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Everything posted by Lunareaia

  1. Same here. too much p2w to legitimately play and have any sort of chance,especially when they don't want you in parties +99 cuz lack of p2w gear
  2. 1.5h of grind,7 scrolls
  3. I've just realized i was caught on the screenshot. IM A STAR REEEEEEEEEEE
  4. EE has clarity,shock resist,recharge and advanced block,but i definitely see your point,as their 3rd class book skill is "mass cure poison" lmao
  5. Everyone talking about the next updates yada yada,but how long we actually waited for the zaken patch?
  6. So,as we all know,pretty much everyone shits on temple knights in general,because they lack any hard CC besides root (yay we have arrest now!),though,the three other tanks have stuns (DA/pal) or para (SK),so my proposal is,to add Shield Bash to TK as a custom feature,pretty much similar way we had buff summons,instead of waiting 2-3 years from now when Antharas patch hits. Show some love for the elf tanks :(