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BlackTarj last won the day on July 16 2024

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About BlackTarj

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  1. @Koll Exactly, change it to losing XP only in PVE, and keep it without penalty for PVP. This way you will continue to encourage PVP. Please consider this adjustment as soon as possible.
  2. @Koll You could leave the proposed deadline, just change it so you don't lose XP in PVP. After all, the intention is to encourage PVP, so it makes no sense not to lose XP for PVE.
  3. @Koll We are waiting for a response, please.
  4. Not losing XP full time on a low-hate server is nonsense, you are directly and indirectly affecting countless content and benefiting a side that cannot organize itself to kill a simple EPIC! If that wasn't enough, you've also increased the possibility of drops simultaneously! Why didn't it increase when we managed to do the last 10x alone without success in the drop? This is insane and should be removed immediately
  5. Good times when there was pvps on Prime... after this day //quit
  6. It's hard to defend the server when it comes to fun at prime lv 78+ There's simply nothing to do, there are no spots to farm items, the boss doesn't drop ANYTHING other than Phoenix Gems and some runes.... It simply loses its appeal, the majority of people only enter for Epics, Sieges, oly etc... We don't even have a bracelet size 6 to make us want to do the daily work. I'm not even going to go into the merits of the new areas that have flopped... Just go now and you'll see for yourself. The update is not 15 days old, it shouldn't be like this. Staff must urgently pay more attention to 78+ content Unfortunately, this is the reality today. I don't even have the energy to come and make suggestions here anymore. But I hope that changes. Setzer has some great suggestions! Listen to him.
  7. 1) In my opinion, yes, more than 3 BOXes should be released, after all, today many people use more than 1 computer to log into several screens. What is the difference between logging in 5 boxes on 1 computer? None! Frankly, I don't see the point in banning one thing and not banning another. The only ones who profit from this are the companies that sell laptops. 4) Not releasing level 80 is penalizing those who have committed to the game until now and UP daily. Everyone who is 79 80%+ will soon be 100% and will naturally become discouraged. Freeing those who are still 78 or 79 will certainly struggle even more to reach 80, making farm areas more competitive. 7) Sieges are one of the main contents, but by penalizing death you are taking away the dynamics and making it tedious. Many don't like losing XP and wait inside the city for the PERFECT RUSH or especially after they die they spend 15 minutes waiting for Bishop's resurrection for fear of losing 0.20% I don't see the point in removing the penalty only when more people are lv 79+, once again you are penalizing those who commit to the game and helping those who play 1 hour a day.