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Everything posted by TheScriptan

  1. ​There was only 3 restarts.. You can't say usual
  2. ​O, as Vytis klano nemaciau dar!
  3. TheScriptan

    Flame on.

    ​Your post makes no sense ​Tu irgi. ​Tavo mama ​Patinki tu man ​Kietai man tada ​Pirk Great Spear iš manęs ​Kam, jei pats turiu, kurwa pameciau bones club'a bet sekmingai issimusiau great spear'a as ble 80k suplojau ant to bone club'o... ​tai daxuja mokejei ​Ir daxuja praradau...
  4. ​Saber recipe is needed because you can get first dual D grade with them so it's very important for some people, for BD or Warrior/some class who need good damage output. ​I see! Thanks for the in-depth answer!
  5. Pm me in game: TheScriptan
  6. ​That face when you haven't spoiled it by yourself...
  7. I saw a lot of people who are trying to sell Saber recipes or top no grade weapon blades/shafts. Do crafters really buy those blades and wastes mats to create top no grade weapon?
  8. ​How do you expect server to sustain from no donations?
  9. Man šiaip įdomų pasidarė kuris pasiekė aukščiausią lygį iš lietuvių!
  10. TheScriptan

    Flame on.

    ​Ar isvis grazina? ​Nu man negražintų, nes aš visus visaip išvadinu provoke much bet mačiau, kad dalinasi jie daiktais ​Tai vienas tarp kito tai taip, bet svetimam, tai nelabai, va butu fainai kad lietuviai dalintusi vienas su kitu :DD
  11. TheScriptan

    Perkuno klanas

    Žiūrių šitas klanas tuoj 20 žmonių turės!
  12. ​Tai va va! Aš ir norėčiau gauti besiformuojančių klanų sąrašą!:D
  13. TheScriptan

    [WTS] CoL 2.2k

    Filling your pocket, eh and removing that classic feel?
  14. TheScriptan

    Flame on.

    ​Ar isvis grazina?
  15. TheScriptan


    You realize you are selling a really weak weapon?
  16. TheScriptan


    Wow! Where did you get all of these items?
  17. Sveiki, gal kas galėtu surašyti visų Lietuviškų klanų sąrašą?
  18. TheScriptan

    Flame on.

    ​Your post makes no sense ​Tu irgi. ​Tavo mama ​Patinki tu man ​Kietai man tada ​Pirk Great Spear iš manęs ​Kam, jei pats turiu, kurwa pameciau bones club'a bet sekmingai issimusiau great spear'a as ble 80k suplojau ant to bone club'o...
  19. TheScriptan

    Flame on.

    ​Your post makes no sense ​Tu irgi. ​Tavo mama ​Patinki tu man ​Kietai man tada
  20. I suggest to you to solo level up to 22 , get aggro skill and then look for party, now you are basically useless, unless in melee parties
  21. ​Thank you! In C6 Low rates books were all around the place!