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Posts posted by Zeperios

  1. 15 hours ago, Koll said:

    1) Different parts of a team working on different things. Scripter + San0 was working on update. I'm providing information about players lags to team lead who is working on it with datacenter. Based on tests we located proxies that have issues and will remove them for now, while datacenter checking why it's happening. Team lead is reforming proxies list we will announce when changes will be made for players to test.
    2) Antharas "teleport in while Antharas is in combat" was reverted before your post, check San0 messages.  


    Changes to proxies were made. In case you will have any issues, please send me a message.

    Thanks for all the info, will there also be a .db update for this patch?

  2. 4 hours ago, bjack said:

    just info u that lilith now respawn each 1.5day,and there were only 1pt ppl farming there 

    if there are 3 pts to farm whole lilith,it can spawn every 0.5day,this change seems not so good

    Multiple primes were farmed that day, not just 1 person. Lilith used to spawn everyday on double exp weekends. They should have knowledge of how fast it can spawn now. So this wasn’t even fastest spawn.

  3. Over all the years, people still argue with Modoy even though he has some of the most intelligent and thought-out game balance designs lol........ Not all of them are winners but there is at least real thought behind them.


    CH's: CH's being an auction system favors clans in prime of the auction as well, and the admins should be exactly who you want to regulate the price and market. We don't have complete capitalist society inside L2, so let the admins regulate like they are supposed to.

    This should be a set price on like your house and over time that price increases. Would you want to get evicted just because someone can outbid you in your existing house. Have CH's being biddable month to month has bigger effects on the whole market of the server by it being another commodity to be traded month in and month out. If there is higher and higher maintenance this a "simple" regulation done by the admins to control the total adena in the server. From a game design and market inference standpoint having higher maintenance fees is a much better use of power from the admins.


    No Box: As others have said, playing with no box is terrible in L2 in general and especially in classic. For anyone that actually wants no box, I challenge you in the next 1.5 months until new server starts, go play on TI with no box and tell me what it is like for you. I guarantee you after you hit lvl ~35 definitely 40+ you will want to blow your brains out from having to sit down after each mob and that is probably with all the free gear and stuff that TI has now.

    There is no doubt that playing and building a community is important, but 1 box per person does not change that. You are looking at minimum of 4-5 people for full party. More realistically with fresh server you are looking at 7-9 people constantly with boxes being played at nights to increase total exp of the CP. As far as community and playing with people, there isnt much interaction for like a warcryer in classic who just needs to buff every 20 mins and PPs. SE/EE's at least need to recharge, but people are going to be min maxing setups so running necros, bd, sws, full buffers, OL, DA, BP.  For 1 cp you are looking at ~11-12 chars where 4-5 of them do next to nothing. Instead of having AFK friend come back to buff every 20 mins why not donate to the server, and just box it and if you have someone online have them come play and contribute like normal? Boxing changes nothing for active full CP and helps bring in and keep partial CP's that can box the rest and eventually merge/join clan.

  4. 2 minutes ago, San0 said:

    you dont have to kill the natives unless you want to, you just kill the summoner and huntsman without killing the native and after those are dead the native thanks you and runs away.

    Yes but there are 2 natives per pack and when fighting a pack 1 is like sacrificed, suicided, or killed by the leader. So does that native death count as -10 or only if a character kills it. If you kill a junior pack "slowly" there will only be 1 native left at the end that thanks you and gets away.

  5. @San0 @Koll@Kse

    When killing junior summoners and junior huntsman they often kill the Subjugated Native. Does the junior killing those natives cause a reduction in server reputation or only when an actual player does it? If so, killing juniors are a -9 activity? Because juniors are only worth 1 but they kill a slave.


    Side note, is there a way to have like a weekly report or have an NPC say what the server rep is? Or we just have to blindly grind there until it unlocks to lvl 2.


    Edit: I ask because we have people that are killing juniors thinking they are helping, but if we are going -9 per pack they are not helping at all.

  6. Ok potentially last point just for admins to discuss and it looks like we should have a good bit of time to decide it.

    Phase 1 is going to take a month maybe more. Phase 2 can get pushed immediately if you have enough badges. But here is the next long gate. Phase 3, with average drop rate, will take 2 months to clear of perfect farm all from 1 person to collect 40 native treasures. This is also the same time needed to buy a ring yourself. This seems quite unrealistic and I would ask the admins to look into this over the next bit and determine if that is the speed at which native treasures should drop at a server level.

    Im not sure at what rate you are expecting each hellbound level to take, but if 60 days is what you want for lvl 3 maybe look at a different way to get the ring so in a whole year we only get 6 people with it. This ring doesn’t have that much value anyways because once we hit higher tiers we can just buy potions. 

