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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Awww poor thing. Now lil Yulia won't have her Mithril set for Christmas
  2. 1 point
    Since Admins dosnt really care. and personnaly i think there shuld be a no tolerence at all for racism and discriminating names/titles. here is a few screenshots. i did ask them nicely to remove it. but they refused. Shot00051.bmp Shot00062.bmp Shot00061.bmp Shot00060.bmp
  3. 1 point
    ​no its not about lack of players..its because ppl get poor if they would use mass ssc...u have to ivnest more adena in killing a mob as it drops simple reason on classic 1.0
  4. 1 point
    Ok tik, i already know that you "got banned for no reason", now stop spamming in every topic about it.
  5. 1 point
    Today we killed AQ and we are kinda confused about the drop amount. Is this mented to be normal on a 2x epic drop rate ? Â Â
  6. 1 point
    ​ I play this game for a rly long time. Iv seen many stupid posts. When ppl are bored they are able to made up many crazy things but report WHITE ELF for tittle WHITE POWER dude pls gimme ur drugs . Looks like kids cant report bots anymore so there is new "racism report" meta?
  7. 1 point
    or that or you guys allways have to find something to complain about...
  8. 1 point
    Can you block certain words into titles and names? This problem will be fixed.
  9. 1 point
    I took the liberty to make a video of the first ant queen's death in this server. I hope you all enjoy it =D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llvAzoGSK-M
  10. 1 point
    well no more need ^^ credits to ​Morim http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5321-l2-mods-by-morim-chat-colors-borderles-and-more/​ good patch wold be nice to be included in off update
  11. 1 point
    ​Они определяют, не думаю, что стоит волноваться. А насколько быстро нужно нажимать вход? Какой интервал допустим: одна или две миллисекунды? А 100 окон - это реально успеть прожать вход?
  12. 1 point
    Well done! Congrats on behalf of clan Argentos We killed our first 2 Raid Bosses yesterday
  13. 1 point
    You always can donate 1eur to get 10 offlines shop envelopes.
  14. 1 point
    Говорят яйцеобразный нагибает, но это только слухи
  15. 1 point
    Please pm San0 in game. He will check it out.
  16. 1 point
    ​ ​Sorry, but I completely disagree with you. First of all, I personally don't care about bots. You simply don't understand how helpful botting is for the server's economy. The price for mats went up 3x after bots started to get banned here. Botting doesn't bother me. In fact, you have to spend a lot of money to get decent gear for your dwarf so you can bot successfully without dying. And there are people that will be bringing trains on your bot, you might lose some gear too. Botting should have been the LAST thing admins should have worried about on this failed server. If they fixed party bug before botting trust me there would be much more people playing here than now. Seconds, who plays L2 as a random? The main goal of L2 is to find friends,/clan/cp and to fight for best spots/epics/ to dominate the server. You will achieve the same result 5x slower if you play as a random unless if you get really lucky with drops which usually is not the case. Don't get me wrong, this server is great for random players, for those who come to play for a couple hours and then watch netflix, play fallout 4 etc. But there is absolutely nothing going on, AQ is still alive and no one bothers to farm it, RB's are all alive, no one fights for them, the only people that are left on this server are randoms! So maybe for you and other random players this server is super great. For me, this server is dead and there is nothing that can resurrect it anymore to be even as close as to an official server.
  17. 1 point
    Я ничего не имею против мобов, если ботам нравится их фармить, то пускай фармят. Единственное, что мне не нравится, это когда игроки выдают себя за мобов. Бегают себе, никого не трогают - разумеется к ним приходит бот и начинает их фармить. Когда моба убивает другой игрок - это нормально, но когда игрока, который выдаёт себя за моба, начинает убивать бот - тут какая-то своя игра, это ненормально. Моё мнение.
  18. 1 point
    Не стоит слушать унылое говно аля Upson и иже с ним. Это всё же фришка, возможности у админов ограниченные, но они работают и сообщают о своей работе. Кстати, вот недавно появилась тема: http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5242-the-answer-on-most-recent-questions/ Всё честно сказано, стараются исправить и сделать как можно скорее. А нетерпеливые сучки могут свалить куда подальше и не портить другим атмосферу.
  19. 1 point
    ​- Nombre del clan: Argentos ​- Nivel del clan: LVL 3 - Nick del líder: Pompon ​- Jugadores activos integrantes del clan (No se cuenta segundos personajes): 1) Pompon 2) Khaleesi 3) DarkSun 4) Rakim 5) Mels 6) Ale 7) Charla 8) Kaspita 9) Joutte 10) Ria7su 11) Kanario 12) Ragnarok 13) Arenillo 14) India 15) 4 16) ArgCoco 17) Luciernaga 18) AcidoLisergico 19) jeez 20) 2 21) Engelier 22) FuseR 23) Cyane 24) PUPINCHUS 25) Bizcochito 26) Earthquake 27) Slagathor 28) Tirijillo 29) Elixir ​- Reglas básicas: Básicamente ser buena onda, jugamos de forma muy informal. Unico requisito ser argentino, por una cuestión de que nos entendamos perfecto y tengamos más o menos los mismos horarios para jugar. Por ahora da muy buenos resultados, todos los días hacemos party entre casi todos los del clan.