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26 pointsDear players! We are happy to announce, that 2.0 Zaken Update is ready! Live server will be updated on October, 7! Make sure to prepare a new Client by then! Client can be downloaded by these links: MegaNz Google Torrent Direct download Updater Client is pre-patched and ready to be used on OBT server. You don't need to update it! Later on it will also be added to Download section on the Website! Before Zaken will go Live, we will be holding some events on Zaken test server regarding new update, and posting important news, so, please, stay in touch! Best regards, Classic Team
26 pointsВ преддверии открытия мне вспомнилось, как Я начал играть в Линейдж. Начал играть Я лет 5 назад, на сервере х15 Gracia Epilogue. Оглядываясь назад, Я понимаю,насколько все это было несерьезно и забавно, мои потуги вкачать 80 лвл(85 тогда казался просто невозможным), а сборка того серва была убогой даже по тем меркам. Но все равно, каждый день Я и еще пять с лишним тысяч человек с удовольствием заходили поиграть вечерком, после работы, учебы. Со временем, все стало серьезней, люди начали собираться в КП и все изменилось для меня, сменился сервер, потом любимый класс, потом хроники... Начал играть в КП, пробиваться в топ, даже мувик как-то сделал Но линейка перестала приводить в былой восторг. Заходить стал по прайму, тысяча убитых мобов стала чем-то обыденным и весь этот волшебный мир куда-то испарился. Вместо него осталась серая рутина. И как бы NCSoft не пытались разбавить геймплей нововведениями новых хроник, им никогда не удастся, просто потому, что ТУ атмосферу создавали сами игроки, которым было в кайф после трудового дня зайти на этот лагающий, кривой серв, поубивать мобов в катакомбах, поискать сундуки и халявные фраги, пробежаться по квестам на пару с другом, потрещать в клан чате, продать только что наспойленое добро... Теперь об этом сервере(да и о Классике в целом). Должен сказать, что слежу за этим сервером уже довольно давно, играл еще на первой стадии тестирования, и еще тогда Я боялся, что сервер сфейлится. Нет, Я не считаю реализацию проекта плохой, лично меня привела в восторг сборка сервера, ничем не хуже руофа, хоть тут и было много багов(в основном это были неработающие квесты и неверный дроплист). Я боялся, что на сервер завалятся люди, которые начнут искать на форумах КП мемберов, дабы на открытии "ворваться" на серв. Боялся потому, что крики о том, что "сервер ФЕЙЛЛ!!11!" слышны только от тех, чье КП развалилось, кому не нашлось места в топ клане, проще говоря, неудачников. Да, в Ла2 все игроки(кроме гномов, конечно же ^_^) делятся на победителей и неудачников, причем первых ГОРАЗДО меньше, их единицы. Конечно, все хотят побеждать, потому и собирают КП, дабы стартануть быстрее, успеть отхватить кусок побольше и т.д. И никто не хочет признавать поражение, потому и "серв уг". "Да ты просто лузер, который играть не умеет, епта!*смачный плевок*" - можешь сказать ты. Ну как сказать, я играл в топ клане Condemned на playdefo x5, играл в пачке с КЛом, так что опыт у меня имеется, но не суть. Допустим, представим, что у тебя, мой дорогой нагибатор, у тебя и твоей пачки все получилось, что вы "нагнули серв", отжали все споты, насливали всех в пк и т.д. А что дальше? Ты остался один в песочнице. Да, у тебя есть все-все-превсе игрушки, но все дети ушли домой, им не с чем больше играть. Я видел кучу серверов с отличной сборкой, продуманым геймплеем, бешеной рекламой, которые фейлились за 2 дня просто потому, что люди понимали, что они не успевают вкачаться, нафармить, они проигрывают. Да тот же руКлассик сфейлился просто потому, что люди не могли угнаться за задротами-ноулайферами. Лично Я ушел оттуда потому, что Я не мог угнаться за топовыми ребятами, Я не мог сидеть по 10+ часов в день. И даже если из тебя выбили пушку, которую ты собирал 2 месяца, тебя будет напрягать именно дистанция между тобой и топом. Я все еще надеюсь, что этот сервер сможет вернуть мне то чувство волшебного мира эльфов, когда ты качался не для того, чтобы потом ногибать под Дионом, а потому что тебе нравилось смотреть, как твой персонаж становится сильнее; когда ты собирал шмот не для того, чтобы ножи тебе меньше пробивали, а для того, чтобы твой персонаж выглядел еще эпичнее; когда ты вступал в клан не ради халявного эпика, а ради того, чтобы вместе со своими сокланами сливать пк, которые мешают вашим новичкам качаться; когда ты знаешь, что СпС убивает в пвп, но все равно играешь дестром, потому что тебе хочется играть здоровенным орком с двуручным мечом. Я не жду, что прочитав мой пост все сразу побегут распускать КП. Я только хочу сказать, что не нужно гнаться за победой, ведь игра заканчивается, когда определился победитель. Не гонитесь друг за другом. Мы можем даже не начинать эту игру, а просто играть так, как играли раньше, до того, как стали собираться КП. И у нас все есть для этого.
25 points
22 pointsI was watching l2club media videos and i decided to make funny remix. I hope that you enjoy!
21 pointsToday i have movie for dagger fans cos its rly long. If u manage to watch it all grats for you ^^. In the end of movie there are pvps and oly fights with focus death. Worth to watch imo to keep motivation in grinding ^^. Server: L2classic.clubChronicle: Classic 2.0Nick: Rizo Class: Ghost HunterClan: NonFactorAlliance: No AllianceLength: 26:38 Scenery: PvP + Olympiad 2:45 - PvPs 7:54 - Olympiad 18:50 - PvPs with Focus Death 23:37 - Olympiad with Focus Death
20 points
20 pointsDiversity of Olympics - Spellsinger Month: December / January Server: L2classic.club Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Saviors Name: Lauria Class: Spellsinger (sps) Clan: - Alliance: - Length: 17:53 So here we go with 5th volume of Diversity of Olympics - Spellsinger. So first i will warn about some things, which some people might consider useful 8:25, fight vs xavierwulf (WL) takes very long fight and is mostly kiting, if you arent interested in that you can skip to 11:30, at 13:30 there is also addition of some text/TS to add context into my last few fights and why i played them as i played them (if i got those fights during first few weeks, i would 100% sure played it differently, but since i had to play EXTRA carefully, it was played how it was played ) and at 16:40 - 16:45 my sony vegas had brain fart and somehow didnt manage to successfully grasp the idea of rendering whole fight Thought about class, eventho it doesnt have hard CC (only sleep which is okayish but not on powerlevel of other CCs in olympiad), very fun class to play, you can adapt many different approaches to match depending on skill/equip level of your opponents, most of matches dont take too long and is not much kiting dependent, so far i think i enjoyed this class the most from all classes i played in olympiad Enjoy.
