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About Devilys

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  1. Well it's like the old post video They Use a macro Auto clic program with mouse/keyboard. It's a third program but GM feel ok to use it i guess
  2. When you War someone you think you'll let him hit first ?
  3. Devilys


    This is not my point... It dosn't necessary to be 100% to entertain people thx.
  4. Devilys


    A lot of people wait about uptade in the server. Some ppls QQ, rage quit or are bored because no news shit come. My suggestion is keep ppl "Entertain" Like add a list about uptade 1.3 and say ok if its complete or nothing if it's incomplete. Like that people can stay tuned.
  5. Squeeze is a sneaky boy ahahah lost 10% killed by mob dammm xD
  6. They already work on uptade and that'll be up when it's ready so why everyone talk about that ? Wast of time, just wait.
  7. Ok "Boss" but you don't think its not fair for people who wanted change their class and they can't now because of that ? Class change is really nice and your restriction is really nice too i don't undestand why people qq..
  8. What happen to people who already pay for class change ? If they are able to change class its not fair to remoove it. That pull should be made before
  9. Dance of light doesn't work.
  10. Can we assume we can use auto clic prog now and watch moovie ?
  11. You can't avoid the fact in this video... Its sad because gm banned some players who use that thing in party, so it's not fair at all It looks like GM staff is not equal in this for me and i undestand people who are frustrated.