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Posts posted by retard

  1. 1 minute ago, blacksheep said:

    we figured it out by us being alive and you death = win fight? and prolly not more then 2 times because u bring ur zerg after those  and we still fight you lul instead of soe or in ur case run bridge to wait for 1hour for more ppl to log and even then u might not even come..... but please tell us more about how you cant log more then 2 pts...even ur leader agrees


    1 minute ago, Jerna said:

    Ofc i know you will bring "box" excuse :)). Like only you have to play with box. And as every1 claim that we have ppl just enough for 1 pt active only. We are 1 ally with 1 clan , 1 pt so do you thing that how many active we had at the times we had the fights 2 vs 2 ???? 

     Back to the point. Let remind me that when did you stay to fight back or appear in LOA when you had less than 2+ pts after lost tiwce 2 vs 2 at LOA ( you already accepted ) that your leader bragging for a fair fight over the time ??? 


    Either I need to write more clearly or you need to go take some english lessons, let me reiterate. When ppl fight 2vs2 pts and one side looses you cant say afterwards "when did your "top" pt stay back to fight or appear in LOA with less than 2 + pts after lost 2 vs 2 for 2 rounds with us ????" you consider it being a fair fight it seems. And expect us to come back mindlesly and try again.

    Speaking about boxes I don't like bringing the issue in the spotlight because we almost always have less than 9 ppl at the hours you guys are online also you can't compare boxed buffers with 3 mages pt vs boxed buffers + 4-6 mages pt in a supposed 9v9 fight. That same argument goes for 18v18 fights. 

    But again yes we have lost 2v2pts a few times vs SM+NF but I can't seem to recall your particular exmaple where we came back with larger numbers than you (more than 1 pt, if we are 2 its was probably a one time thing) considering our prime starts 18-19 CET and everyone from ally doesn't start earlier than 20:30-21:00 CET.

    And your question/argument about bringing more ppl seems kinda mute if first you bring ~equal numbers or whatever you have to fight for spot and and if you loose you come back with more ppl  (if there are any and considering they all want to farm in that location) seems kinda logical to me.

    If you do it like bizzquite eg. see equal numbers loose/pr and then come back with 1.5-3x numbers just for the sake of pushing someone out of the Zone and then 50-80% doing soe cause they are not going to farm in that zone is a zerg actually.

    Oh and the only times I've seen you fight when outnumbered is when you gank ABG vs Baby/Ripwalker/TT/Nosferatu. And in LoA even if you did it was never vs us. If we had more ppl you logged off.



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  2. 4 minutes ago, Jerna said:

    i belive he most deserve for top dog tittle. and pls just remind me when did your "top" pt stay back to fight or appear in LOA with less than 2 + pts after lost 2 vs 2 for 2 rounds ????

    I don't really remember that hapening but np..... also saying our pt lost 2v2 ? how did you figure the pvp was lost because of us ? Also fighting 2v2pts in LoA hasn't happened more than twice vs you guys 

    Next question even if we loose pvp vs you guys and we want to farm in LoA why would we continue to fight a loosing pvp ? 

    When we have fought 9v9 vs you guys it was never 9v9, most of the time you log 1-3 mages extra to help in fight vs our 2-3 extra boxed buffers........ the last time we lost to you an actual 9v9 was the fight in ABG a few days ago.

    And another question, when did I say our pt is top in any meaning ? we are 1 pt in clan.......... our ally has different prime than us when we start there is usually no one or at the most a few ppl from Rolan CP which can or can't help(they have lives :D ) So after writing this I realise that we cant bring more than 2 pt even if we wanted to so again back to the point of when did that happen ?

  3. Just now, Myrtan said:

    You think posting a little less sh1t than us makes you any better? Only guys, who completely ignore that forum and don't take part in any fights here can be called mature.

    "fights" lol and it does :D and only a "little less" seems like a inadequate comparison 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Jerna said:

    @retardi guess no1 can get 1st rank from your "almighty" leader

    Unfortunately he is on a far lower level than the current kings of forum but you on the other hand are slowly starting to surpass him and are aiming for the top dog spots already occupied by others on forums.


  5. 14 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    Rekt you in coli 9v10 ( u had se out of party). Did any1 of us even die? Ok so i cant offer u 9v9 i guess cos its pointless, tell me what else can i offer you to shut up ur mouth? Should i take off my pants? Or do you have different idea?