20 points
17 pointsDear players! We are happy to announce L2 Classic database! - L2db.club! We want all of our players to feel comfortable playing on our server and have all information possible about drop/spoil, it's rates and many more useful information regarding gameplay on our server. All information on L2db.club is based on L2classic.club Talking island x3 server settings, rates and features. Please, keep in mind that database is still in beta mode, so some features might be missing or not working as intended. We will keep working on it to make it as complete as possible. If you will find something missing or not working correctly, feel free to let us know. Best regards, Classic Team
17 pointstired...it's my last...make it louder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YztCR0ubKpA p.s. thanks to KIGOo, all FightClub CP and Perkunas members. Special thanks to: BizQQuiT, AXZP
17 pointshi few things u need to know @gfbot top crybaby of l2classic.club, he cry since 1.0 for pet shots, ingame he acts that he dont speak english. @Legiana worst archer l2classic.club goes in front at pvp and tank nukes, gives 1st blood. Keeps 1st place along with Cleef and Tys0n. Dont watch his vid - eye-cancer guarantee, and losing of all those minutes of life, never coming back. @MoDoy "human-forum" hes lives by forum and respond 20 sec after u create topic. Seems he has broken leg and didnt make it to be here on time. But works 99% of time. @FryderykChopin guy making cancerous topics on forum like "suggestion to allow botting", should be banned, but admins too wise. @Myrtan a guy that wants to become someone in game, but not. @realKingLeonidas fun guy at once, but got banned for botting, now acting bichy, known to be the only guy that flame administration members and is still allowed to play. @kkthx forum retard, writing smthing from time to time, not worth to pay attention. thats shortcut of most active members. Just avoid them on forum, or dont enter it at all at best, and u will have fun on our server. Welcome.
17 points
17 pointsScreenshots Event "My favorite place in Lineage 2" My memories Elves were born of water, making them fluid, agile, and infused with good magic. Deeply in tune with the forces of nature, they worship Eva, the second Goddess of Water. Elves excel at beneficial magic, archery, and singing above all. Special Abilities of the Race: Compared to the races, Elves can hold their breath longer and are better able to jump from high places. Characteristics: Elves are wise and quick-witted. Thay are fast in attack, movement and casting speeds. They also have superior marksmanship skills and higher evasion ratings. However, their attack strength is inferior to that of other races. Elven Fighters are those who trian themselves physically to protect the forest and their fellow elves from various enemies - including monters, Humans and Dark Elves.Elven Fighters are those who train themselves physically to protect the forest and their fellow Elves from various enemies - including monsters, Humans and Dark Elves. Fighters are most often young Elves with strong bodies and minds who occasionally leave the forest and journey to remote locations for training. Their basic equipment is a sword ans leather armor. Play style: Delicate, willowy, and graceful, Elven Fighters are adept warriors that practice precise, deadly swordsmanship. The mere sight of them wielding their long, slender swords has led some scholars to call their swordfighting the "beautiful dance." Char: AnnyNguyen
16 pointsYo, I wanted to share my thoughts about this server, maybe its not too late to fix it, in case other servers where ppl went/are going will be fail and ppl will search server to play in future. This post is subjective opinion, its not to brag or to flame. Some ppl might find it interesting, some ppl will discover unknown facts, other ppl (new) will know how is the situation. Lets starts with introduction of myself. Who doesnt care about private story can skip this =========================================== I played around 7 years on classic clubs 1st server - talking island. The server had good and bad moments. It was a bit seasonal, in winter more ppl played, and in summer ppl were making break. In general the server was succesful, one of not many servers that survived so many years alive in l2 history (it did even better than officials). It had its failures and things ppl disliked : auction house which in the end killed server because of star wars (every1 with +18 weapons and +8-10 armors) - remember this point it will be important later, 2nd problem was very slow updates but as there wasnt classic server competition, people could accept it and wait. Because of auction house, people invested real money and felt binded to the server and didnt want to leave it. Shady part of this was the source from where items appeared on this AH - Old players will know, for new players i guess you can realise by urself. Dont get me wrong it also had possitive effect - cps that wanted to start on server could just "cash in" and in 2-3 months they were on equal lvl as other players, just missing epics. Continuing the introduction topic, for the big part of talking island server i was pleased/had honor to/had passion to test new server updates, advice rebalance/new things/new ways of server development - ofcourse i didnt get anything for it, not col nor real money. I was doing if from passion and i have no problem with that, but i know on other servers even randoms who bring 1 cp to play get paid. In most of cases server had its own ideas how to develop - mostly folowing official updates line, just taking into consideration what features were bad on official. Later on there was not much to follow from official updates so club decided to make its own orginal update (lilith vs anakim). In general i feel it was succesful, it was the most pvp/oly balanced chronicle in my opinion plus it revamped some locations to let mages get good exp, not only leech in gc - overall i rate this update very high, except few bugs that were fast fixed after it went live except sos skill(sk buff) that totally destroyed rb farm mechanics. There was a moment in TI history where ppl accused me of abusing bug i find because i have upper hand having access to test server etc blabla. Since then admins cut of from me (most likely decission to keep good PR - their choice, i dont blame them) - it was around 1 year before every1 left TI server. Since then i didnt have any influence on server development -already on anakim/lilith update i had no influence). Im passionate for classic chronicle, im old dated player who likes to grind his way up, slowly progress, have stable situation, know the efford i put into farm will not be wiped in 3 months etc. The project fited my needs so i played here. After TI "died" bad things started to happen (from my perspective). Server started to be on down ramp to failure. Let me explain why The community, me and my friends started to beg admins to open new server. We - community- were not interested in playing seasonal 3 months interlude servers where after 1 month you reach endgame and have nothing to do and search for another project. Also not interested in Essence servers with legit bot installed into game. We were ignored for many months. When everyone already lost his hope, me and my friends came up with smart idea. What idea you may ask. We created fake news in community that the project start new server soon. It brought a lot of interested ppl into server discord. The discord had like 100x more activity than for past 6 months. We created free promotion for server, everyone believed its true but then admins made an official answer that