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About Brutals

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  1. hello,anyone can link site with drop/spoil for zaken patch,coz i can only find the latest updates only. thank you.
  2. tau gmai turetu moket uz tokia reklama
  3. you just cant be wrong,can you
  4. so super aeore rune 13 MP restoration bonus 17% ,common iss rune 13 MP Recovery Bonus +20.64%.basicly common rune is better then super rune? or they work some different way?
  5. roger that :),then i guess i just wasted 70kk on usless rune...
  6. i equiped weapon with aeore super rune and still recharging same amont of mp..bug? regenerating of own mp also the same...
  7. i dont understand peopple who are so negative about donations,without china donations this server might be dead by now. RESPECT TO ALL DONATORS !!!
  8. Brutals

    Event: Summer Feast

    looks like players voted...way more then 100 votes and the majority want this item back on reward what its gonna be?
  9. Brutals

    Login Down

    its time...
  10. and again another week till friday bs without prefects...
  11. yeah Rip thanks for being so funny
  12. 20 hours past mobs still bugged.
  13. they was pulled away yesterday and didnt came back,only after restart,i was farming today 2h they didnt came back.
  14. half mobs are bugged in bs,cant admins do something so they respawn in 10-15 mins?or must wait untill next restart again...thats anoying.