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Everything posted by Kaaru

  1. why we need event's if we just can add any item to gmshop for cols. ftl
  2. dont be stupid, this event is because of cloak, if cloak would be able for buy for cols, this event wount be so cool. dont be dick with ur stupid votes or ideas.
  3. Hello, what is real raid boss respawn time? as i remember it Always was 12h + 8h random respawn. or its changed in classic?
  4. sea of spores spiders took me 3 days to get it
  5. Kaaru

    exp loss in siege

    Can u help me with my memory? was there exp lose zones in lineage2? as i remember u dont lose exp in siege zone, it means if u are in "pvp" zone, dont get karma or name color changes to violet, u dont lose exp.
  6. summons dont attack enemys, "cant attack in peace zone," in forsaken plains
  7. Kaaru


    castle claock should work, clan skills not work, ...castle cp? what is that?
  8. check aryastark and other chinese. they are 24/7
  9. Kaaru


    Every proxys was unstable, now game stabilized a bit.
  10. Kaaru


    Hello, tryed to uppate client, but after long waiting only "error while loading files" appeared. cant cownload updater or patch. tryed with few laptops. have hudge lag, not only me. Is it ddos? or another issues?
  11. Kaaru

    First days with TH

    should i know every lowlifer in this server, who pay 20euro for change class? i dont think so.
  12. Kaaru

    First days with TH

    so u leveled 65+ in one day?
  13. after charsh u will get exp as usualy rb gives if it gives 10kk it wil give 10kk and no care how much hp he had. i was finishing rb after crash already, i know it
  14. u will login and rb will be with hp u left it after u will lure it to arena again u will kill it and get same exp as usual problem solved
  15. All the day long i cant exp/kill rb/fishing/sell junk. set shop, went for bussines, get crash in 5 minutes after i go out from doors, start kill rb, get crash at half hp.
  16. 1,u can use search button to search, but it wount help u find, lot of shops w/o info, lot of shops with wrong info. so u can only run around and search search search. 2,books drop rate is 1/2k, rcp ucan spoil 1/16. so i should level up spoiler to 50+ to get them all, active spoilers dont spoil mats receipes, they spoil stuff they can sell big price. 3, u know what is p2w? i dont offer add items what u cant get w/o spending Money. i offer only add some pa boost, so u can exp a bit faster. it wount boost ur p attac or other. just question, how many pa server sell a month? and how many pa will sell with boost?
  17. 1. In tradint zone is hard to find something. I offer set locations for difirent items, locations as recipes, mats , full items, spellbooks, etc. 2. In GM shop add material recipes, it wount harm game. I'm warsmith, need some recipes, but its hard to find any in trading zone, almost nobody sell them, so if i have chance to buy them from gm shop it would help me, in other way i can level up spoiler, but leveling spoiler to level 50+ is take much time. 3.Dont realy know how it Works, but if it would give hm, x1,5 exp x1,2 drop/spoil u will sell more PA in game. we know what Money help u keep server alive.
  18. Kaaru


  19. The gift was only on 14th day, am I right?