its fake news and ignored all efford, hype and community wishes. At this point almost everyone gave up. For sure me and my friends gave up. We had no more ideas, our last chance idea failed. We moved on. Then one of friends came up with idea, he found ppl who want to launch new server - classic. He found sponsor but there was enough money just to launch project. There wasnt money for advertisement, no money to pay devs, no money to pay clan leaders to come play and stream the server. Yes its 2023 - the lack of money backfired, and the server didnt gain big interest of community. The whole server team worked for free as charity just to make our dreams come true and bring back our lovely classic server to live. We even found a dev that worked for free and like it or not, he was 10x more efficient than classic club with adapting server to community needs. Sadly the server received huge strike form classic club admins. They realised the danger in new project and regardless all of begging in past about opening new server, suddenly they found motivation. The motivation that comes from anger, jealously and in general bad feelings. They announced new club server. they didnt even have files/update ready. They didnt know how to setup server to make community interested. They copied most of orginal features of competition server to attact attention and started to discuss on discord what else to put to make server succesfull and community interest. At that time i was more interested in new project, didnt even try to advice anything to club and tbh i hoped the server fail, after all the pain i received here. Sadly ( for me) the new server died because majorty of community believed club admins. Most of ppl who were about to start there, didnt even play just waited for club project, the rest who played noticed low online and stopped. As you can see now, karma is a bitch. Project built on hate is not doing well. Lets jump back into club topic. The server started, most of features were decided on discord by majory of ppl. Shortly before server started i shared my opinion about many features - mostly about "linemage" but admins had new ppl to listen to and didnt pay attention. They treated me as intruder from other server, or retard about whom community thinks is bug abuser. Me and my friend were ignored until today. Whatever we suggest in chat on website was just ignored. We were told it would be taken to consideration, but nothing was happening and time was passing. Guess what, all balance problems, broken exp locations, fkd up drop rate we reported in january/february. Look where we are now. =============== Who doesnt care about private bulsh1t story can start reading here tldr: class pvp balance, spots exp balance, drop rate fk up, shadow nerfs, homeopatic changes, no catch up/rerol mechanic, admins ignorance, community, entering 2nd time the same river, knowing every next change that is coming in future - killing motivation Lets finally talk about lessons learnt, the most juicy part - aka what is fail on server: - shadow changes. A lot of things (mostly drop rates) were chaning on start of server. Noone receive any info. Ppl discover by playing. How many times did you inform about changes? I think 90% changes are not anounced - class imbalance - summoners op dmg and bugged debuf resist on summons, mages op, daggers unplayable. archers unplayable until 76, bugged dmg on necro/da pets. custom changes for p def boost. Nukes on summoners nuke dmg vs fighter dmg. Tyrants useless for anything. List can be long - slow server adaptation to situation. Feels like admins either have no devs or money or dont care until server is very low populated. Updates come slow, fixes are ignored, problems arise and most of ppl quit before problems are addresses - server having broken agro mechanics. Spots like DV not worth to farm because mobs dont have social agro - can keep agro only by mass agro. In other hand there are locations like abg where 25 lvl elven knight can succesfully make trains for 70 lvl parties and never lose agro, mobs dont cast stun to puller, only to robe classes(for unknown reason. In official it was different). Mobs are too slow in all locations Mages can farm in devotion set and never get hit, dont even need puller for mos tof locations, can solo pull mobs and aoe. - Imbalanced exp areas. No need to explain much here. ABG tree spot 50 lvl party farm with 3 ppl active = 20kk/buff. Solo farm by archer = 5kk exp, solo farm cdl on exp boosted mobs w/o drop = 10kk exp. Full meele party farm in loa/toi 3-5kk exp. 7x more exp full pt with 3 active on abg than in any other spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - imbalance of farm between mages and archers/meeles. This point connects a bit with above. You have party that is not efficient in aoe abg farm? go fk urself, get 3kk exp in loa or quit. - imbalance between classes. Classes were poorly balanced even on orginal 1.5. Mages were op and fighters had no efficient farm and were weak on pvp. On dion admins went further. Boosted even more mages(more power), added even more power to summoner magic skills, and the most stupid thing - boosted p def on bards so fighter classes suck even more. AAaaaaaand there is 1 more bug reported like 5 years ago - bug where 2 piece main armor sets (doom heavy, avadon robe, bw light etc) gives extra p def - another "nerf for fighters" You dont believe? compare p def on your char with doom hvy set and bw hvy set. Should be the same tight? kekw. All of this had big impact on what party setup ppl played. - community - yes community isnt saint neither. Cant blame only admins. PPl get old and classic enthusiast community gets smaller every week. Another problem is people dont aim for pvp/fun but to farm/win/dominate server. Trying to make zerg ally and make enemy quit. Another problem is ppl are "tryhard" and try to play not what they enjoy, but what is OP ( see points above) - zero boost for new commers. There is no catch up mechanic. Other servers offer stuff like 3x exp untill x lvl, runes, exp scrolls until x lvl etc. Here we get homeopatic joke features like 10% exp rune until 35 lvl. Are you making fun of us?! Its literally several months of everyday farm on current server state to catch up average server lvl - homeopatic rewards - connected a bit to point above. FOR SOME REASON whatever new thing server offers, its taken very CAREFUL. Rewards from events are extremely low - that low, most of ppl dont even update client. Boost for newbies is so low noone want to start over, drop rates are so low ppl already lost motivation to farm. We get some promise and then when it comes live its not even worth efford for anyone to care about it. 0 game changing things- the last good one was on ti - anakim/lilith update - no mechanic for new ppl to cash in/catchup - yes ah was bad and noone wants it now neiter. BUT admins took star wars problem so serious (i told you above remember the auction house problem for later convo), they hugely nerfed drop rates. Made server literally unplayable. I guess they wanted to make ppl "progress slowly" - server drop rates - again homeopatic problem. I dont have xact data, i speak by subjective feeling. I farmed sv/abg/dv/loa on talking island and dion. I THINK DROP RATE IS NERFED 10x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. No joke. Full drops and parts feel like dropping 10x less. Lets take abg for example.On tree spot On TI you get on average 0-3 drops per 3 trains (per 10 min). Many ppl can confirm that. What do you get on Dion? 0-3 drops per 3h. Another example SV. On TI you get 1-3 weapons full per week just by doing daily there. Meanwhile on Dion, i farmed there 2 months. i think i