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Everything posted by Banish3d

  1. Banish3d

    Monster Animation

    ​It's a classic feature (poison/bleed stackable), it's ok.
  2. Anyway Draqla said that will be restricted by computer (not IP), so technically if you have 10 PC at your home then you will be able to play with 10 account.
  3. Offline shop need just some adjustment, like be lv 20, max 10h online (sleeping/working time). And 2 restriction about dual box : Free user have to choose between playing or Offline shop / Premium account can still playing but have to choose between dual box a buffer/another char or Offline shop. I think with these adjustment Offline shop can be allowed without affect economy and add more comfort for people.
  4. Do a research next time :
  5. Banish3d

    Monsters quantity

    Maybe there are not well spread or didn't spawn correctly but i don't think it have to be like that.
  6. Maybe admin didn't put right adena amount on every mobs, there are only admin who can answer to this question. And they said using RU official database for this server, maybe it's in work in progress actually. Edit : Shackle have to drop between 20500-48000 adena here (source), infact you're right it's weird.
  7. Banish3d


    If you want a real experience wait for (maybe) EU server or play on RU/JP/KR. Admin want a x3 and many people come here for the same thing.
  8. This server have x100 adena rate, Cave Servant drop between 492-1146 adena on official, so here it's 49200-114600 adena (source).
  9. Classic is not like every other chronicle you know (even C1 is easier), just try it a least one time Russian/Japan classic and you will see, even with x3 rate you can't have a lot of adena (except from goldseller on Official but well you understand my point). Luxury is fine maybe raise price by 1.5, could be a good idea but don't remove item (anyway you still need craft part for having a full set).
  10. Banish3d

    Pytans in DV

    You're right, in 1.0 Wild magic is only on Pytan (with Pytan Knight usually) but if it's like Bloody Queen who are bug (admin disable them because they are invisible), maybe they are invisible too (need a admin to check it).
  11. Banish3d

    Global chat

    Hi, I was thinking about few private i played with Global chat, and it could be nice to have this here. For instance make Trade a Global chat, it's good for communicate (trade/clan recruit/help) and when we play world feel less empty. This feature + offline shop (if well done) add more comfort for people without be a gamebreaker.
  12. Hi, Since everything is in English (thanks !), i noticed every Blacksmith have few option who are not in Classic. - Bestow special abilities on a weapon - Seal/Unseal armor and accessories : Seal/Unseal armor grade B can be keep because if you follow update in few month when we'll have Lair of Antharas, Glove/Boot B grade will be available. For Log In visual bug, i think you are aware of this already, when you Log in on Talking Island server (Character count didn't work) and when you create a Char, Stat are not correct (base stat Goddess of destruction)
  13. Hi, I noticed on Blessed Spiritshot / Spritshot, if you have them in Auto mode (right clic on it) and use a spell, first one use them well but if you launch a second spell (buff for instance) while you first cast is launch, your second spell didn't have a casting speed boost (it's like you didn't use a BSS/Spiritshot). It's so annoying when you cast buff/spell in non stop, some have casting speed boost and some don't. Just try it, you notice that quickly. Edit : My ping is not a problem (30~50).
  14. Banish3d

    Micro freezes

    It's better but still noticeable and like Aduha said, it happen when you activate/disable a toggle. Micro freeze happen too on Traveler Haste potion (beginner wind walk) and i think it's why this potion don't have sound and animation when you consume it.
  15. On this server Xp/drop are already better than official (x3), so it's a big change anyway. ​If we have some change like Russian will have or Korean have already (like better drop/adena) or less xp loss (4% now on official), it could be nice. By the way, i'm curious to know when we will have Age of War update (it's not 2.0), without add siege there is a lot of improvement in this update (Source), like Enchanted Valley and Alligator Island.
  16. You can only find them in Gludio (grocery shop) for every book under lv 40.
  17. On Korean classic they redone a lot of the droplist (like Hex book). I think it's because they have new area (Aden and all around). Japan and Russian Classic have Enchanted Valley/Aligator Island with few change on droplist (for instance, recipe SSC don't drop anymore on Death Knight and drop on Aligator island), and i think they will have same update as Korean very soon. It need to be clear if this server use Plakis DB or Russian/Japan DB or Korean DB, 3 different database (what a mess).
  18. Check here (official database) :
  19. They already did it (until quest class are debug), it's even pinned :
  20. Banish3d


    Essaye de cocher ces 2 options dans les preference de µtorrent :
  21. Banish3d

    Micro freezes

    Same things happen to me, i have a fresh install + new system 2.0. When i equip weapon/armor or use a soulshot i've a micro freeze, on official i don't have that. PS : rename title for "Micro freeze" please, because report#1 don't help at all.
  22. Banish3d


    Full stat list from classic : - STR : P. Atk, Crit. Damage - DEX : Crit Chance, Accuracy, Evasion, Atk. Speed - CON : Max HP, HP Regen, Max CP, Weight limit, Breath, Shield Def. Success Rate,Resistance to physical skill attack (stun, bleed, etc). - INT : M. Atk, M. Crit. Damage - WIT : M. Crit. Chance, M. Accuracy, M. Evasion, Casting speed, EXP boost from resurrection - MEN : M. Def, Max MP, MP Recovery, Resist Magic Cancel Rate, Resistance to mental skill attack, etc In fact, if you up your STR with a Dagger, your Blow should be more powerful because STR affect skill power. But for Skill Crit. Damage, it's different, if you have buff (death whisper or whatever crit dmg buff), your blow damage don't count these buff.
  23. There are plenty Multiskill server, what are you doing here? Admin want to make a Lineage 2 Classic retail like, don't hope custom feature here (except Offline shop or Database).
  24. Banish3d

    Right way

    You don't understand what 2.0 mean. They want to release a new build for their server, that not mean a new chronicle update, just less bug and more fonctionality. Just be patient, they do this for free actually don't forget that.