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Everything posted by Budesca

  1. Good News Everyone ! I talked with Santa Claus and he gived to me some Special Santa's Gift Pouch! You can see the results in the following table: Type Reward 1 Try 2 Try 3 Try 4 Try Chance (%) Estimation (%) Estimation by type (%) XP/SP Scrolls XP/SP: Low (30%) 70 74 23 230 12,348 12 XP/SP Scrolls (37%) XP/SP: Normal (50%) 58 55 44 174 10,295 10 XP/SP: Medium (70%) 46 37 53 115 7,807 8 XP/SP: High (100%) 29 33 73 92 7,061 7 Improved Enchants Improved armor D 21 25 21 102 5,257 5 Improved Enchants (24%) Improved armor C 29 19 24 102 5,412 5 Improved armor B 22 37 28 78 5,132 5 Improved weapon D 22 19 16 61 3,670 3,5 Improved weapon C 18 20 17 61 3,608 3,5 Improved weapon B 12 12 16 33 2,271 2 Aesthetic Items Silver Cloack 1 3 2 8 0,435 0,4 Aesthetic Items (3%) Golden Cloack 1 2 0 3 0,187 0,2 Holiday Circlet 9 4 6 23 1,306 1,4 Agathion Fairy Spirit 4 3 7 20 1,058 1 Other Types Sealed Rune x3 11 14 20 52 3,017 3 Other Types (36%) Class Buff Scroll x2 147 143 150 561 31,135 33 Total 500 500 500 1715 100,000 100 PD: Being good or bad does not afect the rewards. PD2: Take realy care with weight and slots aviable. If you got 90% weight or 90% of slots full (71/80 for a normal char) you will loose the pouch and get nothing. PD3: Thanks to all the Staff of this server. This work could not be made without his help and quick response.
  2. Good News Everyone !!! The Christmas event is here !! For event details check the event thread: http://l2classic.club/forum/topic/17816-christmas-event-spree/ I did an experiment by opening 3000 Santa's Girl Gift Pouch in three tries of 1000 pouch each. The results are the following: Type Reward 1 Try 2 Try 3 Try Chance (%) Estimation (%) Estimation by type (%) Consumeables Quick Helaing Potion 91 88 99 9,267 9 Consumeables (15%) Blessed Scroll of Escape 12 16 13 1,367 1,5 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 14 17 20 1,700 1,5 Snow Flake 29 27 19 2,500 3 Buff Scrolls Magic Barrier 37 26 36 3,300 3 Buff Scrolls (46%) Wind Walk 36 35 25 3,200 3 Shield 39 35 28 3,400 3 Empower 29 38 26 3,100 3 Acumen 27 28 23 2,600 3 Berseker 30 30 30 3,000 3 Bless the Soul 25 29 30 2,800 3 Might 31 36 35 3,400 3 Death Wisper 32 26 36 3,133 3 Focus 19 29 26 2,467 3 Haste 38 27 34 3,300 3 Vampiric Rage 30 29 31 3,000 3 Bless the Body 26 29 35 3,000 3 Guidance 33 24 30 2,900 3 Clarity 26 20 14 2,000 2 Wild Magic 15 20 24 1,967 2 Buff Packs Mage Buff Pack 18 11 13 1,400 1,5 Buff Packs (6%) Fighter Buff Pack 6 15 17 1,267 1,5 1 Class Buff Scroll 14 20 18 1,733 2 2 Class Buff Scroll 8 9 8 0,833 1 Enchants Enchant Armor D 15 11 18 1,467 1,5 Enchants (3,9%) Enchant Armor C 8 15 9 1,067 1 Enchant Armor B 5 5 5 0,500 0,5 Enchant Weapon D 8 2 5 0,500 0,5 Enchant Weapon C 2 4 4 0,333 0,3 Enchant Weapon B 0 2 0 0,067 0,1 Other types Small Firecracker 157 140 151 14,933 15 Other types (29,1%) Large Firecracker 101 106 107 10,467 10 Proof of Blood x10 33 37 25 3,167 3 Sealed Rune lvl 1 5 13 4 0,733 1 Refined Romantic Chapeau 1 1 2 0,133 0,1 Total 1000 1000 1000 100,000 100 PD: Take care with your inventory because if it is full or you got more than 90% weight you may loose the items. Good News Everyone ! I talked with Santa Claus and he gived to me some Special Santa's Gift Pouch! You can see the results in the following table: Type Reward 1 Try 2 Try 3 Try 4 Try Chance (%) Estimation (%) Estimation by type (%) XP/SP Scrolls XP/SP: Low (30%) 70 74 23 230 12,348 12 XP/SP Scrolls (37%) XP/SP: Normal (50%) 58 55 44 174 10,295 10 XP/SP: Medium (70%) 46 37 53 115 7,807 8 XP/SP: High (100%) 29 33 73 92 7,061 7 Improved Enchants Improved armor D 21 25 21 102 5,257 5 Improved Enchants (24%) Improved armor C 29 19 24 102 5,412 5 Improved armor B 22 37 28 78 5,132 5 Improved weapon D 22 19 16 61 3,670 3,5 Improved weapon C 18 20 17 61 3,608 3,5 Improved weapon B 12 12 16 33 2,271 2 Aesthetic Items Silver Cloack 1 3 2 8 0,435 0,4 Aesthetic Items (3%) Golden Cloack 1 2 0 3 0,187 0,2 Holiday Circlet 9 4 6 23 1,306 1,4 Agathion Fairy Spirit 4 3 7 20 1,058 1 Other Types Sealed Rune x3 11 14 20 52 3,017 3 Other Types (36%) Class Buff Scroll x2 147 143 150 561 31,135 33 Total 500 500 500 1715 100,000 100 PD: Being good or bad does not afect the rewards. PD2: Take care with weight and slots aviable. If you got 90% weight or 90% of slots full (71/80 for a normal char) you will loose the pouch and get nothing. PD3: Thanks to all the Staff of this server. This work could not be made without his help and quick response.
  3. Budesca

