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Everything posted by Koll

  1. Hello. Contact me via skype: koll.classic
  2. Protection checking all started processes each few min randomly.
  3. Supports checking tickets based on last activity, because you added message in your ticket - ticket was moved to end of queue. Wait I will ask them to check it faster.
  4. Koll

    Can't log

    Hello. Can you login with friend account on web? ( I'm talking about login with Ingame Login + pass, NOT e-mail + pass. )
  5. I'm here, tell me if you will have problem via skype
  6. Can't https://l2classic.club/forum/topic/3531-banunban-politics/?do=findComment&comment=32768
  7. Hello. You can't get gear from char, only resources and adena. http://prntscr.com/kawpr6
  8. add me on skype: koll.classic, will check next night ( I have to wake up earlier tomorrow, so can't check it this night ).
  9. I was here last night till 4 am at Euro proxy, without any delays.
  10. Koll

    Can't log

    He is trying to login with incorrect info, ask him to login on web with same info.
  11. Koll

    Can't log

    Hello. Crash mean close or giving crash log?
  12. Koll

    Cant play

    You can PM me with team viewer info.
  13. Koll

    Cant play

    Can you show me it via team viewer? Skype: koll.classic
  14. Please create ticket and give me ID.
  15. Koll

    Cant play

    Delete system folder and put patch in client folder.
  16. Koll

    Cant play

    We have patch on site, download it, put in game folder and start game with l2.exe
  17. Koll

    Can't log

    You need to login with Login + pass, not E-mail + pass
  18. To answer topic question - he was trying to sell char. About video name - it would be 100% last video ( because if we didn't ban him, he would sell his char, but we was faster )
  19. 1) They get ban after video + you get reward 2) We have active GMs via skype/discord and you can report there 3) We have section on forum
  20. https://l2classic.club/forum/topic/3531-banunban-politics/?do=findComment&comment=32768
  21. Koll

    Baium bug Drops

    There are 2 groups of Penalties: 1) Normal mobs penalty, which is: https://prnt.sc/k65zki 2) Raid bosses penalty. Ant Queen/Core/Orfen/Baium are in Raid bosses group, as all other raid bosses.