never received any weapon, got some helmets tho. About TOI, i think ppl are a bit unfair. It feels the same as it was on TI, its just ppl are more u sed to speed run the update than to farm 1 year to get 3 skils in cp. I think tablets drop rate works correct as it worked on TI but its not good for server like dion. Cmon ppl wont farm 2nd time for the skill like they did on TI. It should be considered and rates much higher from the start - drop groups bug. In database items state as same chance but you get 1 kind of item 5x more than another. Dont believe me? How many zubei/avadon items you get on abg, and how many bw/doom? DB says the chance is the same - no knowledge of chronicle by admins. On official Classic was made to farm items easily, and overenchant. Byuing enchants in luxury shop tryin +6-7-8 sets etc. Its destroyed here. No enchants in shops. Again homeopatic enchant drop rates in spots. Homeopatic parts/recipes/full item drop rate. Its ok to have low rates when auction house exist. When it doesnt, how ppl are supposed to get items?! - Admins dont play the game. Have no clue what are current problems. - fks up locations - again. Loa - like mentioned above, it has fkd up exp for meele. I farmed it as summoner pt making 5-7kk exp/buff. I know mages were able to do much more. On some point admins decided to "rework loa". In the end they added some strange mechanics benefiting aoe parties. For aoe parties not much changed. BUT for meele/archer/ summoner ( 1 target parties) it became totally useless. RIght after change we couldnt make special mobs spawn- the only reason to farm there because mobs had soes/bw helmet drops- It was much easier to spawn them as aoe pt. Moreover the exp also became very low (3kk. Drop from 5-7kk to 3kk) totally waste of time. Because of the 2 reaons - fkd up exp for meele and fkd up drop for meele (couldnt spawn special mobs) we stopped going there. It caused cascade problems for server. Enemy side which was mostly mages hapily farmed there, not suffering from changes and complaining that their enemies dont want to contest spots and pvp - ignoring community voices. Me and my friends were fully ignored. Nothing was being done about problems we mentioned. Not only that, even if other ppl from community mentioned problems, they were geting answers like - "admins have different vision on this but it will be discussed". After that nothing happened - broken exp. Locations on 50 lvl giving more exp than locations on 70 lvl. Locations for aoe givng muuuch more exp than locations for solo farm - broken pvp balance. Meeles geting nerfed even tho they were weak on previous patch, mages stay boosted - imposible to get cartain items - because of custom location changes/drop rate nerfs. There are many examples, i can share what i know. Ppl can post below what else is fkd up in their opinion a) pob very hard to collect crazy amounts for clan upgrade b) c grade armors - demon, fp, drake. I tried to farm drake boots. Spent 2h 30 min to drop 1 part. 1 PART!!! need 11 for craft. This items should be very easily accessible so ppl can burn them like matches and try to make +6. Prices on market speak for itself - higher than for b grade. c) Soes full/recipe - fkd up because of server drop rate fkd up and because it drops only in loa - custom fkd up location and imposible to spawn bansees when killing mobs 1 by 1. Check soes rec price if you dont know what i mean d) bw tunic rec - similar like above, just there is not big demand for it on server so it stays cheap e) keys for top c weapons - now that we have b grades, c grades should be much easier farmable than b grade. wtf? - zero contact with community. Planing to make varous changes, not leting community to share opinion - super slow reaction for server/community needs - waiting for every1 to quit before moving a finger - listening to few ppl and doing what they ask for - keeping updates that fkd up server instead of reverting them. Admins cant admit of making mistakes - no info about plans - lazy admins abandoning project for half year, waking up only when 90% of poipulation disappear, or when competition project starts. - server need new path of updates, the new things, not the things every1 know from previous server - it kills all the hype, plus ppl dont farm stuff knowing its easier on next patch Happy reading Put your comments below, what do you think was fkd up on this server!
16 pointsDear friends! Our Talking Island x3 server is up and running for 7 years. It was opened before official EU/NA Classic servers and kept growing all these years, outliving those official servers. 7 years - a long period of time, and no one but us managed to create such a long living project and connect players from all over the world. During this time we withstood a lot of difficulties, such as forced domain change, social network accounts and content bans, and many others. And here we are, still standing strong. But for a very long time, we kept being asked for a new server, a fresh start, a new journey And we feel, that now it's a time for a New Chapter of L2Classic.club story New server Dion x3 Classic 1.5 is going Live on 14.01.2023! Full server description can be found HERE Forum section for Dion x3 server can be found HERE And our precious Talking Island x3 players! Your journey does not end here! Talking Island server was made to stay! Sincerely, Classic Team
16 pointsУправляющие курсоры (наземные кликеры) для LineAge 2 Classic. Ссылка на курсоры: Майл облако Google диск Извлечь содержимое архива LineageEffectsTextures.rar и поместить LineageEffectsTextures.utx в папку systextures с заменой. Запуск производить через L2.exe из папки System. Патчик для клиента Zaken. Дроп и спойл оставлен из старого патча, и может не соответсnвовать базе, постараюсь подкорректировать по мере возможности и наличии свободного времени. Также не прописан дроп и спойл на новые локации добавленные в Zakene. Cсылка на патч: Русская версия (обновлен 25.06.2022): Mail.ru Google Английская версия (не обновляется): Mail.ru Google Цветной чат и системные сообщения без всплывающей надписи по середине экрана о нанесенном критическом (маг. крит. уроне) ударе (ссылка на патч выше, ссылки ниже только цветной чат без всплывающих сообщений о критическом уроне, читайте пожалуйста внимательно? Русская версия: Mail.ru Google Английская версия: Mail.ru Google Что добавлено в патч: Уровень и агресивность монстров. Откат скилов в процентах на панели. Цветной чат и всплывающие сообщения. Увеличена дальность отрисовки монстров и игроков, бесконечный зум (спасибо Neovita). Заменена модель СЛС(ов) на старую. Выполнена руссификация меню, ежедневных заданий. Добавлена возможность писать в чат на русском языке. В скобочках добавлено русское название для рун (добавлен также эффект, который дают руны). Добавлены старые иконки для Drake Leather Armor, Drake Boots, Drake Leather Gloves. Заменена модель брони Drake Leather Armor, Drake Leather Boots, Drake Leather Gloves на старую из Interlude. Дроп|Спойл патч (Добавлены все локации, Tower of Insolence (добавлена полностью, но проверялась только до 3 этажа, поэтому о найденных ошибках просьба отписаться, и пока добавлены не все РБ). Обновление 25.06.2022 Внимание у кого не работает с установленным патчем!!! Если после установки патча не запускается клиент с ошибкой "cannot run on this locale", лезем в Пуск - панель управления - язык и региональные стандарты - дополнительно. Там меняем язык, который используется, если нет Юникод на Русский.
16 pointsMy 2nd video, with best wishes;) For those who are not able to see video on youtube, here is the link for Google Drive Would be glad to see feedback, as it was last time, pros and cons, with arguments, thx!
