I wonder if more than 5 people read the forums. (ps if this works this will be decent promo for you gm's) Lets talk. This weekend there is no one fit to step up to the plate to defend against perkunas taking any castle they please. Since the entirety of clans have flocked on over to sit at their feet with the hope of being pat on the head besides a select few. They have grown in numbers & we know that last siege they had over 120 players logged and "boxed". Here is our logic we present to other clan leaders of what is to come if they get giran. First off 15% tax on everything giran related. 2ndly, they will be pkable by every single person. Which in return means During their prime times they will lock down LoA making it unable for anyone with their 6plus cps (and growing). War or not be honest you will likely lose -4% stepping foot near it with their 438736345 cams on bots. 3rd Lets remember how many times these guys have already left a bad taste in 90% of the servers mouth with their griefing of lowbies whether it be FoR/Aligator and other retarded places they go just to bully lowbies. Now i know what your thinking, OOC ally was exactly this. A random zerg of LFG parties and they failed because of this, however we do not want that and honestly cant stick with it. We are offering a one time truce between clans because lets be honest, there will always be issues over xp spots because there are two spots available in higher levels. If more is to be considered we can discuss however there is just too much micromanagement without it being official. So here's what we are offering, become a Nonfactor for a day. Blend in the crowd, throw your cannonfodder in front for us, don't worry its for the benefit of the server. And lets stop the bloodthirsty tyrants who are trying to run the population into the ground with their "total domination". And trust, we will keep notice of who will assist, and who will not. I don't care if you are level 66 or 21, come be a meatshield for & with us. Those who have thought in the past we have wronged or bullied any of you in the past, please understand that we are taking 90% of the heat for you guys. So us forcing you out of xp spots and farm is necessary for xping our core for sieges. OUR GOAL IS NOT THE CASTLE ITSELF AT THIS TIME. In fact we don't even want to damage the walls. That's all I got. Contact us! "WaterWorks, Dlema, AdfDraco, JohnBurek Here ya go perkunas, maybe you'll get what you have been begging for.