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Everything posted by Lazy

  1. Lol not you don't care, more like you know you screwed up, but just to egoistic to admit it. Just another noob who like to claim to have much knowledge but can't tell his left from his right.
  2. Seen people selling stuff in MDT on other private servers. But at the end of the day, it's really up to the person where they want to sell their wares. If a lot of people move there, then probably more will follow. However I don't think there will be enough space there if people from every town all move there to set up shop. At least some of us would probably take a while to load/see everyone when we port in there.
  3. I believe it's stated before on forums we all have 1 box limit. Then accounts with PA just not counted in that limit. So 2 accounts with PA would mean you can have 3 windows open at once on the same machine. (2 with PA + 1 without)
  4. As for won't even report, pls do report. and make it public so all can see what a retard you are when admin proof that I never box or bot. I can't wait to see the humiliation on your side when you are proven to be the retard you are in front of everyone. And you are the one who is afraid, I have absolutely nothing to fear. So pls report and post the supposed names from your story. In fact I will help you start. I was using this char "LittleJ" a scavenger during the time in question. So if any admin is around feel free to check logs or whatever you do and see if I have ever botted or boxed.
  5. Lol you are obviously a retard. Just change your name from awaken to retarddreaming. dwarf was bottling but there with other pg? Wtf is a pg. And I always play solo with no buff box. So if you meant I had another char on, pls put the name down so admin can see and tell you what a retard you are. Pg pk you and you came back and kill "my" red pg? Lol i have only 3 chars on this server, and none of them have a single pk and only 1 of them have a Pvp point. And I never go red. So again pls put the name down of the char that's supposedly mine so that admin can again tell you what a retard you are. Stayed came back after a while and bot dwarf was botting? And you killed it? Lol I was on and spoiling mobs and nobody came back and killed me. So pls tell what dwarf did you kill that was supposedly mine again? Or maybe all the accounts on this server is mine lol. dude before you want to make up stories put some proof on, or at least put a name down. Rather than just making up stories like you had a million dwarfs botting the area and I killed them all lol.
  6. Lately there seems to be more noobs who give the excuse of fighting bots, when they fail to train legit players. Only just now, yet another one called "Ditone" a dark elf fighter tried to train with only 1 mob in tow (rofl). Idiots like these try to drop trains on players, (quite normal) then make excuses like accusing you of botting and then some other idiot also around the area will start attacking you too. Eg. MissRegulus Certainly hope that the bot hunters that administration deemed "qualified" does not have idiots as these in their ranks and have some sort of procedure to follow to determine bots from real players.
  7. in dwarven village, recipe braided hemp drop from utuku orc soldier. You can see some just after the bridge from town towards abandoned coal mine. Or lots of them in mines. recipe : leather drop from goblin brigands. Spoils unfortunately are both in other started towns.
  8. ​i think thats called 3th party software and forbidden ​Well you might be able to call that 3rd party, but I don't think it breaks any rule, since the key part which is "that automates gameplay" isn't what's happening. He's just finding a quicker way to switch between screens. He still has to control everything himself when he gets to the next screen. Sounds more like an alternative to Alt+ tab. Correct me if I am wrong.
  9. not really, they could just extend the time of those purchased already :-D
  10. Lazy


    Some guy tried to train an ol mahum commander on me while I was fighting a novice that was chasing someone that looked like he was lagging. I turned around and stun him instead and the commander finished the job. Sure glad it was 10% that time. Of course some guy tried to stun me while I was fighting mob at starter town too. But he had poor timing and I survived Yes would have been annoying, but at the end of the day, I still think dying in game should have a hefty penalty. Else it'd be like doesn't matter I can just go nuts all the time, there's no consequences. Levelling slower isn't all that bad, at least people won't get to max levels so fast or at least not stay there all the time or feel like they've reached endgame already. Isn't that why most chose low rates? so things won't be so fast like some x999999 server? I guess maybe it varies with people who planned to play a month or two versus those who hope to play a year or two.
  11. utuku orc soldier drops braided hemp recipe if that's what you were farming for if you were hunting utuku orc, wrong mob
  12. yes almost never in town, unless I was passing something to a new character. roaming outside to see changes on mob locations/landscapes etc. in classic 1.0.
  13. I downloaded the file online and dumped it in the games system folder like someone suggested elsewhere in the forums and that worked for me.
  14. thanks for the reply and sorry I didn't write before that I "only" spoilt that mob from lvl 5 - 15 on multiple characters. Hence it was odd to me that the rate was that bad. And the 6th time I even tried doing in a party just in case it was not possible to obtain while solo, because I noticed the spoil often yielded nothing at all while I was solo, and only occasionally the leather stocking recipe x8. I got so many full bow drops from the many tries that after selling it all I could buy a top no grade blunt >200k. Seems hard to believe my luck could be that bad when the full drops were so many. So just wondering if anyone else tried recently. Also wondering if it's a party only spoil.
  15. space invaders / pacman / bubble bobble / tetris
  16. Wondering if the spoil/drop rate for cbp recipe is right? Made 5 dwarves spoilt from lvl 5 to lvl 15 and got none ( lots of full drop bows) Made a 6th and try spoiling while in a party got it but still needed to spoil from lvl 5 to lvl 14 in a party. With current OBT rates so high, just seem odd to me that this lvl 1 mat recipe can be so hard to spoil.
  17. Lazy


    looks like I better start testing a little more. seems some mobs in classic 1.0 have changed places. Thought I remember boogle ratmans to be in abandon coal mine. or maybe I just remembered wrong :-p
  18. BH. Want more $$$$$ Can play dead if someone try to drop a mob train.
  19. Noticed some quests don't exist / have different rewards. Eg. lvl 3 quests to get free SOE to giran / lvl 15 talking island quest from elias gives only a alacrity pot (use to be a shield)/ lvl 21 from high priest biotin give a lousy low/mid no grade weapon (use to be EAD) Mainly found database guides elsewhere in forum. Anyone know if there's a classic 1.0 quest guide site somewhere?
  20. Used to playing older chronicles (c1- interlude) on low rate (no more than x7) private servers. Prefer to play dwarves / support (Eg BD/ SWS/ Bishop) Average about 6 hours online per day.