16 points
16 pointsJanuary olympiad bloopers Server: L2classic.club Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Name: MoDoy Class: Silver Ranger (SR) / Hawkeye (HE) Clan: No Clan Alliance: No Alliance Length: 17:30 First i want to thank to @UchihaMadara for letting me borrow his character, this wouldnt be possible without it (now you are my hero as well ). So people said my matches were not interesting (truth has been told), so instead i decided to make bloopers video (TeamSpeak included ft. @Rizos and @Anytime which were making company during olympiad). Neverthless, I added 2 parts with actual fights (kinda get feedback, maybe people would actually want to see normal olympiad gameplay video), so if you want to skip those TS parts, then non-TS parts are at 1:48+, 8:11+, 16:03+ Enjoy.
16 pointsTimeline of our L2classic.club Drama stories after 2.0 update. Do you like, TheBlue, TheRed or TheYellow? 1/ Who will kill Baium after 1st fail ( WS or TheBlue) or all will fail 1 more time ?? 2/ TheRed will try Baium "soon" or they have some plans after all of them 80?? 3/ What DRAMA will come to TheBlue,WS and Wukong ally?? 4/ What will happen when SM+ROK V/S CHN at Asian time? 5/ What will happen when Zerg V/S Zerg at Eu time, who will win and who will make more Drama?? 6/ What will happen when pvp in "L2classic.club Forum" never ends? and many mass PvP after all Videos? 7/ What will happen when We got DC every 20min? 8/ What will happen in next siege? TheBlue will lost all Caslte or TheRed will have Aden? Lets w8 next Drama in L2classic.club
16 points
16 pointsMy participation for the Wallpaper-Contest: If somone is interested in the original screens: Download (1920x1080): http://auto-hoehl.de/Wallpaper_Anytime_1920x1080_Dagger_on_Mount.jpg http://auto-hoehl.de/Wallpaper_Anytime_1920x1080_TOI.jpg
16 pointsDear players! Here is a list of all available All classes Hair Accessories: 1. Daisy Hairpin 2. Forget-me-not Hairpin 3. Outlaw's Eyepatch 4. Pirate's Eyepatch 5. Monocle 6. Red Mask of Victory 7. Red Horns of Victory 8. Party Mask 9. Red Party Mask 10. Cat Ears 11. Lady's Hairpin 12. Raccoon Ears 13. Rabbit Ears 14. Little Angel Wings 15. Fairy Antennae 16. Chapeau 17. Artisan's Goggles 18. Dapper Cap 19. Wizard Hat 20. Jester Hat 21. Piggy Hat 22. Teddy Bear Hat 23. Coronet 24. Ruthless Tribe Mask 25. Top Hat 26. Assassin's Bamboo Hat 27. Refined Angel Ring 28. Mischievous Bee Hat 29. White Uniform Hat 30. Chic Silver Chapeau 31. Refined Wizard Hat 32. Refined Jester Hat 33. Laborer Hat 34. Afro Hair 35. Refined Devil Horn 36. Hat of Cheers 37. Baseball Cap 38. Brilliant Beach Sun Cap 39. Napoleon Hat 40. Manor Scholar's Hat 41. Puffer Hat 42. Shark Hat 43. Fungus Hat Hats can be purchased on Nostalgia NPC Best regards, Classic Team
16 pointsLast version: v3.9 Features of the Mod. Colors changed for:Spoil activation (with on screen message)Already Spoiled (with on screen message)Resisted atacks (with on screen message)Magical Critical (with on screen message)Critical Hits (with on screen message)Login of clan mate (with on screen message)Altered states in yousfelf (with on screen message)Buffs on yourself (with on screen message)Warning of no Mana (with on screen message)Damage in/outSP and XP messages"Attention" message from another player's dropLevel and Agro for mobsExtra barCrystal ModDifferent Maps (SOE Map, Original and more soon)Shortcuts for Trade, Target, Invite, Assist, Sitstand, Findprivatestore, Friendlist & FriendInvite (/tr, /t, /i, /a, /s, /f, /fr, /fi)Skills Reuse with percentage Mod Previews Special thanks to: All L2classic.club team to make possible the server.Osito2dancer for the drop/spoil patch.Silverwing to provide me the portuguese file for the Crystal Mod and implement maps.Download
15 pointsJust wanted to share my thoughts, its gonna be a bit negative - Events: ok ok i know current event is copy of past event because of works on update, but.... BUT every event for past 3 years is same pattern. Farm 30 items, do some kind of "ritual procedure"(kill pumpkin, kill snowman etc), get very very medicore reward. Every event is same just the ritual procedure changes. Everytime rewards are same, i never see ppl geting hyped from event like "i take 1 week off from work will nolife this event its fking great!". Rewards are always so low u almost dont make any profit compared to days w/o event so it doesnt matter u play more during event or not. What is even worse, WHEN EVENT HAPPENS, AND YOU WANT TO FARM EVENT YOU ARE FORCED TO SAY TO CP MEMBERS TO GO FARM SOLO ON BOX CHAR BECAUSE IF YOU GO TO PARTY LOCATION WITH YOUR PACK, YOU GET LIKE 10 ITEMS/BUFF ROUND IN GC (when u split ur cp into 5 ppl farming solo, all together farm 150 event items). Isnt it retarded gc mob drop 1 event item while mob in abg also drop 1 item (abg mob has only 25% worse drop rate). Epic rewards? sure, you get either lvl 1 time limited epic(very low chance for time limited? LOL!) - useless anyway as lvl 1 epics dontr give any bonuses and you cant merge em into lvl 3 if you get several lvl 1 from event. Lvl 3 epics? yea i think it happened once, it was pretty good idea althought the chance was very low. Also couldnt use the epic on oly. New players who didnt open fat wallet could have tried their strength on oly with such epics, why such limitation? Dont you want new ppl to join oly? FI6 box on anniversary? yea again great idea on paper, until you realise the item cant be used on olympiad. More problems about FI talisman on FI farm zone complains. - Farm content: Ok what do we have? devil isle with shabi farming gem a stoping every low lvl pt to use decent location for 70 ppl Zaken scrols? yea... Ever heard about rmt farmers? r33team? yea they play here. Where to find em? YES! on devil isle zaken scrols! They do nothing but farm adena to sell it for $. Dont give a sh1t about any clan or epic, just log everyday when its night time, drop wars with any clan, farm scrols, sell on market and rmt adena. You might say PK THEM! Yea, they are 77 lvl, dont give a damnt about exp, can make it back in 5 min after night ends, while you waste adena for pk scrols and risk to drop ur epics. Wanna try to farm scrol? they just log 3 tyrants and hit chest everytime it spawn so they get nothing and u get nothing. In the end you will give up because you dont get $$$ paid for siting there plus they have stacked probably like 10k of these scrols already so even if you dont let em farm and they dont let u farm for a week, they keep selling their scrols from wh and ull be forced to buy from them and help rmt clan make more $. Metalgear and qianup sounds familiar? Why not to make zaken scrols not tradeable and cut the rmt business and let more casual ppl get the scrols by themself? GC? Ok gc is good for meele parties, but farming it for 3 years straight is boring like hell. Every new zone has worse exp, FI has much worse exp for full pt farm, New aoe zone much worse exp. WHY?! Why new zones are worse and worse and ppl are forced to farm 3 years old location as best exp spot? By logic every new location should be better than old so ppl have reason to migrate. Some positives? Sure, good job with cuting off pullers from gc, mobs are cool for 76-80 ppl, pretty tanky, good exp per mob, pretty hard hiting - healers/debufers can feel useful on this stage of game. You are able to farm there daily quest which motivates ppl a lot, you can even aoe with glads/tyrants/mages FI? Pretty bad concept with carbonemys giving crazy exp while hiting VERY weak. Carbos bugged, you see them moving slower than they do in reality. People pull away normal mobs and abuse solo farm on party zone killing just carbonemys making