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  1. 3 points
    Small suggestions 1) Increase the experience from champions of Ketra, drop idea very nice, but... monsters have similar experience with shamans, but are very strong, even for group hunting as a result, they are simply pacified with the help of PP or Bish and ignored, because the reward is not worthy of suffering. And it is strange that the champion appears in 1 second, kills with 1 hit of the support, and you can't react to it instantly, 2 hours of game experience on him are lost... don't offend the poor PP and Elders, who die 5 times in 3 hours and lose experience due to randomly appearing champions. 2) Make it possible to transfer and buy and sell Soldier's Badge. Its increase clan game farming+This develops the economy and opens new trades with ketra/varka on traiders in all game. because when we farm as a clan, there is a random drop loot, the one who receives it cannot pass it on to another main player who wants to summon the boss, this is not entirely correct when it is impossible to collect 50 pieces for weeks on 9 characters... Clan farming implies random loot. Or at least increase the chance of a badge drop, because solo players farm it for weeks and cannot collect 50, they simply go back to silent valley. 3) The RB kill rates speak for themselves that the drop from RB and experience is weak... 2 live clan parties kill the boss and get 40kk experience each? with 100% experience scrolls, and for this people gather after work for more than an hour and farm badges for a week. It is easier for them to kill 50 green shamans and get the same experience, in a month of playing stage 3, only 29/200 bosses were killed.... It takes another 4-5 months to get a new stage.... There is no particular motivation to beat them, unfortunately, but the idea is very interesting, to unite randoms into clans and general play, small changes are needed because low experience on living people and a weak reward... This can be easily fixed with increased experience and make these events clan-based for gathering and motivating people to get more experience and battles and raise team spirit!! These are just small suggestions from my observations of the last weeks of the game, add wishes or like the post, who agrees with me.
  2. 2 points
    Dear Staff, I hope this message finds you well. Iโ€™m writing to bring up a concern shared by a significant portion of our server's community regarding the current timing of the clan sieges. As it stands, the sieges are scheduled for Sundays from 13:00-15:00 Brazilian time (18:00 UTC+2). While this time might be suitable for European players, it poses significant challenges for both the Brazilian and Asian communities, which together make up nearly 90% of our server's population. For many Brazilian players, this timeframe coincides with family lunch gatherings, a deeply ingrained cultural tradition. This makes it difficult for us to fully participate in the sieges without compromising our social lives. Additionally, for our Asian counterparts, the sieges start around midnight and continue until the early hours of Monday morning, which is far from ideal, especially for those who have work or school commitments. Given these circumstances, I kindly suggest that the siege time be adjusted earlier by 3 to 4 hours. This change would not only make it more convenient for the majority of the player base but would also likely increase overall participation in these key events. Itโ€™s worth noting that a similar adjustment was made on the Talkin Island server, and it was well-received by the community there. I believe this change would contribute to a more inclusive and competitive environment on our server, ensuring that more players can participate in sieges without having to sacrifice important aspects of their personal lives. Thank you for your consideration, and I hope we can come to a solution that benefits the entire community. Best regards from the one that made the first siege video of Talking Island (and got a prize for it ๐Ÿ˜Š) Yours, Setzer
  3. 2 points
    Diversity of Olympics - Warcyer Month: late 2018 / early 2019 Server: L2classic.club Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Saviors Name: VooDoo Class: Warcryer (WC) Clan: Defcon1 / Anarchy / Mediate Alliance: - Length: 11:08 We got 10th (7th from classic) volume of Diversity of Olympics - Warcryer. Still banned on discord so sending here. Frapses are from late 2018/early 2019. Pretty enjoyable class, not too strong, not too weak, has many different debuffs which can be utilized vs different classes and different sets but they dont have that insane landrate except sleep, which is very situational considering freezing flame dot wakes you up or you can cleanse it with core/liberate. Many fights you couldnt just fear spam and drain but utilize DoT/stun because of the mana/damage ratio, otherwise you would run out of mp. Not all fights are against super good people since i was driving it only very occasionally when our WC couldnt attend oly for some weekend. Fights against Necro/WC/DA 80/ES/warlock 2x/gladi/tyrant/PW/WL/SK/OL/Necro 2x/DA/SK/WC/ES Enjoy.
  4. 1 point
    Diversity of Olympics - Necromancer Month: ~2019 Server: L2classic.club Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Saviors Name: JerryZ/M/M2M Class: Necromancer (Necro) Clan: SoulMates / Anarchy / WuKong Alliance: - Length: 12:43 We got 9th (6th from classic) volume of Diversity of Olympics - Necromancer. Still banned on discord so sending here. Frapses are from ~2019, from all classes i played, this was one of the less enjoyable one, especially with 79 summon and curse of doom (got it at very end when i still played it before someone took over) it felt very strong even against 80 lvl DAs with busted Insane crusher (up to 5 buffs canceled with insane damage every 10s) or other necros/summoners. Since Fortuna sws had purification song, i consider that 3rd hardest match up (after 80 lvl DAs and destros), high m def and impossible to debuff while sws has arrest which can be chained, it has silence which can be chained with aggro to prevent healing back to full, it has hex with decent damage, it has fast movement speed combined with 1 minute slow. In video you can find following fights against DA/destro/tyrant/PS/ES/Necro 4x/sws/DA/AW/ES/DA/DA/DA/ES Enjoy.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    +1, I'd even go further adding the Strix daily quest badges to those mobs.
  7. 1 point
    I agree on Ketra Champions. That is why I can not solo farm there. Sometimes the strong mobs are summoned from weak mobs with sudden surprise ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. 1 point
    Recruitment for Clan NoMercy โ€“ Lineage 2 Classic About Us: We are a small but close-knit clan aiming for shared adventures and success in the world of Lineage 2 Classic! Our goals include conquering PvE content, engaging in PvP battles and sieges, and supporting each other on the path to greatness! What We Offer: A friendly and active atmosphere. Participation in sieges and epic boss raids. Support for both newcomers and experienced players. Communication and coordination through Discord. Our Requirements: Level and class are negotiable. Active participation in the game and a desire to grow with the clan. Willingness to join in clan activities. How to Join: Interested? DM Join us, and letโ€™s conquer the world of Lineage 2 Classic together!