played L2 back in the day we are adults now and understand that it cost money to run a project such as this..., we also understand that real life issues hold priority over gaming.... As we have all read the root admin is dealing with IRL issues at this time and I'm sure to him it is more important to him to deal with life then it is to deal with some immature 25+ year old that has failed to grow up, lives at his parents house and wants to play L2 Classic all day... so before you rip on the admins for not going live when " they promised us it would go live before the end of August " think of some of life's hardships that could have been thrown at them.., sickness, death, dealing with a loved one in any way... Think about how your bitching and crying will unmotivate them because frankly I'm thinking I would tell most of you to go pound sand and cancel the project as I'm sure it has cost them a good bit of coin and time for you to have a little fun.
  2. 1 point
    reading about "people running p.server for free with no profit involved" it's kinda fun and sad at the same time. naivity at its finest. as for the rest, it's always the same daily routine. bitching about promises not fullfilled will solve nothing, especially when nobody really gives a shit about it. the server will go Live when it will be ready. can't wait? then move on.
  3. 1 point
    There hasnt been an update on the Reports section from Manton or Draqla since August 18th. Vacation maybe? I mean they also need a break.