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Posts posted by Yonkou

  1. 17 minutes ago, San0 said:

    they dont even know dude, they went there with their lol wtv class in normal gear and buff scroll as they used to do, got 2 shoted, and proceed to madness cuz QQ. anyway.


    9000 crys later, there wont be any changes, if something i would say DI is still slithgly weaker then on official and it was on propose. and its still 300 % easier then GC.

    group up, buff decently, and farm easy, you cant do it? well then maybe it means you should not be farming on that area yet.

    too hard to do? tough luck son, so is life and we still do it everyday xD

    it just fukin puzzles me how people complain that they cant SOLO get same ammount of exp from mobs that are farmed with a PARTY of 9 guys and still takes longer time to kill.


    also about the cry "this way we cant farm eng game items and eng game items are only for high levels" doesnt DI drops the same fukin B grade bulshit that LOA has been droping for 3 years and that TOI has been droping for 2 years? wtf end game gear are you even talking about?

    If we express everything that has been said in a bodily way it would look like this:


    • Haha 1

  2. 2 hours ago, Fortuna said:


    1. Os membros do Bravo fazem o mesmo quando têm medo preso em mobs, você usa software de terceiros para isso?

    2. Se alguma coisa, é principalmente um sinal de que não é um bot, é uma macro de assistência / acompanhamento para um jogador ativo. Um bot funciona com condições como "Se o movimento for bloqueado por x segundos por um obstáculo, mude de direção" e ainda assim ocorrerá movimentos estranhos. 

    3. Bravo faz o mesmo com tiranos no orfen / core, você usa software de terceiros para isso?

    4. Quase impossível de provar, a menos que você mesmo use algum tipo de programa e possa verificar se realmente não há câmeras em nenhum lugar.

    Não acusando ninguém de botar, mas sua evidência é fraca. 

    Guy defending china because he is an ally. RIDICULOUS

  3. No explanation, you hide a boss and CHINA / KOREA player finds his boss using radar, but there is no proof of that shit, so a solution to that would be he couldn't get the RB out of his respown location if he goes out of a distance of his respown he returned to the same. This bug of pulling the boss to the other side of the map is already ok, it would kill him in the respwon and who wanted to fight for him in RESPOWN. And not just take it away and hide from everyone avoiding the PVP / PK. 








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