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BlackTarj last won the day on July 16

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About BlackTarj

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  1. Good times when there was pvps on Prime... after this day //quit
  2. It's hard to defend the server when it comes to fun at prime lv 78+ There's simply nothing to do, there are no spots to farm items, the boss doesn't drop ANYTHING other than Phoenix Gems and some runes.... It simply loses its appeal, the majority of people only enter for Epics, Sieges, oly etc... We don't even have a bracelet size 6 to make us want to do the daily work. I'm not even going to go into the merits of the new areas that have flopped... Just go now and you'll see for yourself. The update is not 15 days old, it shouldn't be like this. Staff must urgently pay more attention to 78+ content Unfortunately, this is the reality today. I don't even have the energy to come and make suggestions here anymore. But I hope that changes. Setzer has some great suggestions! Listen to him.