    WTB Othel lvl 7-8

    Y I saw them, I bought one of them ty
  4. Budesca

    -30% p.atack?

    Hello, I noticed on my destroyer and Sk that i have lower p.atack, arround 30%. This is a bug or should it be like this? Some1 else had the same problem?
  5. Hi i recently go to giran arena to remove the raid curse (silence). And i lost 4% on my PP. Plz check this.... Maybe is because its PVP zone like in sieges.
  6. WTB brigandine helmet or set +6 mail to Maduixa
  7. Hello ToNearest. You can change the resolution of the screen to smaller one and the skill bar will be bigger. Is not the best way but is the only one I know. Hope it helps you.
  8. I was making the quest a game of cards (Red Gem quest) and i feel like Klump wanted to say something with the cards... If someone gets any funny combination post it !
  9. If i'm right the critical atack rate is only for basic attacks. Critical on skills depends only on STR stat. So the buffs focus, death wisper, dance of fire, song of hunter, etc. do not change the critical rate or critical damage of your skills.
  10. Budesca

    Knowledge base

    I think a guide for modify the system msg can be awesome. If u share how to do it i will upload my system msg tunned
  11. Budesca

    Knowledge base

    I propose to open a post at Knowledge Base where everyone can ask for a guide and there is a list of them. For example: - Materialista ask for a guide to spoil for lvls 40-55. - Materialista ask about a database or list for drop/spoil of antharas lair (2.0). - LovelyPrincess ask for a guide to marry with his LovelyPrince. - Someone asks for a guide on archers. Which is the best archer? Like this we can satisfy the demands of users and give ideas to those who want to make a guide. Thanks for all ! PD: on every guide it will be usefull to set the creation date and which update was based.
  12. If i'm right u can not change your class to OL. To be OL u must born as a orc mystic and follow the paagrio's teachings. But i agree about exping recharger and reroll is easier.
  13. After asking and looking arround I found a solution at https://boards.lineage2warpgate.com/topic/3199-fixed-0xc0000142-errorsolved/ : "The latest update of l2 classic came up with some errors.One of those errors is: "error initializing application 0xc0000142". This problem occurs due to dsetup.dll file that is not compatible with older versions of windows. For this reason you will have to download this modified dsetup.dll file and follow some steps in order to be able to play! Step 1:Once you have run the l2 classic updater download the file and open it with winrar Step 2:Extract it into the system folder and replace it Step 3:Start the game from l2.exe inside the system folder REMEMBER: Each time you run the l2 classic updater you have to follow the same procedure! Download it from here https://www.4shared.com/rar/6uSFS7viba/dsetup.html I hope it can fix ur problem.Special thanks to Andrak !
  14. Hi, I recently downloaded 2.0 client on my PC. i have XP OS and I was playing with 1.5 client w0 problems. I try to run L2.exe but when i launch it does nothing. I tied to reinstall the L2 client and to go to regedit to modify registers but nothing did work. How can I solve this problem? Thanks for help
  15. Can you put the event manager few days? I have many hearths that I can not change and I amb sure I am not the only one. Thanks for all.