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Everything posted by HachiRoku

  1. Yo started here kind of recently myself too. The PK thing is going to happen all the way to 75, clan tag or not. Best you can do is run around with a party, or write their name down (you will find out their mains eventually) and get revenge later. It's l2 classic, it's supposed to be frustrating.
  2. Goddamn that was sweet. Nice close group fights and the 1 vs. 2 archers... I don't care what people say about glads, that was awesome. Most importantly the extra editing you do goes a long way, it is definitely appreciated. Not trying to kiss your ass but that's the best video I've seen on here yet, MoDoy's solo PvP video is up there too. I would say the same if you were Chinese or Perkunas, or SM.
  3. HachiRoku

    Summer Time Event!

    Anyone else gotten hat? I'm curious on how many boxes did it take? Can't decide to sell my items or get boxes. The hat would look good with majestic I think.
  4. Nope I did not. I mean oops, wrong account! I mean... I'll just show myself out of this thread.
  5. 1. When did I say assisting was bad? I said there was assisting here. I said right clicking isn't the only method of assisting other players. And you use paraOlympics as an insult? How old are you? To think someone who talks like this called me a boy - mind boggling. 2. When did rushing not work out for him in this video? Greek? Where are you getting your information - your language skills must be worse than the Chinese players here. 3. When did I say anything about his Tyrant skill use? You've confused yourself I think. 4. When did I admit BW heavy is better in all circumstances? Never. Yeah I don't know anything about Tyrant skills, so I didn't comment on any of your Tyrant skill related criticism. As far as everything else it's melee/general PvP stuff, and I commented on that because your desperately looking for things to criticize, at the cost of being full of shit. Seriously mate, you need to work on your English comprehension. Half of your response directed at me has either nothing to do with what I said, or just total misinterpretation of what I wrote.
  6. This is a public forum, so I'll write a response to your dumbass comments if I feel like it. I'm not going to apologize for trying to improve the community. I think we all like seeing new PvP videos. I think we all like to seeing good PvP videos. Your shit posts hardly help either of those causes. You're not going to stop me from criticizing that. BTW the posts here are permanent, so while I am may be new that is hardly saying much. Anyone can look back through old posts and see what's been going on here. And trying to be a smartass? Hardly, maybe it just looks that way compared to the drivel you post.
  7. When you get hit with backfire/suspension as Tyrant, do you just auto attack enemies? Do you AFK for 30 seconds? Doesn't change much if you ask me. You act like he is 1v1'ing people the entire video, you really don't see all the times he attacks the same target as other players? BTW I think every CP on this server could be better at targeting/assisting. Maybe the set is +6? Maybe we are living in the world of mages? Maybe he got it from a friend and prefers it to buying his own set? Also BW light is arguably one of the better light choices. If he was using it vs. Archer, Tank, Dagger, etc. in OIympiad I would say you have a point. Honestly I regret ever defending the guy's gameplay. It's not my place and I don't want to get into a flame war over shit I don't care about. The point was you should open with your criticism instead of just saying someone makes loads of mistakes, and you should do it without being a dick... If someone says "you're just flaming cause of enemy" when you bring valid points well then they will look like a fool, not you.
  8. @Rizos 1. What debuffs do not have an animation? AKA what debuffs can you not see cast by your enemy or cast on yourself. (AKA stunned = stars over your characters head. "Surrender to X" you can see cast by your enemy.) Also you can see his debuffs through the party frame, though I'd personally never set up my UI like this either, to fault someone for it seems like you're trying too hard. 2. I see him attacking the same targets as many others in his party. No assist? You mean he doesn't right click party members names? Other ways of assisting players you know. Also who says he isn't MA? Can you hear TS? People who simply assist without considering positioning should stick to Archer or Necro, it's not a melee thing. 3. Melee party has to commit at some point. Also it seemed to work out for him. But yeah, he probably shouldn't have Zerk on to begin with. Nitpicking if I've ever seen it though. 7. What wrong with BW light? Stop being a child about it and give actual criticism. Tell the guy why you think BW light is bad. Not "LOL bro are you serious you chose BW Light what an idiot! HAHA" Or do you not want good opponents/good PvP videos here? Maybe the rest are valid points, I don't know, I don't play the class. I hope they are though. Not sure why you have to have an attitude about giving criticism either - it makes you look like a very small person. You think people say you're just shit talking cause your enemy cause they can't accept criticism? Maybe it's because of the way you offer it. P.S. Props for actually posting specifics. Respect for that at least.
  9. Gather around everybody. MLG Rizos is going to enlighten us on the finer points of classic Tyrant gameplay. I mean you are going to tell us right? You're not going to just say he's bad without offering any specific criticism right? Cause that would make you a total tool.
  10. I pk'd a PR with similar name this morning in FoM with Devil whatever China player nearby. Must have been mnbd002 lmao. They are pushing them out like clockwork.
  11. Nice. ++ for small group PvP. P.S. this mnbv001 will be the next 76 PR produced in 20 days out of the Chinese factory, I'm calling it. P.P.S. what did that guy see at the end?! Cojira? I'm curious lol
  12. HachiRoku

    SoulMate PvP

    How was I being capricious? It's only a suggestion, I think it makes the video better.
  13. HachiRoku

    SoulMate PvP

    Good practice for retreating it seems. Awesome video. Nice music too. I just wish I could hear game sounds, anyway to record it without Teamspeak too? Also someone buy this man a new PC. P.S. I'd like to spend every morning with a cup of coffee and a good PvP video from our server. Let's all spend less time on forum PvP and more time in the editing room!
  14. I did consider this but I am also worried about PvP and the problems that may come with lack of a tank. But perhaps you're right. I need to do some testing and then I may need to rethink my roster a bit. I appreciate the advice. @Anytime Thanks, it's cause of players like you and Cyane that I decided to stop being a meta whore and play the class I want. I hope I do not disappoint.
  15. I literally make 20% a day BS @ 72 solo. My character is 2 months old and Lv. 73. Making a party to leech? Please. Why post this trash in recruiting thread instead of PM? Trying to be helpful or just be an asshole? If someone doesn't want to join my CP be all means, they don't need to. I didn't make this thread for your speculation. If you doubt melee CPs or daggers or whatever, good for you, post it somewhere else. Or don't, and just bump by thread. Thanks. Oh and of course no offense, best regards!
  16. HachiRoku

    Summer of 69

    Not Rammstein? Who then? ... I guess I can google lyrics Lindemann.... we need more Lindemann videos! That's what I said!
  17. I'm just curious why WS appropriated the ugly Chinese clan emblem. You guys speaking Chinese in ally now too? .... but seriously how could you mislead a zerg that poorly?
  18. HachiRoku

    Summer of 69

    We need more Rammstein videos IMO Good stuff
  19. Well played as before - good kiting by the entire CP. Only criticism I can give is that none of the fights seemed close. Not saying they weren't fair - but the most exciting videos are when you come back from like 1 HP or some crazy shit. Anyway, thoroughly enjoyed. Keep it up. Can't wait to see Afrody 75 PvP (scary thought)