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Everything posted by yuuls1

  1. ei gente, acordarse de juntarnos! k a final cada uno por su lao yo soy Mikan!
  2. contar conmigo! me haré warsmith
  3. chavales que llevo desde ayer noche y no hay manera de encontrar un party para empezar el 24 de oct, animarse y buscarme jajajaja soy Mikan (warsmith)
  4. Hello! Fake Death think is wrong, I can not disable this ability until i run out of full mana. sorry for my bad english! im spanish
  5. Hello! when it leaves the list of winners ?
  6. hola!! yo tb empiezo mañana! y busco colegas! me hare una enanita <3 mi nick será ibein
  7. I had my FB ops closed to the public hehe solved! please advise !
  8. There are very few people playing the beta and it seems to me to me? I went a few times to turn and no one
  9. yuuls1

    exp x30 etc?

    It looks good server . If it is true that many people will leave , but certainly what it is going to be amazing. Work hard and group is the best of lineage 2 .
  10. I do not care if a GM plays as a normal player , without cheating . I understand that you spend time on this is because he loves the game and play . While sure to be just cool xD Gm
  11. I will also participate in this event!!!hahahaha
  12. I want to win a hair accessory!
  13. si podeis indicar cual serán vuestros nicks y el nombre del clan mejor
  14. Thanks for opening a server as well . He had spent years waiting to play like old times. I 'm looking forward to the October 24 comes.
  15. yo me apunto! ni nick en el juego es Mikan
  16. hola! yo soy español, también busco clan! mi nick es Mikan!
  17. yuuls1

    Españoles del mundo

    yo busco clan!! nick Mikan
  18. yuuls1

    Nuevo jugador!

    Hola a todos! encantado de ingresar en el foro! estoy deseando jugar.