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Everything posted by fodemhouse

  1. ​It would be everything ok, but karma cleaning is divided by 3 acc to admin... But anyway, I am having fun with 20k karma, no problem...
  2. Table was taken from RU server, I didnt test anything... You can ilude yourself how much you want... Just because you are mad cause someone PK you it doesnt mean rates are right... Anyway, video doesnt show shit... He continues to kill more and more, he is low level, keltir doesnt give any xp etc...
  3. What about that ? Oficial table tested on Classic RU... Here I made 3pk and got 20k+ Karma... wtf is that ? You are blind...
  4. BizQuiQuit you are playing another server... First of all, I was not the one who asked for 15x.. I just said it wouldn't be a bad ideia... Daily pvps ? WTF are u talking about ? Cant see ANY pvp on server right now... Donation => 2 accounts, better buffs, chance of getting enchants, adenas, roulette, auction etc... How the hell can u say that it doesnt give any significant advantage ? wtf... Increasing the rates would be a good idea for the sake of the server...
  5. First of all I wanna say that admins ruined the low rate server with some really bad decisions... Why... Lets see.... What low rate classic player wants ? 1) Low rates of course 2) Drop chance, Oldschool pvp, Party play and they dont care about botting.... 3) Long Lasting server... Populated server... Admins gave low rate ok , Drop chance (ruined), Oldschool pvp (Ruined), Bots ( all banned) , Party playing (ruined), server lasting ? errr... You just added too much donation options... wich drove away low rate players.... You made karma ultra difficult to clean, so nobody pvp anymore, cause nobody hits anyone... Since there is no clan wars, pvp must be initialized by flaging and nobody flags cause it can go red and never become white again.. You cant play in party because you cant have a full party.... You cant play solo because you cant lvl without botting... You cant kill bots because they wont drop anything.... What is the fun of this server right now ? None.... Innova is launching official EU server soon.... I think it wouldnt be a bad idea to increase rates to 15x since you dont wanna see your server fail... Increasing rates are gonna at least keep the players here, the ones wich are willing to play without bot and with all the donation options you added... Since middle/high rates player wants to lvl up fast... you could have much more players if you were not too eager to profit from these donations... Just saying...
  6. It doesnt even drop so much... Already died 1 billion times and droped only once... This rates are stupid... If item didn´t drop, everybody would put BOTs day and night without even looking at PC screen... Drop rate should be increased... Karma rates decreased.... Thats what makes game fun...
  7. Maybe is because u dont have DEX ? I can land mostly mortal blows from behind so I guess backstab will be even easier but can´t say it cause still didnt reach lvl 40...
  8. 1) Get another toon or friend to trade all your items... 2) Ask your friend to kill u 1327817321 times... 3) Level up again.... or Amins please correct this Karma thing... This is not official rate and you know it... We are on a 3x rate server, not on 0.3x...
  9. humm... Only experts here uh ?! I guess you guys have the classic official files dont u ? Cause everybody here seams to have the "correct" formula... Let´s just dont bother with this crap anymore... Nobody will ever know the correct formula unless having classic official files ( the ones that our server dont have also... kkkk) Anyway, good game to everyone !
  10. Depends on wich RACE you are... This is only a suggestion, you can put whatever u want and check it... Human => + 4 STR + 4 DEX -8CON and u chose the tird one... You have a good amount of CON to take out... in fact DEX is not even so much necessary, u can put +8STR... Light Elf => + 4 STR - 4 DEX and u chose the rest.... Try not to take CON, but if u think its necessary is still fine to take out some... Dark Elf => + 4 WIT - 4 INT // U can check + 4 STR -4DEX but if u miss a lot than chose another one... Dont take out CON from dark elves or you will be a Stun magnet...
  11. NO... I just came to classic cause I was missing that old fun...
  12. I think you should read PLAKIS interview... search on forum or google it.... You are targetting the wrong people anyway... BOTs are there so we can kill them and take their items.... Adena Sellers are the ones wich should have perma-ban....
  13. PK is part of the game... If someone is bothering me all the time why can´t I PK him ? This is a PVP/PK game, thats why everybody likes Lineage... Otherwise I would be playing Final Fantasy... * 10% XP loss should stay same * Drop item should stay same * Karma should be reduced I know server need money to provide good service, so If u really dont want to reduce karma to official count, u can just add another skroll on donation shop... It can be called Karma scroll => reduce amount of karma by 50% when PK... ( 5 COL ) Although I would say that server was made to be as close as possible with official classic, so karma should be reduced...
  14. 2 cents again: Each SS grade has a different multiplier... For example: NG 1x D Grade 1,2x C Grade 1,5x etc.... That´s why a C grade dagger has a big difference from a D grade dagger for example when u backstab... Patack on same grade daggers make a small diff so they are not so important... Sett formula is very close to the correct one... ( Dont ask me cause Idk wich formula they use on classic)
  15. Well 1/4 I would say its insane hehe... But for sure its not correct.... Also, u have to remember that when a class is nerfed and its still been played its because their players are not common players.... They know what they are doing... Its kind of a survival law, only the big ones survive... The chances you are running against a good player when u fight a dagger is very big, so u cant say the class has enough damage just because someone killed u...
  16. Abyss Walker because is the ultimate killer... *** Watch For Fun ***
  17. Quero jogar com o pessoal Brazuca, mas só digo uma coisa: Ou chama pro clan agora ou esquece.... Quando eu estiver lvl alto, depois de ter upado solo passando perrengue, não farei parte de clan que não me aceitou quando era noob.... Outra coisa: Esse negocio de CP eh desculpa esfarrapada... Clan eh clan e ponto final...
  18. Just kill the bots, or try to drop their items... karma should be reduced, much better solution...
  19. Well, it should be reduced in fact... If server is 3x, should be 3x easier than official, not 3x harder... Karma rate is too much, did 1 pk and took me more than 3 hours to clean, this is ridiculous...
  20. I think u quoted something else... lol Anyway, there is something wrong but if its not corrected its also not the end of the world... Just bothers a bit to know that your class is screwed and a tank can crit harder than a DD....
  21. 1) This video is from official servers... Not from here... On official servers backstab works.... 2) Not to 1-shot robe users is unacceptable for a dagger.... Keep in mind that they can hit you at least 3x before u can even get close, and I am not talking about stun, hold etc... 3) In this server we lack damage, guess something is wrong on blow formula or the use of SS.... Dagger land rate is alright, you just need to get used to stay behind or you will miss most of your blows... 4) You will have a very hard time lvling up.... Because of that, most of your enemies will be higher level than you, and because of that, you will suffer from stun, hold, slows, sleep etc.... 5) If you really really want to play a dagger, go for it and be patient, maybe it will get better later on.... Otherwise you can choose a better option...
  22. What about premium acc ? The option to check MOB drops ???
  23. fodemhouse

    FREE GIFT !!!

    Hello, I dont know if its a bug or not... But I create my first char after Beta and didnt get anything of the free gifts OR events... char name ALCAPONE
  24. ​STR is not related to blow crit chance... Just saying.... Dagger skills are different... Anyway, I believe there is nothing wrong with STR, but I am almost sure there is something wrong with daggers blow formula.... Something is nerfed... Maybe SS modifier, maybe the critical dmg add part, (vicious stance, SA, Passives) I dont know what is wrong because nobody knows the formula, but for sure, there is something nerfed...