Dude, as Rocky Balboa said, "It's not about how hard you can it, it's about how many kids you can knock out before they start punching you in the dick"
I'm not arguing that he couldn't KO a kid with one punch, but it's 10 kids coming at you from all sides... But what boggles my mind is that you completely ignore the fact that the kids also could have a martial arts training. I mean take the kid, put him into some kind of ninja samurai pirate school for 50 years and he's going get stacked like hell. I'm talking about ancient techniques like Five Point Palm Exploding Balls technique like in Kill Bill. Now imagine they have knives lol. Give these ninja masters one of those japanese katana knives (folded over 10 thousand times) and they can cut off balls of a fly mid-air. Poor Tyson really.