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About c3

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  1. We had a good time on the server on start, there we're some problems but it was nice and crowded. We quit the server because of the 9 man party system and constant bad information we got from the administration/staff. I really wonder (I log in every now and then, check towns) how is it possible that literally everybody quit playing who could be a factor on this server? Now I only see a few random people in town and really low numbers of them. Are you (administrators) actually expcecting that people will play again here? That you can attract enough people with your advertising (I only see a decrease weekly)?
  2. wery wery entertaining thread. gg wp. wery funny guy hapio.
  3. c3

    IG names

    lvl 34 human wizard IG: c3
  4. ​WHICH BUG? Did you actually read the posts?
  5. c3

    party limit

    ​That's no (new) info actually. It's something that we know for a long time. We wanna know when we can expect an update ;(.
  6. c3

    party limit

    You got it all mixed up bro. There IS a milion of threads on this topic, what we actually need is to get rid of the 999 999 others, so people, including the staff, know where to look, should something usefull on the topic appear, instead of skipping all those threads, because they honestly didn't bring anything new since June. ​Couldn't find any recent. Anyway there is 0 info on progress or whatsoever -__-.
  7. c3

    party limit

    ​very good question indeed but answer is much simplier than you think: by law of freeshards admins cannot play game they work on so they just do not know 7 party is normal or not. they thought this is normal. This topic was brought up even 6 months ago during beta, they totally knew lol. ​ wow i had recently offered my help to fix this problem - no answer ​U can fix the spaghetti code? PLEASE DO. 1,5 week open. No fix. Same answers on skype and even moderators saying; 'Oh no not this again' when people complain. I already find it kind of interesting that there is only ONE thread about this subject alive right now, imho it should be 1000000 threads. U can say that we complain, but really it is a main feature in L2. We have CP's with 9 people not 7. Now we have to keep fkin adding and deleting party members to get them lvled. Takes way longer to lvl our party + support. On the other hand NicolaasNL is right, even if we complain or not it wont speed up the process, I almost lose faith here :).
  8. ​ ​im sorry about those idiots that cant speak eng. the question is when he fix it? at least rough time ​We don't have exact time. This is huge work and where you can't make any mistake. Manton all of his time working only on this problem.​ Lol, Koll. You're saying it is not fixed with this patch?
  9. c3

    party limit

    Has anybody here every played L2? 9 party slots is a feature that makes and breaks this game.
  10. c3

    party limit

    ​You sigh here, but rly. How can a server open (read a Lineage 2 server) without 9 slots in a party? For CP's its destroying everything. It's a fkin joke at this point.. I've read the threads saying it will be fixed in 3-24 hours (friday). And last monday saying 2-3 days. We've had patience for a couple of days now, but this is getting REALLY ridiculous.
  11. ​ ​ in the conclusion of this everybody lose. Because if u drop some weapon that u want to sell, nobody will actualy buy it. And u will sell this in the npc shop. Is that realy good ? How do u think economy should work. ​Play a mage, problem solved.