  7. Get we get a little more detail on lvl 5 and lvl 6 of hellbound. We have to kill Derek in lvl 5, but is he just automatically spawned when lvl 5 starts and the server has to kill him? And, in lvl 6 we have to take over the enchanted megaliths, but do we just kill them over and over until lvl 7 unlocks???? Each of the other levels have very defined goals, and wondering if lvl 5 and 6 are meant to be not clear.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    changes look good except this newbie weapon lose rune. Not like i have one but looks very unfair if some1 invested hours of farm to make some blunt for destro and now w/o othell its useless. Plus it loses a lot of value for newbies. Maybe ppl stopped buying weapons from AH kekw

    Overall this is a beneficial change IMO. Farmers were still dominating RBs just to get free weps. Yes, it will hurt new players, but maybe a system can be re-implemented to limit the runes to lvl 6 or have special runes that can be bought and limit the level that way.


    I dont feel bad for farmers they have the gear and wont be bad. Some of them, good for them for finding it, but exploited a change that was never announced so they dominated RBs when no one thought runes could be inserted.

  9. Did any of these points even get read by admins? Like I think the population understands that there is tons to work on, but there has been no real change or acknowledgement of change for these systems since they really started. If this is even just a talking point, can an Admin say “we read it and will talk about it”

  10. 15 hours ago, Sensei said:

    Owl for 76+ chars should at least be able to receive from 70 rb.

    The troll part is you can get owl from 70 rb’s *sometimes*. I don’t know if it was a glitch or it has some random chance to spawn a “higher level” owl, but I have gotten Strix blessing from 70 daily RB before on level 80 char. The next day it didn’t work but luckily a DK dropped one. Still just weird how that whole system functions.

  11. I think the coin system has potential for new players as bosses will be up more and they can farm more regularly, but the system probably needs to be improved so that it is competitive with real gear.

    Mainly since raids don’t drop runes anymore it would make sense to add runes to the reward list that are also only useable on reward weapons and cap the weapon enchant at say +10 or +12. Getting +10 or so is still extremely rare especially without improved scrolls.  (By extension the new weps need to be able to have runes applied or else they are useless)

    Saying that the system is complete shit is missing the point that it will give new players a dedicated way to get gear, the system seems like it needs to get boosted slightly so that the gear is “easy” but capped where established players have no reason to farm it because +6 B armor and +10 wep is not worth it.

    As corruptor said, it has potential to bring players together and more importantly have RBs alive for players to go form around since it takes new players a lot of effort. 

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  12. 8 hours ago, San0 said:

    Changes on this pack are more focused on bringing players more interest to the older stuff instead of focusing on totaly new content that will come on next pack, as well as bringing back some atention and interest on the lower level epics (AQ, ORFEN, CORE) back to the high level game content.

    Is there some more game design / decision making information that we can get from you the devs. After reviewing all this and processing the information the change that I find most strange is the upgrade of baium and somewhat Zaken to lvl 4.

    Baium is already the top boss jewel and very challenging to make. (Server been online for 5 years so over all time there should be ~30 baium 3’s on the server). So if baium 4 is x2 baium 3’s that upgrade is a very small pool. Also since all the lower epics are upgrading to high level epics it somewhat makes sense that they might be on same level as baium and/or Zaken. 

    Also all lower epics have short spawn but if they were only lvl 4’s then their effective time to get final jewel would be doubled which puts them more on par with baium spawn window.

    Overall change will be new for sure and change the game, just wondering if some more detail on why all jewels will be upgraded since even original post commented on making lower epics worth more again.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Setzer said:

    T-rex farming, Tablet farming (5.5kk ++ for a tablet is insane), epic farming with ally, gemstone A farming.. we never had so many ways to get adena..

    And lvl 82 also helps a lot as you already know.. ^^

    Sadly 5.5kk means nothing when baium 4 has stats like that. You are about to become Zeus if you have baium 4. The math for farming baium 3 was already depressing, do math for baium 4…..

  14. Can’t wait for the response: “You all complain about so much stuff we can’t fix it all because we don’t have a big staff and have people working big patches.”


    I don’t know how to even explain in clearer English that the players are asking for the admins to be vocal or transparent. The player base has been giving suggestions, asking what we can do to help, and begging for the server to survive. We get hit with, don’t play so much and don’t complain about a million things, other than that radio silence! I won’t even go into the math of the most recent content that they have put out which tells a different story of play all day all year long for years if you ever want max anakim/Lilith rune and the 1.5 year old FI tali now.

    People seem to complain that admins don’t do anything, but I think the bigger issue is THEY DONT SAY ANYTHING!! You don’t have to give full plans if it spoils something but how long does it take to respond “We will look into that”, “That is an interesting idea”, “We are already addressing that somehow”. The player base is eating itself alive and you all are just sitting back and watching it implode.

