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Everything posted by MarcoIgnacio

  1. ​Did you check for the gold borders in the lvl?
  2. ​Or you can be a decent moderator and create a topic with capslock letters like this: KNOW BUGS: Soulshot Consumption - Wating for fix ​Decent or not people who don't enter forums to read but to point out only what bothers them won't read my CAPS letters even if it's in bold, underlined, with font size 72 and even stickied. ​
  3. omg just play with one account, like the game is intended to be. Dont you want classic?
  4. Maybe you need your own clan to be crafting shots. Clans wont share such valuable item to other in the begining, maybe wait for someone playing alone to start selling?
  5. Its not useless. If someone new to the server sees that will go to the forums and see what a great server this is and wait for up. So +1 player.
  6. El pp es bienvenido. Jaja.
  7. I agree it should be more pvp and pk friendly. Just for the fun.
  8. I wonder why you wrote so bad in the first sentence and then really well at the end . lol
  9. Neti's weapons from Rogue quest are also displaying the wrong ammount of ss actually used.
  10. We want to know how many online!!! Maybe even a system message ingame everytime a new record is set. Like "New record! 3500 players connected"
  11. ​Yo te cruce un par de veces in game y te grite ¡vamo ff! jaja, pero ni bola.
  12. ​double client is allowed, but not on 1 machine so if you have 2 machines, it is allowed ​Thanks for the reply.
  13. Is double client allowed? How many boxes?
  14. ​Hay gente ahi? En el TS nadie. Confirmado hay vida.
  15. ​ Hola, termina de descargar en 1 hora y entro. Ya está creado el clan?? Cuándo arranco el server? Saludos.