similar exp as in gc. When you try to farm FI normally you make half of GC exp - sad story. Trex? yea... wasnt it supposed to make ppl pvp? Why ppl dont pvp for it you might ask. Its so squishy ppl camp there with tyrants. For some reason it spawn on solo zone while solo zone ppl cant kill it alone. Before ppl from party zone reach it its dead cos 2 tyrants can kill it in 1 minute and soe before you arrive so how to pvp?. Why its so squishy? dont ask me, all i can tell you it has added resists for meele which was supposed to prevent orcs kill it fast. Guess what, you can bypass it, when you stimga trex, you "turn off" meele resist buff and you start to make like 5x more dmg than w/o stigma. Bug? probably yes. So in the end its not ppl who farm FI, kill trex but ppl who relog orcs on FI solo zone and kill it before any1 can arrive. Why not to make trex spawn with x chance while kiling FI mobs? Why not making it much more tanky. Why not decreasing respawn time/increasing drop rate as we move on with new updates and new zones? Ok so no exp, no trex farm, no pvp, why to farm there? There is 1 solid reason. Very good quest that helps new players catch up with bracelet, one of rare new things on club that was well made. Other reason is to go spoil NM/MJ plate parts to make some adena. another good reason is farming daily quest - next good idea from club admins, sadly you farm it 2x slower than in gc. drop rate from mobs - seems ok especially armor parts, and commanders drop/ptero drop is good FI talisman? pretty bugged. SKill power bonus doesnt work on some skills for example dagger skills. Clarity effect? Doesnt work on mage/healer skills - classes that care the most bout mana management. Stun attack? next bug, talik gives stun defence not attack - cry more warlords, cost efficiency? Totally not worth it. You spend 1,5b to try 10% chance to get fi lvl 5. Where is the problem? Mostly problem lies in trex fang bottleneck. Drop rate is low, respawn long, considering u farm every trex u can click 1 talisman on whole server per 1-2 weeks. (1 on whole server(!)), Ppl tend to overprice fangs cos they monopolize it. They dont try their own talik so why let others to do it cheap if farm goes so slow right? Wanna farm trex? go camp it every 2h standing on FI solo location doing nothing instead of taking ur cp for exp. Lilith/Anakim? Please... im getting pissed when i think about it. Lets start from positives. On paper it looks good, like many things on club. New zone for aoe classes, new zone with high lvl mobs, mobs have gem a, a grade hvy/robe parts and even full items! New bosses with crazy drops and new item to farm(!) - thing ppl get the most hype to play. Looks good on paper huh? I bet you waited like crazy for new update and planned to farm hard on holiday period. In reality its same sh1t like events on club. Not worth to update ur client, better go farm gc, ull get more adena and better exp expectations vs reality: high lvl mobs, easier way to reach 82? Nope, exp worse than in 3 years old location(gc) (expectations)Finally spot for mages? In theory yes, you can aoe there. (reality)In fact once you see destro aoe there with lance, you will realise its not mage farm spot but destro farm spot. Better go aoe in gc with proper ol/wl debufing mobs its not that hard and you make more exp than in new zone plus dont need so many active pullers. Also mobs in new zone have high m def and weak p def destro kill em with 3-4 crits from polearm, Mage need like 20 nukes to kill royal knight. Exp per mob is joke, 2 types of mobs got exp adjusted, other mobs give similar exp like FI solo zone (expectations)Finally ppl can farm gem a, gem a price will drop, craft of a grades will be finally worth it! market will move from b grades ++ towards a grades and "inflate" b grades +16-20 which gives new commers oportunity to catch up! (reality)NOPE! Drop rate on new zone sux hard, You get more items from FI 1 by 1 farm than lilith/anakim fields aoe. Each item has rly low chance to drop, You can farm several hours and drop 0 gem a or a grade parts for robe. Add the fact the zone sucks for exp, no1 will farm there so market will not receive ez source of Gem A. Rip ur dreams. (expectations)Im bored to farm same mobs for 3 years, FK GC/FI, lets make primes in new zone! (reality)Sure bro. Once you realize you cant farm bracelet coins, or daily quest in new zone there is ZERO SENSE to go there. No quests, no daily, no exp, no drop. Why new area doesnt offer smth every1 would go there instead of old spots. Thats how l2 updates always worked like, right?GC added? - a grades started to drop, FI added? - new talisman, on official goddard teritory added? - attibute system, s grades. Lilith anakim added? You can farm old items, with lower chance than in old locations, and get lower exp than in old locations. Why no1 farms there now right? Oh i almost forgot. There are fortresses added with lilith and anakim boss. Wait what? Isnt it urban legend? Any1 saw any fortress? Does it even work? 1 week passed since update, no1 saw it. If it even works then it needs so many mobs to be killed that its as profitable as club events - PvP Ok, here you can find some positives. What did we have in past - dagger fixed, maybe not op but if u know how to play it and have good gear, ull have fun, still need some adjustments after other classes got excape tool and ur shadowstep has 1 min reuse and cost a lot of mp imo, and u cant lvl up bleed while destros have 2x stronger bleed - Archers- bad but atleast buffed. Pretty situational class, Buff didnt affect em too much but atleast they get smth every update. Much more worth to play mage than archer imo - Mages: Decreased mana cost, kiss of eva, boosted skill power, physical silence, blink. This class received the definitely the most love lately - in my opinion good changes, especially closing gap between necro and elemental mage - Destros: definitely positive changes, especially last update. Spirit of shilien will be too OP plus help solo farmers to kill any boss while vamping 40%(BAD!) but pvp wise i like the changes. Probably most op class after recent update - WLs good change with stun debuff, sadly FI talisman is bugged so you cant use full potential of the class. Need a lot of epix like dagger to be efficient ;( - Summoners - definitely healthier than on official. Most of dmg comes from summon not from summoner being nuker. Very good class for pvp/pve/oly. Sarly many summoners still live in 2018 and dont have meele weapon with othel for farm - PvP zones on epics Negatives: - A lot of "pussy friendly" things like canceling war w/o consequences, farming endgame locs/zaken scrols pretty much w/o any punishment - No spot to fight for. There is no zone that is attractive for ppl that ppl would fight to farm there. Every spot is similar, 1 room in gc taken? u go to another, same on fi, same in new location - Trex mentioned above, too easy to kill, before enemies can arrive. You dont see message if ur too far - Hekaton - same bug as on trex, cant see msg when it die too far. Drops not too attractive, definitely too squishy, ez to kill before enemy arrives. - Zaken scrols? RMT swamp, drop war and enemy cant do anythign about ur existence New commers? server advertisement looks ok. Problem is ppl that come to server see every1 run in star wars mode, +8 set, +16 weapon b grade. To get similar gear you need to invest several thausand euros. For what, to start on old server? Even if you want to give this server a chance, you are forced to pay 10 euro to exp buffer on ur ass as total newbie on 20lvl location. Why Admins dont make some changes new ppl can play several months w/o paying