    Arent they already off for easy access for Bizz ? Anyways you seem to need bullet point as well.

    1. I've never argued about Coliseum pvp, even when I can give excuses for loss I didn't. You won, we lost.

    2. Even if I did start this server 3-4 months ago I still looked at your party as a good one willing to fight with or without an advantage and one that doesnt bullshit on forum but it seems that has changed quite a bit.

    6 minutes ago, BlackJack said:


    Oh and the reason you are not stading at the stone but a little bit behind is because this is the first fight and you lost badly, so you decided to change tactics i guess :


    So since you lost pvp you don't have it recorded ? and then make assumptions based off on a previous pvp which I'm not sure even happened on the same day since I doubt you went out of LoA let us enter it again and came again just to fight?

  6. 1 minute ago, BlackJack said:

    What did you show me? Are you seriously blind, in the clip you mentioned we are clearly attacked you on 3 way.. if we can't agree on something that obvious that is on VIDEO , i'm done. BB

    So.... our chars are after 3-way going to it and your pt is on 3-way rock and we are moving to you and you still say you attacked us ?

  7. 1 minute ago, BlackJack said:

    saw it, we are/were attacking you on 3 way in this pvp. As a matter of fact i remember this day very clearly, We attacked you on 3 way, you lost and pr-ed. 2nd fight we rushed in on 3 way cuze we won so easily first time and lost. So we were attacking and 3rd time was on skull where we attacked with 7 live ppl while you had full active and just stood for 1h on skull waiting.. so please... We saw on colliseum even with out of party buffs whats the real situation.

    Wait what, again changing subject and adding false information. You asked when we rushed you 9v9 and won and I showed you and you still make excuses ?

    And again you bring up Coliseum fight when that is not the scope here.....  at least for once stay on point. I know you've studied to be a bullshitng expert but constrain that to work if you even do.....

  8. 2 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    Also we waited an extra 30-60sec on 3way cuze our bd dc, u can even check ur fraps if u have some that we are w/o bd and have no dances, he logs when 2 parties fro mbehind already zerg us.

    the 100% truth is that I dont remember the last time you attacked 9v9, instead stood and wait. Hell i remember 10 days ago you were farming sniper bridge when NF party was on heart and you waited like 2 hours until anytime came and you attacked them lmao. Show me one video where you attack and kill us 9v9, you can't. Cuze you always wait like lil bitches.

    OOC #4 3-way pvp

  9. 16 minutes ago, UchihaMadara said:

    In this ooc movie, I told for everyone in global, that im going 9v9, and only after my pt failed, more pt appeard on you cause our ally wanted to farm loa.
    Clear mobs "resting" and so on, atleast find your balls to say, that you didnt wanted to 9v9 attacking heart.
    About biz pt yday, he could come even 5-10min earlier, but i told him no, wanted to check if you can attack, and ofc you can 3pt vs 1

    Maybe I should start doing bullet points so you can get it. And if you're gonna reply, Comment on all of them.

    1. In ooc movie pvp we knew ppl were comming and you even told us, so we rushed. Yesterday you knew ppl were comming and still didnt move.................. so what does that say ? 

    2. Bizz pt not comming immediately was true but we get to the same question: Our CP is bad/weak and whatnot, you guys are strong and we are supposed to rush you every single time ? If that's a written rule please tell me where so I can read the whole Perc rule book or whatever it is.

  10. And another thing if Bizz PT was 20 seconds faster on arriving yesterday you would have sandwiched us and killed us and then you would have probably killed the other 2 pts since they werent 18 active ppl but half of them were boxed and if that had happened I'm you sure you would have made at least 1 movie and bragged for at least a month for that achievement but alas it didn't happen.............

  11. 8 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    Only 2 times you "came at under 5000 range from us" and was close for 9v9 to happen was like 2 months ago but instead coming for 9v9, you pussied out and started to pve before sniper bridge. After 5-10 min of ur farm there we had to go on orfen ( u didnt compete epix tgat time so u didnt care) so we soed because didnt want to log back on top of u w/o song dance or party. Sounds like right thing for us, isnt it?

    2nd time it was close for 9v9 to happen was yday, you came clise but in the end u pussied out and waited fo other partys to zerg us. All other times that we fought, it was always our party training mobs on us and attacking ur position. So after you avoiding 9v9 and never attacking our pt and then crying on forum about zergunad and that we dont fight 9v9 sounds extremely hypocrite and retarded lol!!!

