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About Syka

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  1. Syka


    They were not ready. Ez clap.
  2. Come on chris u don't have to disrespect him like that.
  3. By working hard u mean rmt and get perma banned right?
  4. THE saddest part is that the top ol of the server (self declared cuz otherwise not even close) can't even win in oly against Sk (Hellious). Not taking anything away from hellious he is by far the best sk on the server but man u gotta suck hard to lose against sk with a perma cancer fear char. Nub
  5. Syka

    Trash macro or BOTs?

    They were using macro there aswell. Not traceable ?
  6. Don't quote me rmt'er playing with a bought char (aka malakafaka) . And already been banned once and got ripped off of your 3rd class skills. Shut your whore mouth and go back to your basement fingerless virgin.
  7. The moment when those nerds search wiki just to come up with an answer hahahahaha. Arrogance cp top irrelevant monkeys of 2019. #nolife
  8. Cough cough marketplace cough cough.