for premium here? Why endgame doesnt move forward? On official new zones are added, new grade of items. New items make old items +++ "inflate". For example s grade +0 has stats of b grade +16. plus you get bigger soulshot bonus. This way you join the server, farm new zone and can farm items that are equivalent of these b grades +16, every1 has on the server, so you can catch up easy. For some reason club doesnt go into this direction. Same goes for exp. New zone should have much better exp so ppl who didnt play that much before or just joined server have chance to catch up this 84 lvl ppl who nolifed in past updates. Thats how every official server worked. The longer server lives, the faster you can reach endgame plus "new endgame" is created for old players to farm. Also events could help new ppl. Get some time limited epics, go on oly, test things out without investing 2k euro to get baium3 End game? Pretty cancerous. You need to have a lot of box chars to farm "endgame content". AQ, core, orfen, zaken - you need low lvl chars. Tablets? low lvl char. Gem a? low lvl char cos new zone drop rate sux. going towards 82+? stay in gc and farm blue as new spots are worse. Epic priests? drop so low that not worth it plus u need low lvl char. Trex/hekaton? Have box char reloged while farming with main in different location. Final conclusion? Who remembers legendary "TIGER EVENT"? the event ppl farmed 500x 100% exp scrol per char/ 300 brez etc. My bet is club fkd up on this event hard, ppl stacked crazy amount of consumeables you usually need to donate to get. Admins were shocked, since then for 3 years straight they are always WAY TOO AFRAID to make smth cool for players. TO add some crazy good location to farm, to add some new meta items, to push endgame further with crazy exp locations/item drops,to make some relevant rewards from event/event drop rate. Everything Admins add since 3 years is average/low irrelevant stuff. Thats my opinion. We are just stucked in 2018 and only relevant things that changed since then are these new skills added to classes that i described in "PVP" section. We still farm same mobs, use same gear
15 pointsDear friends! On behalf of the entire team, we would like to thank you for this incredible achievement - 5 years of our server. Your help in making decisions regarding game aspects, help in detecting bugs and of course your support, even in difficult times for the server, helped to create such an outstanding story. Our story began in 2015. Our team wanted to bring Classic to Europe as there was no official European server yet. Unfortunately for us, the server had a hard start, but you continued to believe in us and our team was able to cope with all the difficulties. After 5 months it was time to install the first update 1.3: Age of War in March 11 2016. The clans rinsed to siege the castles and at first showed impressive carnage. But as the Classic chronicles developed, we began to notice that NCsoft did not change and tried to simplify the game, we did not like this direction and began to make changes to updates from NCsoft. Towards the end of Update 1.3: Age of War, we decided to please our players by diluting the boring everyday life of the players and, of course, setting new goals for them - we decided to install a new location Lair of Antharas. Players were very happy with this update and looked forward to 1.5: Age of Splendor which was installed on June 13 2016. With Installation of 1.5: Age of Splendor, Castle Aden was introduced and we saw incredible battles for this castle that continue to this day. This castle has always been a tasty morsel for the strongest alliance, which were changed more than once, falling apart and gathering into a new force. We understand that this is a normal course of events, but it was very difficult for the admins to look at it. Together with the players, we experienced all the problems, all the disagreements and betrayals that occurred during these times. But since then and till now, being very worried about each specific case, we can not give vent to emotions, we must be strict, but fair. That is why it has always been hard to hear that we have favorites and we only help certain side. 1.5: Age of Splendor, of course, lasted long enough, but we still did not knew what laid ahead... Installing update 2.0: Saviors took place at October 24 2017. The update carried a lot of interesting things (I will not deceive anyone, but offline fishing by the admins is a very good thing ), but, of course, one cannot ignore Baium / Olympiad / A grade. There were a lot of goals set for the players, which became more and more difficult to achieve with the growth of online. By this time, the third year of the server's work had already begun and gradually the dream began to come true. We always wanted to make a server that you could return to at any time, even if you had to leave. And that's why it's very nice to see people who turn to you for help in finding an account on which they played 6-8 months or longer ago. 2.0: Saviors is the longest running update to date. While working on 2.0: Zaken, our team faced many problems, both during the development of 2.0: Zaken and internal conflicts. The 2.0: Zaken release process was also slowed down by a new client that was heavily modified and our existing tools did not want to work with it. But we kept looking for ways to solve this problem, and yet we found it. Having found new acquaintances and having received all the necessary tools for work, we were able to quickly finish work on this update. Update 2.0: Zaken has been installed on October 7 2019. In addition to the new zone, Zaken and new goals for the players, it brought us an understanding of how we need to cost our further updates. From the release of major updates, which include immediately the transition to the next expansion, we switched to more frequent release of small packs of updates, which with the final one will transfer us to the next chronicles or lead us in our own direction, which of course will be approved by you. But to choose our path, we lacked the most important thing - a database where players could find all the necessary information, and not get lost in the forum in search of patch notes and our differences, so we found a person who could create for us a knowledge base l2db.club. Yes, it's unpretentious and lacks some of the features we would like to have, but this is just the beginning. Each of these steps in our story were made thanks to you. Despite all the words of the haters that "the server is dead" and "this is the end of the club", you proved to them that this is not so. To see such large-scale clashes at the Sieges after 5 years of the project's existence is simply incredible. We are very flattered to realize that so many people have played on our server at least once, and even if they didn’t like it, it still shows how big the project has become since 2015. We, the L2classic.club team, would like to give you even more good moments and memories associated with our project. Thank you for 5 years. Your Classic Team
15 pointsAlright. As i think people that are in the video liked it themselves, I decided to share it even more. Something for a change. Not much of a gameplay here, just our voices. I was so lazy to finish it, but every time I was replaying some parts, they seemed funny to me. So yeah, I hope it will be really taken with a distance and will just make you smile. Enjoy! I Also. As i'm posting it, youtube didn't change the quality since 30 minutes yet. But it's anyway the least important. Also v2. Fight against chen was also posted by @Emperior. I will just mention that for the lulz.