    Ye ye  staying before sniper to regen mana when we fucked up train while going there. Considering we need to constantly clear mobs while "resting" and also having 1+ train of mobs between you and us is pussying out ........... and yesterday you knew there were parties behind you and still stayed on 3-way waiting for Bizz to come at our back not sure who pussied out here...... On the OOC #4 clip the fight we had on 3-way was a similar situation where you guys had 1 or 2 pt comming from entrance and you can even see them arriving at the end of the PVP. And as usual you wait for us to come to you.......

    Again you guys are considering us as being weak and you being strong but you seem to need all the advantages you can get so you are comfortable to PVP and even then.

    One more thing which I said previously as well. I understand for you guys to come to a location so everyone can farm hence having more numbers and thats norma and nobody should be complaining in those situations. But gathering 30-100% more ppl to come to LoA so 2 parties can farm and the rest can just sit around and do nothing or for everyone to practice jogging around the map seems counter intuitive considering this a game we are supposed to have fun.......... 

    Yesterday you could have called only BabyRage cp and come to have a 3v3 pt pvp which to be honest you would have probably even won (not gonna list reasons why) but no ..... bizz  heard somewhere you need numbers and goes and gets numbers ......  at least we got a nice cardio workout this time......

  12. 1 minute ago, Rizos said:

    If i remember well you never ever rushed us in loa 9v9 in past few months, but we rushed you many times. This time tho you pussied out and waited for 2 pt more to zerg us. Such a pussy and hypocrite, and then you dare to speak bout 9v9 lul

    I've tried to not spam forum with worthless bullshit like you guys(or more accurately a retard from your cp does) do but you guys seem to be living in a different timeline, we have tried to rush a few times but you either soed to go help/pvp ABG with the excuse of being tired of waiting or daddy called you so you can come with more partys........... Apart from the pvp on Coli we had 2 pvp 9v9 which you can see on the OOC #4 clip from 2 months ago also if I'm not mistaken 1-2 more fights where you guys rolled us from the same time. We've had a few more fights right after we rerroled to mages as well. (I'm not counting any fight before we rerolled since I played only for a few weeks in the CP).

    Even on those 2 pvp on our clip you can't say you rushed us on Limal ramp because we were clearing that area anyways and you can see one mob following you and 5-6 mobs following CMoTaH.....

    Also you guys seem to be recording every single fight, do show everyone how many times you have rushed us 9v9 in the past 2 months ?

  13. 23 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    dont be upset cuze you lose all equal fights buddy, even yday when we were comming to 9v9 you in loa you pussied out and had to zerg us with 2extra parties from behind lul.

    yy and bizz party comming from our back at the same time ...... and then you staying in loa with 6 parties so that only 2 of them can farm ............

    if you're so strong why didn't you come to us instead of waiting for us to come to you on 3-way ? Still need terain advantage ? You beat us on Coli pvp you mucho strong............ Also us waiting for re d/s doesn't mean we were waiting for other PTs to arrive.


    2 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    Let's see how last fights in equal numbers went vs ooc if I only had a video of them, oh wait i do:


    Wait what ? AD tells you that WS mostly zergs and doesn't fight , and you show the very few fights we had on equal number which we lost. Doesn't that make it even worse ?

    Also I would understand if you bring more numbers in LoA so you can farm, nothing can be done there but there are quite a few times where you bring 2-3 extra parties just to go in and then those 2-3 parties go soe.................

  15. 5 minutes ago, BizQQuiT said:

    It was too fast and unexpected even for me. But what can you get from a gathering of residuals.

    What Rebirth has now is bad products of Perkunas.

    You have Comadrejas, raised and built by WickedSick who chose to join ES because they couldn't farm for few months. Oh they also started to invite everyone I kicked, and resulted in a clan of really toxic players.

    What's next... fresh blood Anathema. Same story as Coma but with a twist, in grand view similar mistakes.

    And about individual Cps, you've got this OOC, again bad product of Perks, some remainders of vigilance and a jump around CP like Desnatada or w/e the party leader is there. I guess fish food doesn't even get nominated anymore.

    Ah, list goes on and on, just a bunch of really intoxicated players kicked from a side to dust bin.

    I was expecting this outcome, but not on this siege tbh, they amaze me day by day.

    I only hope people can learn and stop following retarded clan and ally leaders.


    so from your post it turns out 70% of ppl that are not in WS are trash, no comment on the 30% left and WS are GODS walking among trash ?