    I meme’d about the weekly post that was leading up to new patch and how it only last 8 weeks and hoping it would be revitalized to communicate. #ghosted.

    So let me try one more time, we are asking for admin input and responses. I know this is toxic, but at this point you are just ignoring this server like a girl you are trying to breakup with without saying it. 

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  15. 3 hours ago, Creative1365 said:

    But still for solo farmer will be harder , the map announcement should show the respawn 30min before to give time for randoms to gather up .

    Do you have any idea how much RB farmers do in damage right now? Even if 3 pts of new players were at each boss they would do less than 10% health. This would give RB farmers a chance to go sit at the boss with gate, orcs ready to jump and buffed so all you would do is CoV disco and kill the boss. Good RB killers kill bosses in 45 seconds or less depending on boss sometimes as little as 15 seconds. There would be 0 benefit to new players. It would be more exp for those players to grind SV or GC for those 5 mins of running and buffing to boss than to try and beat RB farmers.

    The old map of showing on spawn gave best chance to everyone because there was no advantage in knowledge or timing to experienced players. The problem and probably more of the reason the admins changed it is because the map gave actual data to the client that could be used by external programs on when a boss spawned. They banned many people for that, but it was obvious lots of the RB farmers still used a method of this data.


    We can discuss all we want about RBs, GC, w/e other topic people want to complain about, but leveling or entry gear isnt a huge problem. One of the biggest problems is the availability of epics and price for them. People can complain about RBs on this thread all they want, but people stop playing because they "finish" L2 classic club. There is a soft end to this server where you get to lvl 77,78,79,80 but the next step in progression is pretty much unattainable without donations (+8 armor, lower epics, +14+ B grade) and on all chars in a CP. When you can kill a RB and max get 60kk or grind GC for 1 hour and get 20kk but it takes 4kkk+ for each of the items I listed. You see a wall you cant climb and you stop playing.

  16. 3 hours ago, Creative1365 said:

    You guys don't understand that's the all character have cons and pros .

    Stop crying about tyrant /destroy about PvE yes they are PvE monsters because they are made to be PvE monsters , 

    In pvp u have better characters to do it but they are sucks in PvE ...

    Average character in PvE will be average in pvp it is how it works.


    The cop cc is made BCS of the extra CRIT DMG stuffs as othels buffs epics if they will put out cc and cop the players without star war gear and epics will die on 0.3 hit .

    Sorry but if someone can't kill supp or robe user as dagger with same gear a that's mean the dagger person is moron.

    With the 2 x hides or 2 x ghost step tricks it is possible to put like one or 2 combos in a row .

    Let me put this in a more understandable way since you don’t get it at all.


    Runes broke the balance of the game (physical damage). Daggers and archers are supposed to have crit advantage over people and therefore bring more damage through crits. Every other physical damage class is way overtuned because of othell.


    Continuing on Modoys counter to your point:

    Archers suck pve and pvp

    Tyrants god at both

    Titan 81+ god PvE very useful pvp

    Necros…… need I say more. Hint: give me a con about the class. I’lol die before you give me a real one


    Daggers: pvp have some of lowest mobility now even though that is meant to be in their class


    The whole discussion in this post is from people that understand the game and balance to a high level. We aren’t saying there aren’t pros and cons and that balance isn’t a challenge, but highlighting where the balance is DOMINATED by a few classes. Also none of what we are tossing around is even full ideas just something that would be interesting to test and see how the balance of the game reacts to it.


    Ignore “Star Wars gear”. L2 has always catered to high gear and made you invincible if you are geared. That’s L2. Modoy pointed out how CoP and CC can help balance for non-GG gear people.

    Last point about dagger is funny though. You are complaining to someone that has played dagger on this server probably in top 5 and I’ve been on server 2 years and know that. You also listed every dagger skill to be used to kill someone when there are salvs and castle blessing scrolls. So you brought a whole char to remove 1 buff and cause a rez. #effective. You can do that every few mins though so just ask your CP to live until then. 

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  17. 3 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    only ppl who could be against removal of CC are PvE ppl

    Simplification, but kind of true. In pvp CC is more of a defensive buff, in pve it is offensive buff. CC proc in general is a very nice damage boost and gives some nice ability to have higher damage, but in PvE it is required for the areas that are created. However this could give some "balance" to the existing areas in that not having CC would make the areas much harder and require more group play.


    i'm not a huge fan of removing CC because I like it in pve and felt awesome back in the day interlude (was 84 PP? so some balance there). But it cant be ignored that L2 pre-CC and L2-post CC are wildly different games almost. I think removing CC sort of reverts the game back in patches while still having existing characters and gear, while giving archer a crit pen buff keeps it the same while buffing an archetype.


    Either way a solution around crits, melee classes, stigma, and caster (mainly necro) strength needs to be evaluated.