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15 pointsAbyss Walker and Baium, painted in the style of anime and comics
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14 pointsDear friends! Heine update is going Live 20.12.2021 at 11:00 CET! Server will be put down at a usual maintenance time (11:00 CET). Estimated down time - 3 hours. Client update will be required after the Update installation Patch Notes for the Update will be published later this week! Best regards,Classic Team
14 pointsAfter a very long and tiresome investigation over a huge RMT organisation found, we managed to narrow it down to the people involved and take the appropriated actions. Wanna give a special shout out for everyone who reported weird stuff that turned us into the right direction and helped us uncover this whole situation and punish the people involved. All items involved on this deals have been removed from the game. All deals involving this items have been rolled back to not hurt real players who were not involved but happen to acquire this items by legal trades or purchases. Here is now the full wall of shame for the people who wasted tons of money (in some cases i believe in the thousands) in a private lineage 2 server just to lose it all over a week. AlexanderBR Elky Crazovey Dworny Rayan0 SpoliadorDeAlmas Orckbane ThundersBD JulliusBr Decker IIArtoryusII LastHope AbsoluteDarkness OrelhaDePorco Zarakii Gattis DarckMira iGhost DrDestino Hillary666 FearLessWl OpsFuk PaLaZ Nezabijac Shortik Bellatrix RevShop Trubiroh Kravina Mujo iBolDog Zaika9 Wa1ker Pipenov JAkoJAKO Demfi SzafirVC zamzom V0X dati lMinMin tadi BongJa BlackStab FreshPrince Urzaf Nuwa MF01 Lign2 king12 CK11 Tmax TeamSpeak OpsSht Que3n NuRo Pisti QuickDeath Kakam Garma wtbxwts Tulwi manigga SpellRefresh RoolBack FantaShot GotU MosaiC Nirva Gargo Nervo BillyRay Bloodys Hongana Galef NedbeN Gizo Geshenk Shivu r3do Lukne Lukneris Wilam Debox Conscious HeavensSake iMax Excremen penispump1940 mercury909 Penrose Kakuka Silver Faker RaidingHorse Vlado Rivice opasna Grammy Madcaw pikavea Buffyaris Kilimanjarox Saxofo Blo Meskita Piara dvvorny KarmenTabora GrubaseKx FazaN Tymvir Velenir Xarme Heseus Halinka ELITHA Xantis Newguyez iFazaN Teasy Thera From the list above the following ones are permanently banned from the server due to repetitive offenses or due to their level of involvement in the situation, and cannot be unbanned in any circumstances together with any items remaining in this accounts Crazovey Dworny SpoliadorDeAlmas PaLaZ OpsSht Pipenov MF01 Lign2 king12 CK11 TeamSpeak Que3n wtbxwts Bloodys NedbeN Tymvir Velenir Thera Once again we ask you to not get yourself involved in any kind of RMT deals if you dont want to at some point face the consequences of this acts. We do not allow this kind of actions and in any form or shape take this offences lightly. It is an unfair behavior both against other players and against the server administration who works hard and tirelessly to provide you with the best server it is possible for us to provide, just to see you throwing away business to illegal deals supporting this companies instead of supporting the server itself. Best regards. Classic.club Team.
14 pointsWe are receiving a lot of questions about upcoming update and it's release dates. For now we still can't give you the date, but will gladly share progress, so you can understand, that it's moving and there is not much time left to wait. What is already done: - New client (Antharas update client) was added and is now fully functioning. New locations: Gianst Cave: - Added 27 new monsters - Monsters spawn points added - Monsters drop/spoil adjusted according to patch notes Devils Isle: - Added 31 new monster - Monsters spawn points added - Monsters drop/spoil adjusted according to patch notes - Day/Night monsters changes function - New Treasure Chest added - Changes in locations War Torn Plains according to patch notes - Changes in locations Pains of Glory according to patch notes - Changes in locations Blazing Swamp according to patch notes Skills: - New skills for Temple Knight and Eva's Templar - Skill change - Insane Crusher - Skill change - Hide - Skill change - Deadly Blow - Skill change - Lethal Blow - Skill change - Backstab - Skill change - Shadow Step - Skill change - Servitor Empowerment -Skill change - Spirit Sharing - Servitor stats changes Items: - New items added to Fisherman Guild NPC (17 new items, prices changes) - Item change - Talisman of Insolence V - Item change - Talisman of Insolence VI - Item change - Talisman of Baium - New items added in Olympiad reward - New rewards added to Daily Mission rewards - New armor visual effects when armor is enchanted Quests: - 3rd class quests reward increased What's left: - Augumentation system (main priority right now - in progress) Monsters left: - Zaken boss (right now power of his skills is being checked) - Death Knights (spawn after any raid boss killed (except Epics)) Items left: - New Daily Missions with cycle each day/week Quests left: - Some quests were removed - New quests for Devils Isle location As you can see, not many tasks are left. So we hope we will be able to open OBT for all of you to join it and help with testings very soon, and right after - release update on Live server! Best regards, Classic Team
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14 pointsits all very simple and lets clear it out. A - dude gets banned for farming with bot chars and sending mats and adena to his mains char. B - dudes asks for help cuz he says he is all inocent and never botted. C - San0 spends days downloading logs to try to help the dude out. D - San0 spends couple of hours digging through the logs to try to help the dude. E - San0 after checking logs informs the person his story doesnt check and that its even more sure he was aware of the situation since those trades with bot chars happen multiple times and from multiple chars. F - Dude doesnt get the answer he was hoping for and goes full bananas rude mode with cancer wishes involved in the mix. G - San0 gets triggered and offended in name of the server administration and there for bans all the accounts logged from that persons IP. H - Turns outs king leonidas was one of the accounts from that IP as it seems.
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14 pointsSolo pvp Server: L2classic.club Chronicle: Classic 1.5 Name: MoDoy Class: Silver Ranger (SR) Clan: TimeForDrama Alliance: WickedSick Length: 12:06
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