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About BeerWarrior

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  1. Mega says "The file you are trying to download is no longer available." Google says "404. That’s an error" What's up with that?
  2. Can you kindly fuk off with this non-english crap? Get a room. Speak English if the thread was started and discussed in English, you ignorant twats.
  3. I came over looking for intelligent people discussing the actual topic of the aggression power. Gotta look elsewhere I reckon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. The GMs. They would. The game balancing is an ongoing process and it's up to them to consider our messages and ultimately decide themselves.
  5. Yes for the agro power. No for the cooldown reduction.
  6. GMs assure us that the drops here match the drop list on the wiki.