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Everything posted by w4rlock

  1. frost/wind/fire armor get triggert in melee (40range- one of 2 mechanic's) attack, not ranged. and no need to modify it don't squeeze tank out of party and deal them "buff bot box" (pala,tk) don't oblige every parties game for "order setup" (alive pp, bp) don't iconize party "fireflies" game style I'm not talking anymore about fix PURI - the only defense from overbust party's and the classic system of different types "mental and another" attacks which are resisted only by epics. And now you get 2 or 3+ fear in the battle from overbust "fearclass" with 80% chance to resist. (yes, nerf is not strong, but sufficient) i understund your position. Thx. it's last post of discuss.
  2. my question concerned to theme: balance, not rework redisign and so one. Grt thx to all in discuss, now i understund it doesn't matter
  3. okay, forum warrior and pillar fighter,ohh,sorry, test-master. you have your own truth, including how and what should work. GJ.
  4. pt ud absorbs 90% dmg and long time ago tank classes don't receive damage...(10% or another %) Tank class used pt UD and 15sec don't need a heal. Since some time he had this damage and he had suicide if use skill (when the extra damage goes to his party). FK have broken mechanics: extra power for full hp dmg, mid hp dmg, low hp dmg, and unresistable for CC and ChOP, because haven't crit. u rly think about this skill,what it works correctly, then Full HP Phantom deal more dmg from FK rather than another bow skill (3rd prof..)? On another chronicles machanics FK similar CDL (necro and SH) but mages don't deal a essential damage from spell when they have full hp. about deflect magic, 2 point of view about description (on classic servers) and (GF,HF chronicles) skill don't up chance to avoid spell (if it's works, 50% to the basic stats don't have a results) and if we discuss about description - don't resisted dmg from spell what kind of balance are we talking about? just say what are just changing the meta (from interlude) - only mages/nukers and archers. okok, nerf tyr's totem crit dmg 20 > to 10% because it's imba, it's okay, and give archer's passive crit for bow and rework some accompanynig skill's it's nothing ... ggwp. "who pays the piper calls the tune"?
  5. We saw critical changes in every updates. Why you change meta, but not rework and fix broken skills? (or no announcement rework.. For example: how was it with Party UD on tank class. 4 years it works for one mechanic's and since some time became work right...) 1.Fatal counter (PR) - incorrect work (everywhere, be first server who fix it... :D) 2.Deflect magic (all tank class) -not working, no effect 3.rework mage and warrior bane (summoner class) in another next updates for classic lines it's debuff,not 100% cancel. (okay, give available bottle ww2..) 4. 5. etc. You didn't see how gived some classes greater capabilites and gived "nothing" to another classes. They will not be able to oppose anything. Painted or designed skills it's a real way, or is it someone's "social order"?:D Welcome to freeshard reality? sorry for my poor english.
  6. w4rlock


    of course he doesn't know, he just presses the button